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Tep's Resolve.

A Will To Overcome.

By Anthony Weir Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Original Artwork By Author.

Passive by nature, no, he was quite the contrary. He took action, but this was his 3rd day sleeping in his car, in the parking lot at his job. His energy was seemingly endless, but he knew that he still needed to pace himself. He took three deep breaths through his nose and visualized his plans. He had worked on perfecting his breathing for optimal performance. He also found techniques to hack his brain to win. Having just worked four back-to-back shifts, with only 30-minute breaks in between, exhaustion set in, but he was determined to make this money so that he could have an official roof over his head.

Tep was his name, and he had just spent a year traveling the streets, taking each day by stride, just trying to survive each moment. He didn't think about the future; he didn't care for it. Tep only sought to emerge himself in the present. He spoke with nature daily, which he came to believe was a living embodiment of the supreme consciousness that people called God. Through having nothing, he found beauty in everything. He had experienced some things in his past that he would not wish on his worst enemy; however, these same events made him exceptionally strong and gave him endurance. Through a fortunate turn of events, he now had a car. It was registered but didn't have insurance yet, but Tep was more grateful for shelter from the harsh coldness of winter and promised himself that he would take care of all the necessary paperwork for his vehicle with his next paycheck. Tep was a natural Stoic, tough and tenacious by nature, but even with all his resilience, he knew jail or prison was a place no man needed to find himself. Tep sought to stay out of the manipulative hands of the justice system. He acknowledged that was nearly impossible, but he still needed to do everything in his power to control his reality. Having a car with improper paperwork would make him a target of the law. There were also two benefits to having a reliable vehicle. He could both have a place to sleep for the time being and make extra money, driving Uber, Lyft, or delivering food. Tep was a hustler, but he didn't want to sell drugs to other people. He knew the Karmic laws behind certain decisions and decided that all money or success wasn't indeed good for his soul or future family tree.

Tep didn't judge the decisions of others. Familiar with the cold realities of poverty, he overstood the limited foresight of others and the innate for survival, or better yet, the conditions forced upon people, so subconsciously they would become selfish and not care for the outcomes of others. He also felt that stealing from other people was like stealing from himself, yet he inner stood the starving thief that needed to feed themselves or their family. Tep also overstood the concept of energy and cosmic laws and resolved to find alternative ways to become wealthy. He knew somehow by providing valuable services to others; he could glitch the Matrix. Failure was not in his plans. Tep was a man that was okay with having nothing; however, he realized freedom was essential for any being. Wealth was a tool he was going to exploit to achieve said freedom. Tep's eyes watered with passion and determination; he dried them, said a small affirmation to himself and the universe, and readied his soul for another shift. No food in his belly, no problem strangely eating once a day, gave his body an electric charge and lightness to his spirit.

self help

About the Creator

Anthony Weir


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