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The Unlikely Hero

You cannot be a hero without being a coward.

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Unlikely Hero
Photo by Pramod Tiwari on Unsplash

Once upon a time in a small village, there was a young boy named Jack. Jack was a shy and quiet boy who didn't have many friends. He was small for his age and wasn't very athletic, so he often felt left out when the other kids played games.

One day, the village was in trouble. A fierce dragon had come to town and was terrorizing the villagers. The dragon had destroyed homes, burned crops, and was even stealing livestock. The villagers were afraid and didn't know what to do.

The village elders decided that they needed a hero to save the village from the dragon. They looked around at the strong and brave men in the village, but none of them were willing to face the dragon.

As they were discussing their options, Jack overheard the conversation. He knew he wasn't strong or brave, but he felt a strong desire to help his village. He decided to step forward and volunteer to fight the dragon.

At first, the elders laughed at Jack's suggestion. They didn't believe that a small, quiet boy could defeat a dragon. But Jack was determined, and he convinced the elders to give him a chance.

Jack spent the next few days preparing for the battle. He went into the forest to collect herbs and plants that he thought might be useful. He also visited the local blacksmith and asked him to make a special weapon for him. The blacksmith was surprised that Jack was willing to fight the dragon, but he was impressed by Jack's determination and agreed to make him a weapon.

On the day of the battle, Jack walked out into the field where the dragon was waiting. The villagers watched from a safe distance, wondering what would happen.

The dragon towered over Jack, and its fiery breath made the ground tremble. Jack stood his ground and held up his weapon, which was a long wooden stick with a sharp stone attached to the end.

The dragon let out a mighty roar and charged at Jack. Jack waited until the last second, then he dodged to the side and hit the dragon with his weapon. To his surprise, the dragon let out a yelp and stumbled back.

Jack knew he couldn't defeat the dragon with brute strength, so he decided to use his wits. He ran around the dragon, hitting it from different angles and confusing it with his quick movements. The dragon grew frustrated and tired, and Jack saw his opportunity.

He ran up to the dragon's belly and jabbed his weapon into the soft underbelly. The dragon let out a deafening scream and fell to the ground.

From that day forward, Jack became a different person. He was no longer the shy and quiet boy that he once was. He had found his confidence and bravery, and he felt like he could accomplish anything he set his mind to. Over the years, Jack became a hero to many people. He went on to defeat other monsters and help other villages in need. He even became a mentor to other young people who were struggling to find their place in the world.

The villagers cheered as Jack emerged from the dust, victorious. They couldn't believe that a small, unlikely hero had saved them from the dragon. Jack became a legend in the village, and the villagers learned that bravery and determination come in all shapes and sizes.

From that day forward, Jack was no longer a shy and quiet boy. He had found his confidence and courage, and he became a hero to the villagers. They realized that anyone could be a hero, no matter how small or unlikely they seemed.

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