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The Seven Ways to Stay Fit, Healthy, and Contented

Seven Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy

By Celeste EverlyPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

The Seven Ways to Stay Fit, Healthy, and Contented


Staying fit and healthy is one of the top priorities in life. As humans, we possess incredible uniqueness at various levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Understanding ourselves and discovering ways to maintain good health becomes essential for leading a fulfilling life. Maharshi Patanjali, the sage of ancient yoga philosophy, advises in his Yoga Sutras: "Hayam dukkham anagatam" (Pain which is yet to come could be avoided). This profound insight teaches us the significance of living consciously and taking preventive measures to avoid future suffering. In this article, we will explore seven practical ways to stay fit, healthy, and contented.

Seven Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy

1.Observe a Monthly Fruit Day

If you are a normal, healthy person, consider dedicating one day every month to observe a fruit day. On this day, consume only fruits to give your digestive system much-needed rest and improve your metabolism. Depending on the season, a wide variety of fruits are available that are easily digestible and rich in energy-generating nutrients. Incorporating a monthly fruit day can enhance your overall well-being.

2.Drink Warm Water with Salt and Lemon

Water is a vital element for our bodies, constituting approximately 60 percent of our composition. Experts always emphasize the importance of staying hydrated by drinking sufficient water daily. To make this habit more interesting and beneficial, try drinking warm water with a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon twice a day. This simple practice helps in natural detoxification and cleansing of your system at regular intervals.

3.Practice Yoga Asanas

To stay fit and healthy, it is crucial to remain active and engage our muscular and skeletal systems. Practicing yoga asanas (poses) can be highly beneficial in this regard. Incorporate a daily routine of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) or other yoga sequences that stretch your spine in six different ways: upward stretch, sidewall bending, forward and backward bending, twisting, and inward bending. These asanas strengthen the muscles of your spine, improve your posture, and promote overall flexibility.

4.Practice Equal Breathing

Proper breathing is fundamental to our well-being. Take a few moments twice a day to sit or stand with your shoulders relaxed. Inhale for three counts, and then exhale for three counts, maintaining a smooth and steady rhythm. This technique, known as equal breathing, has the power to dramatically change your emotional state by inducing calmness within seconds. Make it a habit to practice four rounds of this breathing rhythm to experience its profound effects.

5.Take a Break and Observe Your Breathing

In the midst of our busy lives, it is essential to find moments of stillness and silence. Set aside 10 minutes each day to sit comfortably in a quiet place, preferably amidst nature. Close your eyes, straighten your spine, and relax your shoulders. Passively observe your breathing without exaggerating or altering your natural pattern. Over time, you will notice your breath becoming rhythmic, leading to a state of deep relaxation and mental clarity.

6.Engage in Creative Activities

To nurture your overall well-being, allocate 10 minutes every day to engage in creative activities. Attend to potted plants, decorate your windows, or try new recipes. These seemingly small acts can rejuvenate your entire being, allowing you to tap into your creativity and find more meaningful ways to express yourself.

7.Involve Yourself in Selfless Voluntary Activities

Once a week, dedicate your time to engaging in selfless voluntary activities. Reach out and help the elderly, cook food for someone who is sick, or teach underprivileged children. Opportunities to contribute and make a positive impact on others are abundant if we look around. By involving ourselves in such acts of kindness, we develop empathy for other people, which ultimately leads to personal growth and a better version of ourselves.

Benefits of Following the Seven Ways

By embracing these seven ways to stay fit, healthy, and contented, you can experience numerous benefits:

*Improved digestion and metabolism.

*Detoxification of the body.

* Strengthening of muscles and improvement in posture.

*Emotional calmness and relaxation.

*Increased creativity and self-expression.

*Development of empathy and personal growth.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine will enrich your life in countless ways, leading to a better and fitter version of yourself.


In a world where our uniqueness shines through at various levels, it becomes essential to prioritize our well-being. By following the seven ways discussed in this article – observing a monthly fruit day, drinking warm water with salt and lemon, practicing yoga asanas, engaging in equal breathing, taking moments of stillness, participating in creative activities, and involving ourselves in selfless voluntary acts – we can nurture our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Remember to be grateful for the blessings you have received in this life. Embrace these practices, and you will embark on a journey toward a more fulfilled, healthier, and contented existence.


FAQ 1: How often should I observe a fruit day?

It is recommended to observe a fruit day once a month if you are a normal, healthy person. This practice gives your digestive system a much-needed rest and promotes improved metabolism.

FAQ 2: Can I drink plain water instead of warm water with salt and lemon?

While drinking plain water is essential for staying hydrated, adding a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon to warm water offers additional benefits. It aids in natural detoxification and cleansing of the body.

FAQ 3: Can beginners practice yoga asanas?

Absolutely! Yoga asanas are suitable for practitioners of all levels, including beginners. Start with simple poses and gradually progress to more advanced ones under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

FAQ 4: Is equal breathing suitable for everyone?

Yes, equal breathing is a beneficial practice for people of all ages and fitness levels. It helps induce calmness and can be done by anyone seeking emotional balance and relaxation.

FAQ 5: Can I practice observing my breathing for longer than 10 minutes?

Certainly! The recommended duration of 10 minutes is a minimum guideline. If you find value in observing your breath for longer periods, feel free to extend the practice according to your preference and schedule.


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About the Creator

Celeste Everly

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