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The Magic of Manifestation

The Dollhouse

By Linda PaulPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

My father was a carpenter, although he didn’t have any formal training. He was a truck driver by trade, and a very gentle soul and musician by nature. He loved to create with his hands and wood was his medium. Our home was filled with shelves and bookcases that he had skillfully put together in his own special fashion.

My father’s boss and his wife came to dinner one night. It was a very special occasion and my mom brought out the good china. I was six years old at the time, but I have a vivid memory of sitting at the table in my best crinoline petticoat and a blue dress with buttons. Despite the itchiness of the crinoline I was very excited to be joining the adults at the big table.

After dinner we all went and sat in the living room and my dad’s boss was totally intrigued by my dad’s woodcrafting. He told my dad he had a daughter my age and she wanted a dollhouse for her birthday. Could my dad make one for her? My dad agreed to make the dollhouse.

The end result of the dollhouse was pretty amazing. It had wallpaper left over from one of my mom’s home decorating projects and even linoleum left over from another one of her projects on the floor. It was almost as tall as I was... and it was every little girl's dream... including mine.

I remember crying when he put the dollhouse in his truck to take to that other little girl and he told me he would make me one too.

Shortly after that he had his first heart attack and he was just never the same. He still played his guitar and banjo and puttered around the yard. But, his love for carpentry had been replaced by less physically demanding pursuits. Hence, I never got the dollhouse.

Forward 40 years. My mom had recently passed away and I had taken over my childhood home. I had been living in Maine for the past 20 years and it was strange to be back in Connecticut. I had inherited a roommate who was a dreamer and an artist and shared my fascination with the unique and unusual.

Together we built a beautiful retreat for those who wanted to pursue things related to the esoteric. We called it Angelquest, and it became a gathering place for the artists and the dreamers. We taught classes, there was a labyrinth and a fire pit. We hosted drum circles and watched self help videos.

During this process, I happened upon a video called "The Secret". It was all about manifesting the things that you wanted into your life, and in essence, creating your own reality. I loved it.

I guess I always knew that we always have choices on which pathways to take in our lives. And I definitely always knew that how we view what happens in our life and the actions we take based upon what happens shape our reality. But I never really thought about how it all comes together. Thinking back on my life, I realized that whenever I really wanted something badly enough, it would come to me somehow. The whole business of manifestation was driven home to me one day in a way that I couldn’t deny.

My roommate, who had since become my husband and partner, went to the dump. At the dump there was a little shack where people could put items that were just too nice to throw away. It was a free for the taking deal.

When Julian came home from the dump that day he had found me a present in that little shack. When he pulled the present out of the back of the truck I could only stare in wonder. It was the dollhouse my dad had made for his boss's daughter. There was the wallpaper that was still on the walls of my mom’s house, buried now under a few layers of paint. And there, on the tiny floor of the dollhouse, was the linoleum that was still on the kitchen floor in the big house. Julian said he had found it and brought it home to me because he thought maybe I could use it as a fairy house.

What are the odds of that happening? Why did Julian pick that day and that time to go to the dump? Why did he see the dollhouse and think of me? Could it be that the little girl I was years ago had wanted that dollhouse so badly that it had no choice but to manifest in the life of the woman I had become 40 years later?

I don’t have any of the answers about how it all works... just speculation. All I really know is that I may not have always gotten what I wanted when I wanted it, but I always got what I needed.

Life is good.


About the Creator

Linda Paul

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a writer. I tend to see life as a series of snapshots and magical moments. My six children are grown now, I am retired, and I would dearly love to pursue my love of the written word.

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