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The way we think can make or break us in many ways.


By Ray "The-Visualist" CooperPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The way we think can make or break us in many ways.
Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash


Well, that's what we are here to discuss and by the end of the lesson, understand.

First, we must come to a realization of the changes we want to establish for ourselves. We need to become aware of what it is we are intending to change in order to have it be possible to even make a change.

Makes sense?

Pretty much what Im saying is; " Your unable to establish a change if you don't know what it is you are changing."

So, how is it we becoming aware of our thoughts to make this change you are wondering?

Believe it or not, you have always been aware of the way you think.

You've just never taken a moment to actually realize it. Watch this.

Alright, I want you to think of a time in your past that sticks out the most to you. Got it?

Alright cool, so for instance that memory in your head right now,

  1. what was going on?
  2. Where were you?
  3. How did the situation turn out?

After you have asked yourselves these questions, now ask.


Why were you in this situation, how did this come about?

Guess what, it all leads back to "The Way You Think".

" Without thought, there is no action, with no actions, there are no emotions, with none of these, there is no existence".

Let's pull it back a little bit, went a little deep there for a minute.

So, did you notice you've had the answers all along as you thought of that past time?

As you asked yourself those very questions you already knew how the situation happened, what actions came with what emotions, and what your thoughts were.

So if your able to realize all these cause and effects after a situation takes place, what is stopping us from being able to realize it AS it is taking place?

Simply, self-awareness.

The more aware of self we are the best our chances of creating a positive outcome we have.

Practicing and retraining yourselves to be diligently aware of one's self, is not something that will be done overnight. But the time you place amongst the growth of self-discipline, the more you will be able to produce a positive environment.

Everyone has the potential of greatness, it is up to us to tap into it! With everything that is going on in the world, Now if not any is the best time to zone in on yourself. Make the best out of the situation and current state of the world. See it as a time to establish the framework for a new you.

Yes indeed 2020 has been unpredictable and god-awful, to be frank. But just like anything else in life these times too, have their benefits. For one this pandemic has caused us to remain to ourselves, stay apart and isolate. Take advantage of the time we have to ourselves and maximize the window of opportunity.

" The darkest times prove to bring people to their brightest results, through hardship comes new realizations for one's true potential. "

Do you agree?

Look at a time you faced adversity, and think to yourself about how it was you overcame that situation. You were able to find a solution to your current problem, you didn't give up, during dire times you push your way through. Leading with positivity now isn't that something?!?

Like I've said already,

We have always had the awareness that we are seeking, it is just a matter of realizing it at that time. Once we are able to come to a level of awareness in which we are presently taking notice of our thought processes within a current situation. That is when we have reached a full range of control and understand for ourselves!

With that we are able to change the course of any situation and aspect to have a positive result, also resulting in having an influence on people around us in our lives. Keep practicing and through time, you will gain complete consciousness.

All is possible through time, patience, and persistence. Keep going, the results I promise you, will be tremendous! Continue to seek n greatness for yourself! If you find my writing and way of thinking to be helpful to you, give it a like & share.

Maybe it will be able to help someone else the same way it has helped you!


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About the Creator

Ray "The-Visualist" Cooper

Ray "The-Visualist" Cooper

The simplicity of being able to provide a sense of hope, through my words is what makes what I do so meaningful and worth it!!

My writings are more than just words on a page.

Their from the heart!


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