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The other element of freedom

No, not water...

By Adorno LuisPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

I want to start by saying that Air Signs are not the only signs that represent freedom. Fire signs, especially Sagittarius are all about freedom. I’ve always believed in astrology and I’m a proud card carrying Sagittarius. I was raised by a Sagittarius and she was raised by a Sagittarius. The archer is in my blood. But it took me entirely too long to realize that I was just completely incompatible with most Earth and Water signs. Longer than I would like to admit. And it makes sense, The Water and Earth signs are the direct opposites of the Fire and Air signs. Fire and Air were the most compatible with each other and vice versa.

I know what you’re thinking, you can’t just categorize billions of people into these archetypes. Of course we’re all different. Sagittarius alone vary in different ways. The stereotypical Sagittarius is the outgoing life of the party. And I like to avoid people as much as possible. I guess from my own personal experiences I realized that people kind of suck sometimes and that's how compatibility can come in handy. Once you know a person's sign you can pretty much know what you’re dealing with and how to interact with them.

Like dating a Cancer means literally checking in on their emotional state on an hourly basis. Dating a Pisces means almost never getting a chance to vent your feelings because they'll never stop talking to let you get a word in.. They'll dominate the conversation and completely ignore most of what you said. So I completely believe these signs are exactly what they are... “signs”. Why ignore them? They’re there for a reason. If every Capricorn you date is a stubborn asshole then why do you keep dating them? Doesn’t make sense does it? The astrological chart is a guide to help us determine what we came to achieve in our lives and that includes our love life and friendships. I was one of those people who tried to give everyone the benefit of doubt. I dated the unattractive, different cultures and backgrounds. People from different age groups, boomers, millennials, generation z and x. You live and you learn.

Years ago I realized I basically had to walk on eggshells with most Taurus. At one point I realized almost everyone that I had a falling out with was a Taurus. Maybe that stemmed from my daddy issues. He was a Taurus and I never could understand how my mother, a Sagittarius could stay around for so long when they clearly were incompatible. They did eventually separate, but not soon enough. I should also disclaim that my father was also a complete narcissist, but he’s dead now (arrow to the head).

I’m glad I’m a Sagittarius. And I know everyone thinks their sign is the best sign. And maybe that’s true for them. Maybe every sign has the potential to change the world for the better. Or maybe some of them are here just to make things worse for everyone else, Like “You know...Scorpios, they can be tricky. And, I'm not saying that they lie. I'm not saying that. But you just gotta watch them.” - Mo’Nique in Precious (2009).

Now I’m not saying that Sagittarius are perfect. We’re far from it, but I like to think of myself as a well adjusted Sag. I realize when not to give my unsolicited opinion and when and where to keep my overtly blunt thoughts to myself. A lot of the times we can come off rude, sarcastic and condescending. It’s not on purpose, at least most of the time. We like to joke and try not to take things too seriously. We’ll laugh off things in a second or smile while saying something completely awful, but true. Oh and there’s a huge difference between November and December Sagittarius. November Sags are a bit more grounded and cautious while December Sags will jump off a plane without checking to see if they’re wearing a parachute. I mean they wouldn’t die or anything, they’d break a knee and get right back up then impatiently push a Libra out the way, who also wouldn't die, but would act as if they did.

Speaking of Libras, they make great friends to the feisty Sagittarius. Libras and Sags are pretty evenly matched when it comes to witty banter, sarcasm and they both have a strong need for freedom. I find that a lot of my favorite conversations have been with Libras or Air and Fire signs in general. I would totally fall in love with you if I could just say whatever was on my mind with no repercussions. I need that freedom… freedom of speech, freedom to be myself, freedom to write my unsolicited opinion about the signs...


About the Creator

Adorno Luis

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