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The Importance of Living In The Present

The Best Preparation For Tomorrow

By Ruth Elizabeth StiffPublished 7 months ago 4 min read
"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today"

“Tomorrow is not Promised”

We have all heard this phrase before, but have we truly internalized its meaning? In a world that is constantly moving and changing, it is easy to get caught up in the future and forget to live in the present. We often find ourselves focusing on tomorrow, preparing for what’s to come, and neglecting the importance of today. However, I believe that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

Living in the present moment is a concept that has been emphasized by many ancient philosophies and religions. Yet, in today’s society, it has become increasingly difficult to practice. We are constantly bombarded with distractions and expectations that pull our attention away from the now. The rise of social media and technology has added to this phenomenon, making it harder for us to disconnect and be fully present in the moment.

But why is living in the present so important?

Firstly, it allows us to fully experience life. When we are always planning and preparing for tomorrow, we miss out on the beauty and wonder of today. Life passes us by in the blink of an eye, and if we are not paying attention, we will miss out on moments that can never be relived.

Secondly, living in the present helps us to reduce stress and anxiety. When we constantly worry about what is yet to come, it can create unnecessary stress and rob us of our peace of mind. We may find ourselves overwhelmed with thoughts about the future and what might happen, causing us to lose focus on what needs to be done today. By fully immersing ourselves in the present, we can let go of these worries and find a sense of calmness.

Moreover, living in the present allows us to be more productive. When we are fully engaged in what we are doing at the moment, we are able to give our best effort and attention to the task at hand. This leads to better results and a sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, when we are constantly thinking about tomorrow, our minds can become scattered, and we may not be as efficient in our work.

Where are you going today?

But what does it mean to “do our best today”

It means giving your all in everything you do — whether it is at work, in relationships, or in pursuing your goals and dreams. It means being fully present and engaged in the moment, and putting your heart and soul into whatever you are doing.

For some, doing their best may mean taking small steps towards their goals. It could be waking up early to exercise, working on a project that has been put off, or simply making time for self-care. For others, it may mean having difficult conversations with loved ones or coworkers to improve relationships. Whatever it may be, the key is to give your best effort every day and not let opportunities pass you by.

It is also important to acknowledge that doing your best today does not mean perfection. It means showing up as your authentic self and giving your best effort, even if it is not perfect. We are all human, and we will make mistakes along the way. However, by focusing on the present and giving our best effort, we can learn from these mistakes and continue to grow.

So how can we start living in the present and doing our best today?

Here are a few tips:

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment without judgment. It can help us detach from our thoughts about the future and bring our attention back to the now.

Set small achievable goals: Instead of focusing on long-term goals, set smaller goals for each day that align with your bigger goals. This will help you stay focused on what needs to be done today rather than worrying about tomorrow.

Disconnect from technology: Take breaks from social media and technology to disconnect and be fully present in the moment. This will help reduce distractions and allow you to focus on what’s important.

Prioritize self-care: Taking care of yourself is crucial for being able to do your best today. Make time for activities that bring you joy and recharge your mind and body.

Reflect on the present: At the end of each day, take a few moments to reflect on what you have accomplished and how you showed up in the present. This will help you to stay motivated and continue to give your best effort.

Look for tomorrow by living in the present --- today

In conclusion, the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. By living in the present, we can fully experience life, reduce stress, and be more productive. So let us make a conscious effort to let go of worries about tomorrow and focus on giving our best effort in the present moment. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “The future depends on what we do in the present”.

So let’s make the most of today and trust that tomorrow will fall into place.

self help

About the Creator

Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

I love all things Earthy and Self-Help

History is one of my favourite subjects and I love to write short fiction

Research is so interesting for me too

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    Ruth Elizabeth StiffWritten by Ruth Elizabeth Stiff

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