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Sunday Sessions

Wires in the way

By MacoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Sunday Sessions
Photo by John Barkiple on Unsplash

Man, y'all have no idea how troublesome it was getting this picture on here. See I took this photo on my phone a couple days back but I forgot to put it on laptop beforehand- before I needed to write this. So I was trying to transfer the image via USB but of course, the hardware wasn't working properly. So then I tried Bluetooth and it too did not work. I'm telling you that I spent close to an hour just trying to get this simple image from my phone to my laptop. So you know what I did? I went back to basics and just emailed the image to myself. In hindsight, I should've thought of that first but at least now I know I need a new USB, I learnt something. I had to just go through the process of being frustrated. I already decided that I was gonna write today, and I already decided that I would use that picture. So there was no way I wouldn't figure it out. It's never about the obstacle. It is, however, always about your focus, your endurance and your patience. If you've ever tired anything new at all you'll know what I'm talking about. If not then please allow me to break it down to you. See, when you start something new, especially if it's something you genuinely like it's gonna be frustrating. I don't care who you are or how naturally gifted your genes made you. You're gonna suck at first. And you aren't gonna always do the right thing because half the time you won't even recognize the mere fact that you do have options besides what's presented. So how can you make a good decision with no reference point? By yourself, you can't. In these cases, it's always good to ask others but a lot of us don't have someone to ask for every single new situation in our lives, do we? It is this process of getting it wrong time and time again, then creating new strategies that is gonna pay off.

I guess this brings me to the picture. Why is it so important that I share this picture with you? I say it's important because it symbolizes the very thing we're talking about. Those goddamn wires in the way. You might ask in the way of what. A fair question, but that tells me you look at things yet, you exercise no vision. Are you telling me you can't see the wires in the way? They're in the way of something beautiful, a moment in time. At the same time it's the wires that make it a moment. It's me thinking about the layers in my depth of vision, it's me imagining something more while still appreciating the thing current. This is the process. If we really think about it, starting something new is like having wires in the way. There's a general vision, a place we want to go, a thing we want to see happen, but these damn wires, just like obstacles and problems, they're just always there. From this point you have three choices. Choice one is change your angle, this one is the easiest but it doesn't give you the same satisfaction or end result. It could be better or worse depending on the situation. To connect the metaphor, this is ideally knowing when to walk away from something or trying a different way. Choice two is ignoring the wires. This is the worst possible choice you can make. It translates to you ignoring the problem, the imperfections within your vision. You can make it better but you're fine with being average. Let me tell you that average will never grant you fulfilment in the end. Choice three, the least chosen choice, is to find a way to get these wires out of your vision. Choice three is saying I'm ready to fight for my vision. Choice three isn't guaranteed to work; I would even say it makes you more likely to fail. But the fulfilment of getting it right is incomparable. The rewards of getting it right are incomparable. Knowing you stuck it through until the end is incomparable. Knowing you implemented, then executed, your vision, flawlessly, is incomparable. I dare you to try something new.

I call it Sunday Sessions because that's exactly what it is. I write this every Sunday and I just speak on things that I've learnt going through my daily life. Some Sundays I'm even feeling more creative (lazy) and I write poetry. Either way I speak on something. And, that's exactly why we're all here, to be vocal.


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for the moments

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