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The True Story

Challenge accepted

By Nicole BrownePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Don't let the challenge defeat you.

What if I told you that the life you are living today, is not your first time around? What if I told you that you decide your fate and future, nobody else? We are all put on this Earth for a reason or purpose. That is what they tell us when times are hard, right? I am writing this story to help someone follow their path, stay true to themselves, and accept any challenge with grace, smarts, and humbleness.

There is no real point to go into detail on who I am, where I am from, and my family history. This story again is not about me. Have you ever just had a random thought come to you? Driving down the street it hit me. The true possibilities of life and the afterlife. What if everything we thought were true are not true, and just a tall tale. What if the Tall Tales were the truths? Many thoughts went through my mind, and I concluded. What was the thought? Now before I tell you this, please remember this is only my opinion. This is only a chapter in my own story, there fore do not take anything in a negative way. I have nothing but love for all that read this, and respect each and everyone of you for who you are. Now let me give you a sneak peek into my chapter.

We grow up and some of our families provide us with a religion up bringing. Some are spiritual, some have strong traditional beliefs, and others are in limbo. What if all the religions were true? What if everything we are taught to believe in some way is true? Just the words that were first written have been lost in translation. What if we are all given 7 lives upon our soul being created. We are given the opportunity to live and learn, but there is a catch. Each life you are tempted with one of the 7 deadly sins, and if you are consumed with the sin, you are to repeat your life again. Each time it gets harder to avoid the temptation, but the only way for you to move forward is to refuse the temptation. Each life you are responsible to learn, experience humanity, become knowledgeable in the mind, body, and soul. Most importantly remember to stay true to yourself, and do not allow the toxins or sins detour you from your purpose.

Once the 7 lives are completed, then only then can you find the inner peace. Temptations are all around, toxicity is all around, but so is the free will to remove them, and stay grounded. Each life will be of a different perspective in humanity. You will experience all there is to experience in life, so make sure that what you do today, puts a positive footprint in your tomorrow and next day. So where is the story you ask? What was all this babble for? The story is being written by the person reading this. You friend are the story, so.... what is the story about? Where will your story take you? Will you fall into the temptations that will keep you trapped on this plane for all eternity; until the day arrives were at your weakest, most vulnerable moment in all existence. You beat the battle against the temptation. We all have stories; we all have things to learn. What is most important is in each story you make sure to implement the love, and peace from within. Understand there are challenges which we all must face, for it allows us to grow and become humble. Just make sure your challenge does not contaminate your soul and take you away from your divine self. Be kind, be humble, show love.

self help

About the Creator

Nicole Browne

Short and sweet bio: Mother, wife, friend, writer, and educator. Pescatarian/Vegan home life, and one hell of a cook! I fight for what is right, regroup at the ocean, paint my emotions. Stay humble and be kind is my moto.

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