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The Two Emotions

Love n Pain

By Poetic Empress- OriginalPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Two Emotions
Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

I feel I'm an entuned with the entire worlds emotions at times. It can be challenging, deciphering others from my own. My writings, are important me. It is a way for me to escape the pressures that arise, to quiet the mental and emotional chatter which comes often and without warning. This is not a complaint, I've learned to adjust for it as I understand my writings are not just from me, but those who left this dimension without expressing their feelings, speaking their truths, having a voice. Leaving one last whisper upon the face of this planet for someone to hear and tell their story for peace sake. Including nature may I add. It is a humbling place writing takes you. Everyday, episode of your life can be the beginning, middle or the end of a story waiting to be told in a passionate way.

The stories written by me, are of love, happiness, science fiction and fantasy. The poetry written, comes from a well of emotions which I have the honor of describing in detail at the very moment of inspiration. I don't think I have grown past my child-like ways which, are good for me. In order to write, I feel having some innocence, experience including loss in various areas, deem me as a potential candidate for others to support me by following what I do which comes naturally.

There are some amazing writers on Vocal, who have written pieces which leave you with your jaw dropped. Simply breathtaking, I applaud them for sharing their gift(s) as well as indirectly giving pointers.

I questioned myself, "If I'm good enough for this platform?" There are more writers across the world who hid the beauty within them from the world for fear of rejection. Not realizing it is their outlet, a form of expressing what's inside and therapeutic to release festering energy, which bring health issues in the long run.

It would be a dream of my mother's and mine, to have others follow and read the creative writings which fascinate me as well here on Vocal and other social platforms. I maybe an adult however, next to our creator, I am still a child learning how to become an adult.

The two things which drives me are LOVE and PAIN. Love inspires me to create limitlessly! PAIN I have encountered since childhood. The heartaches and love aches and disappointments of adults who I saw as trustworthy and safe. At the feeling of melancholy, pain takes the entire front row of my attention.

Love is a force of its own. It cannot be written in a single paragraph, nor explained as just the words, " I love you" love is an action word indeed. I am inspired by love. This is my statement in a nutshell; "You must live love daily in order to understand it." To write about love, would take a year of constant observance of ones actions daily written. This would be the largest book I perceive ever written At the closing of the book, you will have obtain great understanding of what love is, in order to allow it to flow directly through you. I maybe an unconscious guru who has come back to this life to write and explore, the profoundness of "love", who's to say?

I once viewed a couple walking, holding hands in a park, that made me smile. A smile prompted by a showmanship of love, the unity, invisible harmony and the entwining of the souls we cannot physically see, only discern. In spite of how their day may end, love is always present with a story to tell. Love creates many things. Good, Bad In fact if you care to go a little deeper with me, there are several levels to love as stated before, good, bad and ugly. Most of us want to stay in the good vibration of love. We cannot forget or overlook that love, can take a person out of character as well as place them in their right character or a darker place. I move with the energies of love, collect what it wants conveyed, and put it in such a way, it resonates with the reader at some point in their lives as present, past or future.

People do various things for love which I will say, for the attention of a person they feel an emotional bond with. Love can be permanent in ones life with a single partner, or temporary as a form of growing spiritually and mentally, with different partners throughout their growth sessions. In All its glory, love is the perfect weapon, created for mankind when combined with like-hearted souls. A multifaceted weapon to create, build, heal, restore, travel, etc. Love has no boundaries and able to permeate any person place or thing with its perfect match.

Honestly speaking, I experienced many almost, a few some and several missed opportunities in the world of love. Majority of my loves interest, happened during my 20's. Due to these experiences, It created a library of emotions for me to tap into, relate to others with empathy and write about them. I take those things that I have experienced, place them on canvas and paper to the best of my abilities with hope of healing another soul. My work is meant to meet a person where they are, with a sincere thought, the literature will speak a realization of not being alone, there are others who once were in that same place so, the comforting of the reader's bring healing.

I desire to have a legacy for others to tap into, find the home of their heart and mind with hopes of being inspired to press forward in a positive way.

I deem myself as a romantic person who loves the idea of love and the emotion(s) it bring. I've explored the emotions in depth from childhood. My passion since then was to study my older peers. learn from their mistakes. What I did not know for some time because it wasn't explained to me, being an empath means you feel others emotions. This gift, has helped me write the most beautiful things with tears in my eyes, broken heart, frustration, dark thoughts also.

In my closing, I feel it is part of my life's journey to write of my experiences in a beautiful manner with hope that it pleases the viewers and my creator.


About the Creator

Poetic Empress- Original

I am an Artist who finds joy in painting, writing short stories, interior decorating, poetry and songs. A romantic at heart with a child like imagination. A young introvert/empath, poetry activated a world of creativity through expression.

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