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The Wisdom of Accepting Divine Decree - A Story of Prophet Musa and Khidr

A Grandfather's Lesson to His Grandson on Finding Peace in the Midst of Life's Trials and Tribulations

By Theen BathushaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Dear grandson, I see the struggles you face every day. The world is not always kind, and it can be difficult to understand why things happen the way they do. But I want to share with you a story, a story that has been passed down through generations, a story that carries a timeless message of hope and wisdom. It is the story of Prophet Musa and Khidr, and it is a story that speaks to the ultimate need of our time: the need for understanding, acceptance, and faith in the divine plan.

A Story of Prophet Musa and Khidr

Once, Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) asked Allah to grant him knowledge and wisdom beyond what any other human being had ever possessed. Allah responded by telling him to seek out a servant of His who possessed such knowledge. Musa set out on his journey and eventually came across Khidr, who agreed to teach Musa valuable lessons about Allah's wisdom.

As they traveled together, Khidr performed actions that seemed to be immoral and unjust to Musa, such as killing a child and damaging a boat belonging to poor people. Musa was unable to understand the wisdom behind Khidr's actions and questioned him repeatedly. Khidr explained that everything he did was according to Allah's divine decree, and that there was a greater wisdom behind every action.

The story of Prophet Musa and Khidr teaches us that sometimes we may not understand the reasons behind the trials and hardships we face. We may question Allah's wisdom and feel that we are being treated unjustly. But we must remember that Allah knows what is best for us, and that every trial we face is ultimately for our own benefit.

As the Quran states, "It may be that you hate a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you. Allah knows, and you do not know." (2:216)

So, my dear grandson, what can we learn from the story of Prophet Musa and Khidr? We can learn that life is not always straightforward, that the wisdom of Allah is beyond our limited understanding, and that the ultimate purpose of our journey on this earth is to seek Him and submit to His will. We can learn that every hardship we face is an opportunity for growth and learning, that every setback is a chance to deepen our faith and trust in Allah's plan. And we can learn that, no matter how difficult the road ahead may seem, we can find solace and guidance in the stories and teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Quran. So, my dear grandson, let us take these lessons to heart and face the challenges of this world with faith, patience, and determination. May Allah guide us on our journey, and may His blessings be upon us always.

In this world, we will face many challenges and difficulties, but we must remember that we are not alone. Allah is always with us, guiding us and protecting us. As the Quran states, "Indeed, with hardship comes ease." (94:6)

Summarizing some arising thoughts:

The story of Prophet Musa and Khidr teaches us the importance of accepting Allah's divine decree and finding wisdom in every trial and hardship we face. It reminds us that we must have faith in Allah's wisdom and trust that everything happens for a reason. We must strive to learn from our experiences and use them as opportunities for growth and development. Ultimately, we must remember that Allah is always with us, guiding us and protecting us, even in the midst of life's trials and tribulations.

Ideas to Take Away:

  • Trust in Allah's wisdom and divine decree, even when facing difficult circumstances.
  • Look for the lessons and opportunities for growth in every trial and hardship.
  • Remember that Allah is always with us, guiding and protecting us, and that with hardship comes ease.

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About the Creator

Theen Bathusha

Engineering postgraduate with a passion for exploring technology & innovation. Join me on a journey of knowledge-sharing and storytelling as we uncover the limitless possibilities of human mind. Let's embark on this wondrous voyage together

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