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Spend time with yourself

Embrace time alone

By Madeline KeysPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Most people feel the need to go out all the time, and feel unaccomplished and even like their day was a failure if they do not work hard at something. Even though we may feel like taking some time to ourselves is a waste of time, and maybe in the short term pushing yourself towards your goals will provide faster results, in the long term we will tire ourselves out. Even 5 minutes a day all alone with yourself can decrease stress and increase your clarity to act more rationally and make better decision that keep you true to who you say you are.

One reason people avoid spending time with just themselves is because we don't like to spend time with our thoughts alone. Without the constant chatter of talking with other people, music, or a tv show on in the background, our thoughts suddenly get really loud. Although it can be overwhelming at first, simply focusing on the moment will help shut down any negative or unwanted thoughts. A great way to do this is by acting like you're going on a date with yourself. Yes, it sounds super awkward but it can be really helpful. When you give yourself topics to think about, it can help organize your mind in a sense. Try asking yourself these questions and write down your answers in a journal or simply think on them for as long as you need.

1. How are you feeling today? This may sound like a very simple question but you will notice with yourself you can't just say, "I'm good, and you?" You actually have to self-evaluate how you are feeling and the reasons you are feeling that way. Maybe by writing your answer down you may actually be surprised at the result. We're not always in touch with our emotions and may push aside any unwanted feelings if they are getting in the way of the daily bustle of life.

2. What are you grateful for? Again, with the busyness of life we often forget just how much we have to be grateful for. Try making a list in your head of all the things you can be grateful for today, or write them down in a journal. If it's been a bad day or a bad few weeks try to appreciate the really small things. Maybe the way the leaves are blowing in the wind making the trees dance is enough to make you realize the beauty all around you. It could even be as simple as noticing that there are no dirty dishes in the sink for once!

3. What do you do for fun? Evaluate the things you love to do. These things form who you are. Do you like to be active outside or do you prefer watching a movie all cuddled up? Who do you enjoy spending time with? What about that person makes you happy and do you act like yourself around them?

4. How can you make someone else's day better today? You never know what someone else may be dealing with. Take a few moments to think about the people you interact with on the daily. Think of a way to make a coworker, your friend, partner, or a stranger smile today! Maybe pay a compliment to an action someone did or a piece of clothing they have on. Maybe just asking someone for real how they are doing will help them realize they are not alone and that someone cares.

These questions to ask yourself are just a few ways that can help you reflect and get to know yourself better. You can go into as much detail as you'd like and add more questions to it, or just keep it simple. Allowing yourself to have just a few minutes a day to self-reflect is a great way to lower stress and then later be able to treat others around you much better.

I appreciate you taking time to read this. If you liked what you read please take a moment to like and share with friends and family. Also be sure to check out my profile to see more topics I've written on and if you're feeling generous my tips are always open. Thank you!

self help

About the Creator

Madeline Keys

I'm just a writer trying to find her voice. I'm passionate about writing things I'm learning about and things I've experienced.

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