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The price of deeds

Every has got its payment

By Vincent onyangoPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
The price of deeds
Photo by Todd Diemer on Unsplash

The Price of Deeds

Once, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and whispering pines, there lived a kind-hearted woman named Elara. She was known far and wide for her compassion, always ready to lend a hand to those in need.

One chilly evening, as the first snowflakes danced in the air, a weary traveler named Marcus arrived at the village. He was a man burdened by sorrow, carrying a heavy heart and a tale of lost dreams. Elara, with her warm smile and open heart, offered him shelter for the night.

As the fire crackled and the winds howled outside, Marcus began to share his story. He spoke of a promise he had made to his father on his deathbed: to build a school for the children of their poverty-stricken hometown. Marcus had set out with hope in his heart, only to face hardship after hardship. The cruel hand of fate seemed determined to thwart his noble endeavor.

Elara listened intently, moved by Marcus's tale. She saw the flicker of determination in his eyes, despite the weariness etched on his face. In that moment, she knew she had to help.

With the first light of dawn, Elara and Marcus set out together. They rallied the villagers, and soon, the quiet hamlet buzzed with activity. Stones were gathered, walls were raised, and a spirit of unity breathed life into the construction.

Weeks turned to months, and the school began to take shape. Children, wide-eyed and hopeful, watched with wonder as their future sanctuary emerged. The air was filled with laughter and the promise of learning.

But as the school neared completion, an unforeseen disaster struck. A terrible storm swept through the village, leaving destruction in its wake. The nearly-finished school lay in ruins, its walls shattered, dreams shattered with them.

Elara stood amidst the wreckage, tears mixing with the rain. She looked at Marcus, whose eyes were filled with despair. Yet, in that moment, she saw something else too - a glimmer of hope, a fire of determination rekindled.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as the village rallied once more. With renewed vigor, they worked tirelessly to rebuild what had been lost. Slowly, the school began to rise from the ashes, stronger and more beautiful than before.

Finally, the day came when the last brick was laid, and the doors swung open to welcome the eager children. Elara and Marcus stood side by side, their hearts filled with a sense of accomplishment that words could not capture.

As the years passed, the school flourished, and the children thrived. Marcus's dream had become a reality, and the village prospered in ways they could never have imagined. The memory of those dark days and the unwavering spirit of the villagers served as a reminder: every deed, no matter how small, carries a payment.

In the end, it wasn't just bricks and mortar that had built the school, but the love, determination, and unity of a community bound by a common purpose. And for Elara and Marcus, the true payment was not in gold or riches, but in the knowledge that they had made a difference in the lives of those they had touched.Years passed, and the village and its school became a beacon of hope and inspiration for neighboring communities. The children who once knew only hardship now had dreams and aspirations that reached for the sky. Elara watched with a heart full of pride, knowing that every sleepless night and weary day had been worth it.

Yet, as the seasons changed and time marched on, so did the toll on Elara's body. Her steps grew slower, and her once vibrant eyes began to dim. The villagers, now grown and thriving, saw the change in their beloved friend and mentor. It was their turn to rally around her.

They gathered, young and old, in the courtyard of the school. With gratitude in their hearts, they unveiled a statue in Elara's honor, a testament to her unwavering spirit and boundless compassion. It stood tall and proud, a symbol of the legacy she had left behind.

One winter evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the village, Elara passed away peacefully in her sleep. The news spread like wildfire, touching the hearts of all who had known her.

The village mourned, but they also celebrated a life well-lived. They gathered once more, this time not in sorrow, but in gratitude. They shared stories of Elara's kindness, her wisdom, and the way she had touched their lives. The school, standing strong and vibrant, was a living testament to the power of her deeds.

As the years went by, the village continued to flourish. The lessons of unity, compassion, and perseverance lived on in the hearts of its people. The statue of Elara, with its watchful eyes, became a place of solace and reflection for those in need of guidance.

And so, the story of Elara and Marcus, of the school and the village, became a legend passed down through generations. It served as a reminder that every deed, no matter how small, carries a payment. Sometimes that payment is seen in the lives you touch, the dreams you inspire, and the legacy you leave behind.

In the end, the true currency of life is not gold or riches, but the love and impact we have on the world and the people around us. Elara's legacy lived on in the hearts of those she had touched, a beacon of light that continued to shine through the ages, illuminating the path for others to follow.


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    VOWritten by Vincent onyango

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