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The Sundays and Tuesdays of my life

Imagine your life with no Sundays.

By Gargie S AnandPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Sundays and Tuesdays of my life
Photo by dominik hofbauer on Unsplash


Imagine your life with no Sundays and your holidays being replaced with working days. I am a Graduate student studying at Banasthali Vidyapith. They don’t celebrate Sunday as their weekly holiday; instead, they have Tuesday as the one. But sometimes, this Tuesday is also snatched away from us. Should I claim it as something exhausting and tiring or wonderous and overwhelming.

Sunday, this word itself holds infinite memories, happiness, as well as tensions and worries. It was till June 2018 that my Sundays were spent as Sundays. You know every human being wait for this particular day; in fact, everyone wants a Sunday in their lives, irrespective of their ages.

When I was in school, it meant no waking up early for school. Instead, it used to be the best day for the majority of the school going students. This day meant excellent family time; rather, I should say a great family get together. Sundays were fascinating, captivating and attractive. Sometimes they were terrific and astonishing. Also, they used to be miraculous as well as remarkable. This day meant that there would be something tempting for breakfast as well as for lunch. Sundays meant a super holiday. It had great plans filled with full of fun, pomp and splendor. They were majestic because they always carried light and guidance. The day had a different charm. However, unfortunately, Sundays meant more homework (sad enough).

The official day of rest mostly meant enjoyment. Sometimes this tremendous day saw a great movie time too. It meant waking up one hour late to sleep again (though it never happened). The peaceful day knows many secrets with various moods of mine. Nevertheless, it had always handled my anger gracefully. This day has seen some of the most astounding moments of my life. This innocent day witnessed many fights and duels with my brother. It was not just a day but an emotion and a feeling with great memories of its own. But it didn’t last long. Or should I say that happiness never ends? Instead, it just arrives in some other form. And in my case, it paid a visit in the form of its own sibling ‘Tuesday’.

After the arrival of July 2018, my Sundays never supported and carried those charms. Instead, it was Tuesday. The day never saw that elation of getting up late or having sumptuous breakfast and lunch. It was not easy to accept some other day as your Sunday.

Yes, there was a change, and that change was not acceptable. For weeks I tried my best to find that same kind of happiness on Tuesdays. And I assure you that I failed badly. I was never able to cherish Tuesday during the initial period. Maybe because it is a human tendency. People take time to change. Also, someone great has said, whatever happens, happens for something better. And things are cherished by one when they are lost or taken away (snatched away?). That same thing happened to me. I missed my Sundays. But now, I no longer try to find that happiness. Yes, Tuesday is not a Sunday, but Tuesday is Tuesday; it has its pros and cons. It has its fragrance and beauty and should be equally cherished, enjoyed and respected.

Now I no longer wait for a particular day in my life to celebrate. LAO TZU has rightly said that life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

The time taught me that no ‘one-day’ is essential. Every day of the week has something different to tell, something new to define and something wonderous to enjoy. I will enjoy this day as long as it will be a part of my journey. But Sunday will carry a special place deep down in my heart (I know I am being partial). I am never going to regret my lost days. I am always going to hope for the best. At this juncture, I am eagerly looking forward to encounter and discover the remaining weekdays.

To conclude, I would like to quote few lines of EMILY DICKINSON-

“Hope is the thing with feathers,

that perches in the soul,

and sings the tune without words,

and never stops- at all.”


By Simon Maage on Unsplash


About the Creator

Gargie S Anand

Gargie is a graduate in Economics and English. She loves to write about tiny things happening around. She tries to capture every moment of life through her writing. A soul who believes her powers lie within the pen and a paper.

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  • Test4 months ago

    WOW! Very amazing work!!

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