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The end of the beginning of the now.

Buckle up. You are going on a ride.

By Philip ChristiansenPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
As the sun goes down one place. It rises another.

Phase 1.

Everything has a beginning. Everything has an end. Everything is changing.

The circle of life. Goes around.

A consciousness mind is a mysterious place.

An unconscious mind is a dangerous place.

The potential is bigger than you can imagine.

If you can direct yourself. Into a better life.

Even though our bodies might suffer a lifetime of pain, our minds will never age, but only get more experienced.

Every day. A new day. Every night. A new night.

The planet spins around. Why I think the sunset is something else, as the sun rises somewhere else.

What you choose to believe. What you choose to see. What you choose to hear.

It is sometimes different, then what is actually there. Something more. Something less. Why do you feel things, you can’t see?

Phase 2.

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"

- Shakespeare

I've had this experience, due to the education system of Denmark.

In Denmark, you are sometimes forced to do an internship during your education to get that fancy title.

It's your own choice, for a more practical way of learning.

After a lot of research and my own previous job functions, I am amazed, how companies that are doing well but also exploiting the option of 'free work' from a student, who should focus on themself and their own learning curve, and their final thesis.

It's unfortunately very common, but no one talks about it.

The educational system allows companies to exploit this opportunity, which they do, over and over again. As they don't need to pay the employees as they are interns, and get monthly tuition from the government.

In my case, I was given two months to complete my final thesis, by the educational institution.

I ended up only using 5 days in a row to write my bachelor's and move on, because I prioritized the work in the company, as I was promised to continue in the company.

Until suddenly out of the blue, I got fired.

The project was finished. Potential income had come from this and will generate more in the future.

Now, who should get recognized for the work?

And who should be paid for their time?

Certainly not the person who did the job... No. No. Not in Denmark. Not in this company.

This is an example of a CEO being component certain.

But with wrong core values.

If you value, money, power, and titles over anything else. I wish you luck, but a fulfilled life, will you not be able to look back on.

I have been employed in a lot of different companies over time. One thing that shines through, is the excitement of the CEO, and how that affects the rest of people.

But what is that excitement build upon?

A vision, a mission, some values?

Great, but why are you as a person, driven to this job every day?

Unfortunately, most people are driven by cash.

How can we double our profits, with less effort?

Optimize, cut, invent, quick, now, go go go?

That continuous growth can be done.

But can you tell the difference between potential income in people and hard cold cash?

Apparently, a lot of people cannot.

Which leads us to a question about certainty and uncertainty?

Do you believe in yourself?

Who dares to ask you the questions, you need to hear?

I care about people, and not about your title or cash.

Who dares telling CEOs what to do?

I do.

So come back at me, and let's have a discussion if you dare.

Or just take the inspiration for yourself.

If you have the knowledge, to try to build a business and a brand.

In order to succeed in the long-term.

Then burning relationships, taking other people's time for granted, expect something, and not give something yourself, is not the way.

Also believing you are the only one, with the greatest ideas and nothing else matters, is one of the most dangerous situations you can put yourself in, it is not the way.

Where is the trust, where is patience, where are the smiles?

I came up with a small model, go ahead and place yourself with honesty.

1. Incompetent uncertain

2. Competent uncertain

3. Incompetent certain

4. Competent certain

I would like to show respect, and say everyone is competent.

So are you uncertain, or you certain?

Either way, you have to make a choice.

How do you know if you are competent uncertain or certain?

That's up for you to decide.

It's funny, how people use so much time on the external factors, like branding, stars, recommendations for their business, when I actually see the person behind is struggling just to keep their own thoughts together.

It's funny, how people don't care about their employees because money is the driven factor.

It's funny, how you can change your perspective about a person in a moment.

It's funny, how some people neglect other people's knowledge and experience because they are so caught in their own spiderweb, that they can't see the forest for the trees.

Stop fucking with people's lives, look up from your screen, be honest, it's okay to be insecure about yourself.

Phase 3.

A little poem I have written, maybe I’ll turn it into a song.

’The flow is around.

The human senses are a craft of nature.

Everything is connected.

Whether you deny it, or not.

This is only the start of a new chapter.

A chapter, which will change the course of history.

If everything is temporary,


The Honesty.

As everything will fall,

into place.

Over. Time.

And what you shall all experience,

Is the best of what I have learned from the worst.

These experiences are something of my own,

which I try to describe the best I can.

But, the weird thing is.

I am not alone.

We are all together,

together in this world of pain

A course we can change,

Many paths to choose,

Which one will you,


And believe,

'That we all can live as one' - John Lennon

If you are ready to dig into a new adventure.

Of what is so far unknown discoveries.

Feel free to tag along.

As I share small moments, good and bad.

For you to see,

For you to learn,

how smiles can be created through,

your own determination.

You see,

I know by doing this,

I will make you...

















Right there!

Is a bonus for me :)

Peace, love & harmony

stay honest, stay healthy, stay lovely, stay vibey


<3 <3 <3


About the Creator

Philip Christiansen




Sing & songwriter.


Free thinker.

- with love

stay honest, stay lovely, stay healthy, stay vibey

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