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How we apply the law of attraction in our daily lives

By justine kamauPublished about a year ago 5 min read
"You attract what you get..."

Today we're discussing the concept of the Law of Attraction and its practical application in the real world. The Law of Attraction suggests that by focusing your thoughts and energy on what you desire, you can attract those things into your life. However, you believe that simply having the right mindset isn't enough, and that taking action and putting in the work is crucial for achieving your goals.

You emphasize the importance of considering the world deeply and understanding what it needs, rather than solely focusing on your own desires. By offering value to others and meeting their needs, you become valuable in their eyes. This can apply to various aspects of life, including work, career, and relationships.

To illustrate your point, you provide an example of a job seeker who approaches the job search differently. Instead of sending out countless applications and viewing the company as the prize, this individual does extensive research on the industry's problems and potential solutions. By engaging in genuine conversations with company executives and demonstrating their knowledge and skills, they position themselves as a valuable asset. As a result, the company becomes interested in them, leading to job opportunities and negotiation leverage.

You emphasize that in order for this approach to work, two conditions must be met: first, you must become valuable by acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge, and second, you must be perceived as valuable by effectively showcasing your expertise and understanding of the industry's challenges.

You assert that by consistently applying this principle in various fields, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and attract opportunities and people into your life.

This principle can be applied not only in business but also in relationships. By understanding the needs and desires of potential partners or friends, you can position yourself as someone who can enhance their lives. Instead of solely focusing on your own wants and needs, you shift your attention to what you can offer to make their lives better.

In relationships, this approach can be transformative. Instead of chasing after someone and desperately seeking their attention or validation, you become the prize. You showcase your qualities, talents, and the positive impact you can have on their life. This mindset shift puts you in a position of power and allows you to attract the right people who genuinely appreciate and value what you bring to the table.

However, it's important to note that this approach requires a balance between selflessness and self-interest. While it's crucial to understand the needs of others and offer value, you must also take care of yourself and ensure your own well-being. It's about finding a harmonious synergy between your own goals and the ability to make a positive impact on others.

Applying this principle consistently and across different areas of your life can lead to significant advantages. It sets you apart from the majority who only focus on their own wants and needs, making you stand out as someone who genuinely understands and contributes to the world around them.

Remember, the key is to become valuable by continuously learning, growing, and acquiring the skills and knowledge that are relevant to your chosen field. Additionally, you must effectively communicate your value and expertise to others, ensuring that you're perceived as valuable.

By adopting this mindset and consistently applying it, you'll find that opportunities come to you naturally, and you attract the right people and circumstances into your life. It's a powerful principle that can propel you ahead of your competition and bring you closer to achieving your goals.

The Law of Attraction goes beyond just having a positive mindset. It requires taking action, putting in the work, and considering the needs of the world around you. By becoming valuable and being perceived as valuable, you position yourself as the prize, attracting the right opportunities and people into your life.

To fully integrate this principle into your life, it's essential to cultivate a mindset of continuous growth and improvement. This means consistently seeking knowledge, honing your skills, and expanding your understanding of the world. By doing so, you not only become more valuable in your chosen field but also develop a deeper understanding of the needs and challenges that exist.

In addition to personal development, effective communication plays a vital role in being perceived as valuable. Learning to articulate your ideas, express your thoughts clearly, and actively listen to others allows you to connect with people on a deeper level. When you engage in genuine conversations and demonstrate a genuine interest in others, you build rapport and establish yourself as someone worth paying attention to.

Applying this principle requires effort, dedication, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. It may involve taking calculated risks, seeking out new opportunities, and embracing challenges. But the rewards can be tremendous.

As you consistently embody this mindset of value creation, you'll notice a shift in how others perceive you. You become someone who is sought after, respected, and admired for your expertise and contributions. People naturally gravitate towards those who bring something meaningful to the table and have a genuine desire to make a positive impact.

Moreover, this approach allows you to transcend the limitations of a scarcity mindset. Instead of feeling the need to compete and chase after what you want, you attract opportunities effortlessly. The focus shifts from scarcity to abundance, from chasing to attracting. You become a magnet for the right circumstances, people, and resources that align with your goals and values.

It's important to recognize that applying this principle requires patience and persistence. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your path to success. There may be setbacks and challenges along the way, but with a deep understanding of the world, a commitment to personal growth, and the ability to communicate your value effectively, you'll navigate these obstacles with resilience.

In conclusion, the Law of Attraction is not a passive wishful thinking, but an active and intentional process. By considering the world deeply, becoming valuable, and being perceived as valuable, you position yourself to attract the right opportunities and people into your life. Embrace this mindset, take consistent action, and watch as the world responds to your presence with remarkable opportunities and synchronicities. Remember, it's not just about what you want but also about what you can offer to the world.

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justine kamau

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    justine kamauWritten by justine kamau

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