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Sunday Sessions

On Being Lucky

By MacoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Sunday Sessions
Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash

I talk to a lot of older people. I'm always picking their brain. I mean, you have to, right? After all, these people have something I don't- life experience. I mean sure I've lived a little and I know a little, but these bodies of experience always know something you don't. You just have to be lucky enough to ask the right questions. Lucky? Yeah, lucky. It's surprising how much of a role luck actually plays in our life. It's amazing really. It can get really sad at the same time. How many unlucky people do we know? I ask myself that if luck is real, how can it be so cruel sometimes? But, if we want to get that deep into luck we have to start with the luckiest thing to happen to us, being born. No, I'm not a hippy. Just hear me out. Millions of sperms, only one egg, and, you won that race. Lucky no? No, being born isn't the worst thing to ever happen to you. I assure you, you're lucky. Lucky to be born. Then you had to fight off your environment from that day onwards. Between the diseases trying to kill you and the doubt trying to stunt you, you kept going. You didn't choose to get off the ride and even if you're living with scars, and living in pain, you're still going. Lucky to have that will, even at its weakest. Lucky to have these stories. Lucky to be.

I won't tell you that being lucky in these perspectives invalidate your pain and your feelings. I don't think everyone will agree with me, not even the majority. But I feel lucky to have the ability to think outside-the-box. And I'm happy to have people who disagree with me. I think positively, all the time; I'm lucky to come out of depression. My personal belief in luck is that a lot of times, luck lies in the will. For example, my family and friends play a lot of games. From card to board games, we have it. What I've noticed in these games especially those with dice is that often we can will our way to win. It's in the moments when you need to get a property to complete a set and you throw the perfect number to get you directly on that spot to buy it. Or it's when you need to make a bluff in Poker. In these moments, I feel the will to win. If your intentions are pure enough, the universe will help you win. By pure intentions, I mean intentions based on your betterment and not the downfall of someone else. So if you have these "pure intentions" then the universe will "help" you achieve your goal. Many of you are probably skeptical. I get it. Imagine being in the shit and someone telling you about "the universe" helping you if you have pure intentions. That's not what I wanna hear. Not at all. But it's trueeeeeee. I'm not saying the universe changes things just for you. I'm just saying the universe makes your luck off your attitude. Off your hunger, of your desire to win. That's what made you (or a half of you anyway) win your first race. Scientifically, this is all garbage. "The universe" doesn't care, doesn't help anybody. Evolution, the sun yada yada we're all going to die. And that's the truth. But we don't live to die, or rather, we don't need to. We can, however, choose to live beyond death. That's done through achievements, that's done through perseverance, that's done through luck. To do anything great you need luck.

What most won't tell you is that we make our luck everyday.

Now, whether that luck is good or bad depends on our attitude to life.


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