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The One Thing You Need To Focus On To Take Your Writing To The Next Level

Learn to write with confidence

By Sahil PatelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The One Thing You Need To Focus On To Take Your Writing To The Next Level
Photo by Jodie Cook on Unsplash

Readers love to read the content that is written confidently. If you are in self-doubt while writing a piece, it might not be going to perform well. No readers like to read content that is in doubt itself.

Learning to write is a lifetime process. You have to learn it regularly. so, let’s learn to write better.

Practice Makes Possible

When I thought of becoming a writer, this was the advice that I got from so many people. Write as much as you can. Practice writing every day to master it.

This helps you to write more. However, writing is not about quantity, it’s about quality.

You don’t need to put too many words on the paper, you have to make a masterpiece, not an ordinary piece.

Practice does help beginner writers to create a piece. It helped me when I was a beginner. Taking it long to become a famous writer will not help you.

Writing isn’t a thing you can force on yourself. It should come from your inner side. Practice helps you when you are just starting your career as a writer.

What else will help to take your writing to the next level?

Did you ever think about what makes writing hard?

We all know that putting words onto paper isn’t hard physical work. However, writing is hard mental work.

“Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard." - David McCullough

This is one my of favorite quotes about writing. Writing is all about thinking. Thinking is the one thing that makes writing hard.

Most people think that writing is difficult, but it is not. If you know what to write and how to write, it will be easy for you.

Writing is all about mental work rather than physical work. To do any mental work, you first have to be in a good mental state.

If you really want to write something inspirational, you should have to be inspired. You are not going to write a motivational article when you are sad. For me, it’s just impossible.

Writing and thinking help each other. When you write, you practice thinking. When you think, you practice writing. They both are the most important part of a writer’s life. Writers can’t spend their one day without writing and writing wants writers to think deep.

No matter how many good writing styles you have, it's hard to improve as a writer if you don’t have creative thinking power.

Readers want to have a new perspective from the writers. They don’t want hard vocabulary and great phrases in your writing. They just want to read your piece because they want to see what are the different perspectives you have on a similar thing.

Therefore, if you want to take your writing to the next level you have to focus on thinking.

You have to improve your thinking power. In addition, you have to learn how to get creative ideas every day.

After reading this, if you are thinking that it’s hard to learn thinking, then don’t worry, it’s a skill and you can learn it.

I know some people are god-fixed writers. It doesn’t mean you can’t learn writing. You can always learn and grow if you are ready for hard work.

5 Ways To Improve Thinking Skills

1. Be Attentive

During the day, we go to so many different places and meet other people. Observe everything. We all have a story around us. To catch a new story idea or a new character, learn to observe things and people deeply.

Look at everything from your perspective. Once, you learn this you never have to sit and think for a story idea. You might find your story in the local market, the coffee shop, or on the bus.

You just need to actively engage your mind.

2. Analyze Your Decisions

Recall your most important decisions in life. Evaluate them and think about them deeply.

Did you make any mistakes? You know everyone makes mistakes, so look for them in your life.

Now, assume that what would happen if you did not take that decision? Would you have a better life? If yes, then write down that mistake and remember not to repeat it.

This will help you in improving your critical thinking.

3. Think Differently

Now, you all wonder how to think differently?

Just relax and sit. If you don’t get any ideas then you are allowed to take your favorite coffee or tea.

Start thinking. I know it is easier to be said than done. But, at least try. Look for new ideas. At first, it will be hard for you. Once, you practice thinking every day it will be easy for you to come up with new ideas. After all, practice makes everything possible and perfect, too.

Thinking of new ideas is one of the most interesting ways to stimulate your brain.

4. Do Regular Exercise

Exercise helps in thinking and sharpens memory. It improves your physical health and is very beneficial for your mental health, too.

It will reduce your stress, anxiety, and depression. When your mind is free from all of these, you will automatically have great ideas.

It will help you in a long run. You have to make a healthy exercise routine to develop good thinking ability.

You can try brain exercises to stretch your thinking.

5. Look For Others’ Point Of View

When you look for other’s opinions, you have a more clear idea of the particular subject. It will help you to get a better point of view.

I believe we should open ourselves to others' opinions and views, it will help you to think more in-deep.

When you know other’s views on the same subject, you have an idea on how to make your idea unique and creative.

These are the five simple methods you can use to improve your critical and analytical thinking.

In a nutshell, to improve your writing improve your thinking. Once, your mind is filled with great and creative ideas, no one can stop you from becoming a famous author.

Happy writing!


About the Creator

Sahil Patel

Writer, poet, blogger and student of life. Want to make world a better place to live by writing. passionate observer and imaginative person.

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