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The Moment I Realised What I Was Good at and What the Difficult Task in My Life Was

I paused for a second before offering a hesitant "yes." All of a sudden, everything changed.

By Ahamed ThousifPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Not everyone finds their passion in high school or even college.

The blank paper in front of me caught my attention as I perched on the edge of my bed. I was determined to identify my strengths before I graduated from high school, and it was the first day of my senior year. I had spent the summer experimenting with various pastimes and pursuits, but nothing had stuck.

My phone buzzed on my nightstand as I was seated there, my mind racing. My friend Emily texted me to see if I wanted to join the school newspaper. Although I've always enjoyed writing, I never thought I could be good at it.

I paused for a second before offering a hesitant "yes." All of a sudden, everything changed.

The first few weeks of newspaper class passed quickly amid anxiety and excitement. I had never worked on a publication before, but I approached the task with a ferocity I had never experienced. I continued to write articles as I honed my abilities and discovered my voice.

But I didn't find my calling until my editor gave me an article on the school's football squad. Although I had never been especially interested in sports, I became utterly absorbed in the world of football after speaking with the players and coaches and attending practices and games.

Everything fell into place as I started writing the feature. When I submitted my essay, my editor commended it as one of the greatest he had ever read. I wrote with fluidity and fluency that I had never known before.

That's when I realized that narrative was what I was good at. I'd always been drawn to books and movies, but I'd never given writing a serious thought as a potential career. However, as I sat there and focused on my byline in the school newspaper, I realized that I wanted to spend my life as a writer.

I immersed myself in the newspaper during the following few months, accepting as many assignments as I could and learning everything I could about the art of journalism. As the senior editor, I also joined the yearbook staff and gave my all to producing a stunning record of our senior year in high school.

I was divided between joy and terror as graduation drew near. On the one hand, I was eager to continue my education in college and launch my writing career. However, I was apprehensive about leaving the security and familiarity of high school behind.

But as I crossed the stage to earn my diploma at graduation, I felt I was prepared for whatever lay ahead. I knew what I loved, and I was willing to follow it wherever it took me.

I spent the next four years in college improving my talents and developing my portfolio as I studied journalism. I worked as an intern for a nearby newspaper, where I covered everything from high school athletics to local politics. I immersed myself in the world of collegiate life as I wrote features for the college newspaper.

I got my first work as a staff writer for a major magazine soon after graduating. I interviewed amazing people and wrote articles that informed and inspired readers throughout the nation all day long. I visited far-off locales, soaked up local cultures and experiences, and incorporated them into my writing.

I've authored articles for dozens of periodicals throughout the years on topics ranging from travel and leisure to business and money. I have established a devoted readership of people who eagerly anticipate my writing, been invited to speak at conferences and events, and won honors for my writing.

I realize how fortunate I was to have discovered what I was excellent at so early in life as I reflect back on the time when I finally realized what I was good at. In high school or even in college, not everyone discovers their passion.

The Moment I Completed The Most Difficult Task In My Life

I'll never forget the moment when I finished the hardest work of my life. It was a feeling of victory, relief, and success that I had never experienced before.

Climbing Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, was the task at hand. I had spent years training for the climb since it had been a childhood ambition of mine. I had put a lot of effort into my preparation for the task, both physically and psychologically, including innumerable hikes and climbs.

The ascent itself was difficult, to put it mildly. Before commencing the real ascent, we began at base camp and spent several weeks acclimating to the altitude. Every step was an effort since the air was so thin. All of our supplies, such as food, water, and oxygen tanks, had to be transported with us.

I was adamant that I would reach the top whatever the obstacles. I exerted more effort than I ever had before, relying solely on willpower and tenacity to push through when my body wanted to quit.

The hardest portion of the climb was the last rise to the summit. We set off early in the morning, using headlights to illuminate the blackness as we traveled. It was considerably below freezing, and the wind was roaring. Despite wearing several layers of clothing, my fingers and toes were numb.

The air became thinner as we ascended higher, and I found it difficult to breathe. My legs felt like lead, and I could feel my heart beating in my chest. But I didn't want to give up. I wasn't going to allow anything to get in the way of realizing my ambition because I was so close to doing so.

We arrived at the summit eventually after what seemed like a lifetime. Tears streamed down my face as I stood there admiring the gorgeous scenery. I'd completed it. The most challenging work I had ever completed was now complete.

The sense of satisfaction was overwhelmingly strong. Never before had I felt so proud of myself. I had demonstrated to myself that everything was possible if I set my mind to it. I had used all of my efforts and emerged successful.

Both the ascent and the descent were difficult. The ground was dangerous, and we had to be careful not to trip or fall. But I didn't give a damn. Everything was going my way, and I had nothing to stop me.

We arrived at base camp, and I passed out from tiredness. I could hardly move because my body hurt so much. But I didn't give a damn. After completing the most challenging work of my life, I felt a sense of pride and success, unlike anything I had ever felt before.

I thought back on the climb and what it meant to me in the days and months that followed. I understood that the climb had given me important life lessons about tenacity and willpower. It demonstrated to me that, whatever how challenging a task may seem, I was capable of completing it.

Since then, I've approached other challenging assignments with a renewed sense of confidence and resolve. Both personally and professionally, I have taken on new difficulties, and as a result, I have grown stronger and more tenacious.

I can see how much the time when I finished the most challenging undertaking of my life influenced who I am today. I now have the confidence to pursue my goals, no matter how difficult they may seem. It has helped me understand the value of a persistent, hard-working mindset.

I shall treasure the memory of that time spent atop Mount Everest forever. It will always stand for my fortitude, tenacity, and steadfast spirit. And it'll serve as a constant reminder to me that I can accomplish anything!

successself helpquoteshappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Ahamed Thousif

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    Ahamed ThousifWritten by Ahamed Thousif

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