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The Habit

“Invest Energy in Judging yourself, Rather than Others!”

By Gurulathan SPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

Habit is the foundation upon which success is built. Small actions, repeated consistently over time, become powerful habits that shape our lives. Habit is the bridge between intention and action. By harnessing the power of habit, we can transform our lives and achieve our goals.

“Our habits determine our destiny.” - Gurulathan S

Me: Sifu, have you ever thought about how habits affect our lives?

Sifu: Yeah, definitely. It is amazing the way our habits shape our daily routines and overall lifestyle.

Me: I have been trying to form some new positive habits lately, like waking up early at 4:00 AM and investing time in my exercise schedule. But sticking to it consistently has been a challenge.

Sifu: That's totally normal. It takes time and effort to create a new habit, especially if it is something you are not used to doing. Have you tried to set the alarm and do you keep your mobile away from your bed so that you must leave the comfort of your bed to turn it off?

Me: Yeah, I have tried these hacks, but I still struggle with following through.

Sifu: Maybe you can try finding an accountability partner or joining a group to keep yourself motivated and accountable.

Me: This is a good idea. It will definitely help to seek some support and encouragement along the way.

Sifu: Indeed. And remember, it is okay if you slip up sometimes or miss on a day. The important thing is to keep trying and stay committed to forming this new habit.

Me: Thanks for the advice. I will keep at it and see if I can finally cement this habit.

Sifu: You have got this! And who knows, maybe your morning routine will become such a strong habit that you will not even have to think about it anymore.

Fitness became my habit rather than my goal. I devised a lot of recipes and diet plans which are aligned with my fitness growth and maintain my Body Mass Index under normal weight.

What is a Habit?

A habit is a behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. Habits or behaviors are formed through a process known as "habituation", wherein the brain adapts to a repeated stimulus. When you perform a behavior repeatedly, your brain creates neural pathways that make it easier and more efficient to perform that practice in the future.

During my fitness journey, training my mind and registering the new habit in my subconscious mind was very easy. When you do a set of activities at the same time every day for 48 days, it becomes your habit. Knowing or unknowingly, it gets registered in your subconscious mind.

There is a technique to get a habit programed in your subconscious mind. Below are 3 simple steps for transformation:

- Mindset

- Skills

- Massive Action

“Practice does not make you Perfect, it makes you Progressive!” Gurulathan S

1. Mindset

Developing a positive and growth-oriented mindset is essential when it comes to forming and maintaining habits. Here are some key mindset shifts that can be helpful:

Embrace a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is one where you believe that your abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. When it comes to habits, this means that you believe that your habits can be changed and improved over time with effort.

Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: It is important to remember that forming a new habit is a journey, not a destination. Celebrate small wins and progress along the way, rather than focusing solely on achieving perfection.

Learn from Setbacks: Instead of getting discouraged by setbacks, use them as an opportunity to learn and grow. Analyze what went wrong and adjust your approach moving forward.

Practice Self-Compassion: Habits can be challenging to form and maintain, and it is important to be kind and compassionate to yourself throughout the process. Recognize that setbacks and mistakes are a natural part of the process, and be gentle with yourself as you work towards your goals.

Visualize Success: Imagine yourself succeeding in forming and maintaining the habit you desire. Visualize yourself taking the necessary steps to achieve your goal and imagine how you will feel once you have accomplished it. This can help to create a positive mindset and motivate you to take action.

2. Skills

Developing certain skills can be helpful when it comes to forming and maintaining habits. Here are some skills that can support your habit-building efforts:

Time Management: Managing your time effectively is key to making space for new habits in your daily routine. Look for ways to optimize your schedule and eliminate unnecessary activities or distractions.

Self-Discipline: Building new habits requires consistent effort and self-discipline. Practice setting boundaries and sticking to your commitments, even when it is difficult.

Patience: It is important to be patient with yourself as you work towards forming new habits. Remember that it takes time and effort to create lasting change, and be gentle with yourself along the way.

Mindfulness: Cultivating mindfulness can help you to be more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which can be helpful when trying to form new habits. Practice being present in the moment and noticing your habits and triggers.

Accountability: Having someone to hold you accountable can be a powerful motivator when it comes to forming new habits. Look for a friend or family member who can support you and help you stay on track.

Flexibility: Finally, it is pivotal to be flexible and willing to adapt your approach as needed. If something is not working, do not be afraid to try a new strategy or approach to forming your habit.

3. Massive Action

Taking massive action can be an effective approach to forming and maintaining habits. Here are some strategies for taking massive action toward your habit-building goals:

Break it down into smaller steps: Rather than focusing on the big picture, break down your habit into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help to make the habit-building process feel less overwhelming and more achievable.

Create a plan: Develop a specific and actionable plan for forming your habit. This might involve setting clear goals, identifying potential obstacles, and outlining steps you can take to overcome them.

Commit to a specific timeline: Set a specific timeline for forming your habit, and commit to taking action every day towards that goal. This can help to build momentum and keep you motivated over the long-term.

Creating a habit can be a daunting task, but it is essential if you want to achieve your goals and lead a more productive and fulfilling life. The good news is that creating a habit is not as difficult as you may think. With a little discipline and perseverance, you can turn any behavior into a habit that will become a part of your daily routine.

Why habits are important?

Habits are paramount because they can have a significant impact on our lives. The habits we develop can affect our physical health, mental wellbeing and overall productivity.

Habits can help us achieve our goals.

When we develop habits that are aligned with our goals, we are more likely to achieve those. For example, if your goal is to exercise regularly, developing a habit of going to the gym or going for a walk every day can help you reach that goal.

Habits can improve our health.

Many habits are related to our health, such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. When we develop these habits, we can bolster our physical health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Habits can reduce stress and improve mental wellbeing.

Some habits, such as meditation or practicing gratitude, can help reduce stress and improve our mental wellbeing. When we make these habits a part of our daily routine, we can experience more peace and happiness in our lives.

Habits can improve our productivity.

By instilling habits that help us focus, prioritize tasks, and manage our time effectively, we can be more productive in our work and personal lives. This can help us achieve more and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Habits can make our lives more efficient.

When we develop habits around routine tasks, such as doing laundry or washing dishes, we can make those tasks more efficient and less time-consuming. This can free up time and energy for other activities.

Habits are imperative because they can help us achieve our goals, improve our health and mental wellbeing, increase our productivity, and make our lives more efficient. By developing positive habits and eliminating negative ones, we can create a lifestyle that supports our overall wellbeing and success.


About the Creator

Gurulathan S

On a mission to transform 10 million lives to live a healthy & stress free life to be productive and happy

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