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The Big Fat Panda

7 Things to learn from the Kung Fu Panda

By Vatsal PatelPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Source: Wallpapercave

Kung Fu Panda is an animated martial art adventure-packed series with numerous spouts of wisdom, chunks of inspirational dialogues, and interesting life lessons that are implanted in the storyline. It has been made by Dreamworks.

We all watch movies to get entertained, but most of us don't learn anything new from it, thinking "It just happens in movies". Yes maybe, it only happens in a movie like a hero was dumb or a failure and suddenly got a transformation and changed the world, but from the story, we can learn some good qualities. We can learn from anything we see around us, all we have to do is look and listen with an open mind.

There is a famous quote:

"It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes but an even wiser man to learn from other people's mistakes."


In the movie, the panda, whose name is Po, was chosen by a wise old turtle, Oogway, as the dragon warrior to defeat the enemy. Unfortunately, Po was an unlikely character for he was fat and clumsy. He was viewed with much skepticism and doubt by his martial arts teacher, Shifu, and the Furious Five: Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Crane.

Following are the 7 best things one can learn from Kung Fu Panda movie:

1. Never Give Up

Source: Wallpapercave

In the movie, Po was curious about who will be declared Dragon Warrior so he climbed hundreds of stairs even with that heavy body but he reached late and the doors of the fort were closed, so he tried every possible way to get entry into the fort and eventually reached on the chair with fireworks.

In the entire series, his character has an attitude of never giving up. Even after bullied so much he didn't give up on training and became a Dragon Warrior.

In real life, we too face many problems but some of us can't withstand it or choose an easy path, though it's less fruitful in the future. The problem is people don't want to face the problem and want smooth going life but the truth is life is uncertain, so we don't know where we get a problem, but if we have a Never Giving Up attitude we can tackle it.

2. There are No Accidents

Source: Wallpaperaccess

When Oogway declared Po as the new Dragon Warrior, Shifu was very unpleased with his decision. He thought the whole incident was a mistake. However, Oogway stuck to his guns and said “there are no accidents“.

Everything that happens in our life is meant to be. It might be the result of our actions and thinking or not, but the key is personal growth. The situation might be good or bad but one cannot change it, the only thing we can do, is learning from it. Because one's wisdom and strength come from life experiences.

3. Live In Present

Source: Wallpapercave

When Po was declared Dragon Warrior he was a little bit daunted with the idea and the responsibility of being the Dragon Warrior. When he was about to give up, Master Oogway shows up to drop some wisdom. He said, “You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present”.

When we are sad or unhappy with the situation we often think about mistakes and bad incidents of the past which might be painful and sometimes make us realize our mistake. Of course, we should learn from them but sticking with the past is waste of time, we have plenty of opportunities banging the door so we should leave the past behind and move on. Similarly, our future is a blurred picture that we can guess but can't be sure of. Because as life is uncertain we don't know what will happen.

Though wise men always plan for a bright future we should not forget that past was once present and the future is built upon actions we take today, so we should always leave in present, work in present, and enjoy the present taking past and future along with.

4. Accept the Truth and Move On

Source: Wallpaperaccess

In the second part of Kung Fu Panda, Po knows the truth about his panda village. He gets to know his mother was killed and the village got destroyed by the bad wolves. He got into a carat and reached Mr. Ping, who raised him. When he discovered such a heartbreaking truth he accepted it and moved on to fight the villain, though he was sad at that moment.

The key is to accept the condition we cannot change and not blame us or anyone or anything. By accepting, the condition becomes less harsh and the mind starts to settle down. We can be sad, unhappy, or angry after all we are humans but we should always move on.

5. Believe in Yourself

Source: Wallpaperaccess

After Oogway nominated Po as the Dragon Warrior, everyone was pretty skeptical about his decision. Shifu himself said many times to Po that he wasn’t “the one” and even bullied him to get rid of. However, Po didn’t give up. You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe. Just like Mr. Ping said: things are special when we believe they are. Po was just an ordinary panda, he didn’t have any superpowers. Nonetheless, he trained hard and realized his potential, and became a Dragon Warrior.

Believing in our self is the first step for any action. If you want to get success, you don't need to be the best but you need to believe in yourself that boosts self-confidence. Even experts fail in their work in self-doubt. So it is very important to know what you are good at and then believing that you are good at that no matter what the world says.

6. Inner Peace

Source: Wallpaperaccess

Po was able to defeat “Shen” the — Peacock when he practiced Inner Peace. Also, Master Oogway said to Shifu, “Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it gets agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.”

You can fight the biggest of your enemies if you are at peace. Sometimes thoughts make you feel agitated and won’t help you to achieve the targets. An agitated mind always leads to destruction and one can never take any right decision. But if you are peaceful the biggest hardships can be overcome by a calm mind, rather than being restless.

7. Stay Humble

Source: Wallpapercave

In the movie, Po's nature is not to get pride from any of his achievement and always to give credits to other for their contribution.

In today's time, many of us get an ego of what we have achieved, forgetting the struggle of people behind our success, and considering everyone less than us. This kind of people can't go far in the future. They neither have a broad vision nor the qualities like kindness, teamwork, etc.

Staying humble means knowing exactly your place, nothing more and nothing less, to feel that sense of humility by surpassing one’s ego and sincerely taking somebody or something as is, with no judgments. It means not showcasing what you have achieved because knowing that where you stand as a human being, there is no scale to measure how great you are vs how great another is.

Everyone should have humbleness within as it is one of the most important qualities of a good human being.

There are two famous quotes:

"A great man is always willing to be little."

"Being humble is to be felt, it's not something that you show off."

Let's Sum Up.....

We know that life is very uncertain so we should never give up in any circumstances. Remember whatever happens is meant to be and we cannot do anything about it. We should always think it happened for something better and should look forward. When our mind is indulged in thoughts we should come out of it as we should live in the present and work in present for a better future. When life gets hard we should accept the situation and move on. We should always believe in what we are and what we can do. A calm mind can make the best decision so we should attain inner peace in life. And even if we reach the heights of success we should always be polite, kind, and humble. We should never forget where we came from and help uplift others.

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About the Creator

Vatsal Patel

I am a nature lover and a techie who loves to write on these topics.

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