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The Law of Action

Inspired Action + the Law of Attraction = Vortex of Possibilities.

By Flannery McIntyre DziedzicPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Law of Action
Photo by Ethan Elisara on Unsplash

Some say that 99% of your reality is within your mind, i.e you create your reality with your thoughts, emotions, the law of vibration, the law of attraction and so on.

The physical reaction our brain shows us is called the Reticular Activating System. (Or R.A.S)

Your R.A.S is what occurs when you focus on something. For example, let’s say you have a goal to buy a new Maserati. This is your dream car. You look at it often, then you test drive one, you also do some research on which exact one that you want to pick out and so on.

All of a sudden, everywhere you go, you see advertisements for it, or you see them on the street around you. This is because your R.A.S has been activated, you are now picking up on what was already there.

What you focus on, your thoughts literally create your reality. So that being said, everything starts internally with what you think about, dwell on, want and desire.

Inspired action, will take you to the next physical level. Allowing you to put your will, your thoughts into action and what inevitably brings you your desires.

This can be a difficult concept to wrap your mind around for most of us, because we tend to overcomplicate and force certain outcomes and that goes against one of the most fundamental laws of the universe, the 7th Law, The Law of Attraction.

Theo E.J. Wilson wrote a book called the Law of Action. He calls the 3rd Law of the Universe “The Master Key To Success”.

Theo Wilson also stated “Nothing in existence is fair. You either take inspired Action, or Action takes you.”

Everything is always in motion, the universe is always in motion. We are manifesting our reality whether we actually realize we are, or not.

The universe is not out to get you, it is out to teach you.

As sentient beings, we know and understand many things beyond the physical. Once you are able to wrap your mind around these spiritual concepts that can manifest into the physical, we will be able to take inspired action, bringing us on the path to creating the life we want for ourselves and the collective consciousness.

How do I take Inspired Action? It begins with letting go of the outcome. Just as with the Law of Attraction, you have got to let go. Manifest, visualize, affirm your desires, believe that they are and let them go. Once you are content with where you are at currently, love yourself and all that is around you, the good, bad, ugly, the difficult, you center yourself and align yourself with love. Once you are operating at this level of love and peace and let go of all of the outcomes you want and expect, and just trust in the universe that it is always working in your favor, you are ready to take inspired action. You are always living your purpose. You are already in your purpose for your life. So align yourself with your beliefs that what you desire is already yours, begin to feel it, become it.

The inspired action that you could take, literally has endless possibilities of what they could be. It could be something as simple as a thought or vision you have for your blog that normally you would dismiss as ‘impossible’ or ‘not likely’. It could be as simple as going to the grocery store, or as complicated as auditioning for a role in a movie, it could be literally anything that we do.

Once you bring yourself to a higher vibrational level and you have let go of the desired outcome that you manifested for yourself, you’re now operating at a level that is ready to receive.

One common mistake people make when they hear about these laws is they scoff or laugh at the idea that we can manifest such amazing things for ourselves. They say things such as: “So if I just believe I’m a millionaire, and manifest it and let it go, I will be a millionaire the next day when I wake up?” Obviously that is not the case. It’s much deeper than that. You can absolutely manifest wealth, of course, however it typically doesn’t happen overnight necessarily, and it always takes some sort of inspired action.

Aaron Doughty had a vision for how he wanted his YouTube career to take off. He was learning about spirituality and found that he had much to teach others, and he saw a need for more spiritual Vloggers on YouTube. He took inspired action, by making daily YouTube videos and quickly gathered a following of divine truth seekers. His inspired action was simply making 1 video every single day. Regardless of the outcome, regardless of how many people actually watched in the beginning, he decided he would let go of the outcome, and make 1 video a day for a year. Now look at him, he has manifested an incredible life, helped touch millions of peoples lives and now he is doing live conferences.

Your inspired action, could be something so simple like talking to someone in line while waiting to check out. That person could lead you to your dream career, or lifestyle that you desire. That person could be your soulmate, or be the reason you get on a certain path in your life that you never dreamed could actually happen for you.

So, to sum it all up, the Law of Action, or Inspired Action, is simply what you physically do after you align yourself spiritually for your desired outcome.

You are always in motion, thus always taking some form of action, or action is taking you, so take control of your life, create the reality that you deserve for yourself.

As I said earlier, as sentient beings, we tend to overcomplicate these Laws when attempting to implement them in our lives, don’t overcomplicate it. Manifest, let go of the outcome, and live your life. Who do you want to be? I know you can become that person you have buried deep inside. I believe in you to take inspired action now, begin to see it for yourself, believe that it already is, and it will be.

self help

About the Creator

Flannery McIntyre Dziedzic

Flannery is a wife, mother, writer, and an army national guard veteran.

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