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The Power of Words

Lessons from the Ancients

By LokiPublished about a year ago 4 min read

1. Bad and good will not be given by others.

We are the masters of our own success or failure.

The distinction between "bad" and "good" is often subjective and dependent on individual values and perspectives. What one person views as bad may be viewed as good by another person, and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to take responsibility for our own lives and to make conscious choices that align with our own values and beliefs.

This statement encourages individuals to be accountable for their own actions and to recognize that they have the power to shape their own destiny through the choices they make and the actions they take.

Ultimately, our fate is determined by our own actions and choices, and not by the actions or choices of others. We have the power to shape our own lives and to create our own destiny through the choices we make and the actions we take.

2. All the places on earth are our town and all the people are our relatives.

Borders and boundaries are artificial constructs that should not divide us from our fellow human beings.

This is a beautiful sentiment that speaks to the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of cultivating a sense of universal kinship and compassion.

When we recognize that all the places on earth are our town, we begin to see the entire world as our home, rather than just the narrow confines of our immediate surroundings. This can help us to develop a broader perspective and a deeper appreciation for the diversity and richness of the world around us.

Likewise, when we view all people as our relatives, we begin to see everyone as part of our human family, rather than as strangers or enemies. This can help us to cultivate a sense of empathy, compassion, and kindness, and to recognize the inherent dignity and worth of every individual.

By embracing this perspective, we can break down barriers of division and hatred and work towards a more peaceful and harmonious world. We can learn to appreciate and respect the differences among us, while also recognizing the common threads that unite us all as human beings.

In short, recognizing that all the places on earth are our town and all the people are our relatives can help us to develop a deeper sense of connection, empathy, and compassion, and to work towards a more inclusive and harmonious world.

3. Even if your rule changes hands, stay true to your word.

As a leader, your word is your bond, and it should remain steadfast even in times of change.

Staying true to one's word is a fundamental principle of integrity and trustworthiness. When we make a promise or a commitment, we are essentially entering into a social contract with others, and they are relying on us to keep our word.

Even if circumstances change or our position of authority shifts, it is important to honor our commitments and remain true to our word. This demonstrates that we are reliable, trustworthy, and accountable, and can help to build strong relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

Furthermore, staying true to our word even in the face of changing circumstances can help to establish our credibility and authority as a leader or a person of influence. When others see that we are committed to our promises and are willing to follow through on our word, they are more likely to respect us and take us seriously.

In short, staying true to our word is an essential aspect of ethical behavior and can help us to build strong relationships, establish credibility and authority, and maintain a sense of personal integrity and accountability. Even if our rule changes hands or circumstances shift, we should always strive to keep our commitments and remain true to our word.

4. If you cannot do good deeds, at least refrain from doing bad ones.

This is a wise and important principle to live by. While it is always preferable to actively engage in positive actions and do good deeds, sometimes circumstances may prevent us from doing so. However, we always have the ability to choose not to engage in harmful or negative actions.

Even if you cannot make a positive impact, at least avoid causing a negative one

5. Avoid giving with the expectation of receiving fame or benefits in the next life.

Acts of kindness and generosity are most meaningful when they are performed with no expectation of reward or recognition.

Giving with the expectation of receiving fame or benefits in the next life is not true giving. True giving is selfless and done out of a genuine desire to help others, without any expectation of receiving anything in return.

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Educator, Artist, Gamer

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