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The fear of achieving success later in life.

Why There Is No Right or Wrong Time to Be Successful in Life

By lucy silayoPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Have you ever felt like you're running out of time to achieve your goals? Well, you are not alone. In this article, I will share my personal story of struggling with the fear of achieving success later in life, and how I learned to overcome it."

When I was young, thoughts of money and starting a family were distant concerns. However, as adulthood set in, so did a wave of fears. I became haunted by the idea that I wouldn't be able to get my life together at the "appropriate" age dictated by society. The pressure to establish a stable income, marry, and have children before turning 30 weighs heavily, particularly for women in their late twenties. The constant barrage of questions like "When will you get married?" and "When are you going to have children?" serves to exacerbate these fears.

Navigating Uncertain Paths: These concerns keep me awake at night, contemplating the path towards these accomplishments that often feel beyond my control. Can I simply will a loving husband and beautiful children into existence? Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. It's an unpredictable process that sometimes requires an element of luck.

Challenges of Love and Relationships: As I age, I find it increasingly difficult to fall in love. Perhaps it's due to past relationships or the shrinking pool of potential partners. It seems that the men I encounter lack the qualities necessary to capture my heart. Each time I feel excited about someone new, the initial spark fizzles out. At times, I wonder if it's because I'm burdened with financial stress, which makes it hard for me to open up to love.

Finding My Own Path: Occasionally, I remind myself that age is catching up and consider having a plan B—a life that doesn't necessarily involve a husband. I've devised a contingency plan: achieve financial stability by my 30s and have two children. If a man comes along after that, great. If not, that's okay too.

The Nightmare of Financial Stability: Becoming financially stable before reaching 30 is another daunting aspect of my life. If this isn't a common goal for most people in their 20s, then I must be an outlier. Additionally, being born into a disadvantaged family makes achieving financial success all the more challenging, although I acknowledge that this doesn't apply to everyone.

Battling Self-Doubt: Every time I inch closer to success, challenges pull me back to square one. Am I cursed? What am I doing wrong? Am I lazy or simply not intelligent enough? These questions plague my mind whenever my plans go awry.

Independence and the Need for Connection: I understand that some might question why I depend on finding a partner to make my life complete. It's true, I don't need a man or woman to find happiness or fulfillment. However, at some point, we all desire companionship. No one wants to be lonely. If that special someone hasn't arrived yet, we must learn to forge ahead with our lives.

A Message of Hope: To those feeling immense pressure and a sense of time slipping away, I can't offer an abundance of inspiration. But I do know this: giving up is not an option. Despite the weight of responsibilities, never forget to live and pursue the things that bring you joy. In the end, happiness is something we all deserve.

While many of us grapple with fears and uncertainties about achieving success later in life, it's crucial to remember that life unfolds at its own pace. We should strive for personal growth, but not at the expense of our happiness. Let us face the future with resilience, determination, and a belief that there is no predetermined timeline for success.

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About the Creator

lucy silayo

Life is interesting when you do not let your challenges define you and drag you back. Here you will get to read different ideas. Entertain, educate and motivate yourself through my articles.

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