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Small Steps Towards Big Dreams

Achieve future goals

By Alfian Permana PutraPublished 23 days ago 3 min read

Alex had always dreamed big. Growing up in a small town where everyone knew each other’s business, Alex's aspirations stood out. While his friends were content with the familiar rhythm of their lives, Alex often found himself daydreaming about bustling cities, innovative tech companies, and a life filled with adventure. However, achieving those dreams seemed daunting, especially when they felt so far out of reach. But Alex was determined to prove that small steps could indeed lead to big dreams.

It all started on a sunny Saturday morning. Alex was sitting in the local café, sipping on his favorite vanilla latte and scrolling through his social media feed. He stumbled upon a post from an entrepreneur who spoke about the importance of taking small, consistent steps towards your goals. This resonated deeply with Alex. He realized that he didn't need to make giant leaps; he just needed to start moving in the right direction, no matter how small the steps.

That afternoon, Alex decided to take his first step. He signed up for an online coding course. He had always been fascinated by technology but had no formal training. The course seemed like a perfect way to dip his toes into the world of coding without overwhelming himself. The first few lessons were tough; there were times he felt like giving up. But he remembered the advice about small steps. Each day, he committed to learning just one new concept. Slowly but surely, he started to understand the basics.

Weeks turned into months, and Alex found himself becoming more comfortable with coding. His confidence grew, and he began to take on more challenging projects. He created a simple app that helped locals find the best coffee shops in town, an idea born from his love for the café where he had first stumbled upon that life-changing advice.

With his new skills, Alex started looking for internships. He knew he wasn’t ready for a big tech company yet, but he wanted to gain some real-world experience. After sending out numerous applications, he finally landed a remote internship with a small startup. It wasn't glamorous work, but it was a start. He worked diligently, learning as much as he could from his mentors.

One evening, while working on a project for the startup, Alex received an email from his mentor, Sarah. She was impressed with his progress and wanted to introduce him to a friend who worked at a well-known tech company in the city. Alex was ecstatic but also nervous. Was he ready for this? Again, he reminded himself of the small steps he had taken to get this far. He decided to meet Sarah's friend and see where it led.

The meeting went better than Alex could have imagined. Sarah’s friend, Mark, was impressed with Alex’s portfolio and his dedication. Mark offered Alex a junior developer position at his company. It was the break Alex had been hoping for, and he knew it was time to take a bigger step towards his dream.

Moving to the city was a huge change. It was overwhelming at first, with its fast pace and endless opportunities. Alex missed the familiarity of his hometown but knew this was where he needed to be. At his new job, he continued to apply the same principle of taking small, consistent steps. He set daily goals, learned from his colleagues, and never hesitated to ask questions.

Over time, Alex's hard work paid off. He was promoted to a mid-level developer position, and his projects began to gain recognition within the company. He even found time to mentor new interns, sharing his journey and the importance of starting small. His story inspired many of them, reminding them that big dreams are achievable, one small step at a time.

One day, as Alex looked out from the window of his apartment, overlooking the city skyline, he reflected on how far he had come. He realized that his journey was a series of small steps, each one building upon the last, leading him closer to his dreams. The path wasn’t always easy, and there were many times when he doubted himself. But those moments of doubt were always overshadowed by his determination and the progress he made, no matter how small.

In the end, Alex’s story was a testament to the power of perseverance and the belief that big dreams are not achieved overnight but through a series of small, deliberate steps. It’s a story he loved to share, hoping to inspire others to take their first small step towards their own big dreams.

successself helphappiness

About the Creator

Alfian Permana Putra

Sorry because STRIPE is not available in my country, so I will just include my Paypal

I don't expect it but if a very kind person donates to me then I will be very grateful to him

Paypal : [email protected]

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Comments (1)

  • Esala Gunathilake23 days ago

    This would be valuable for many people!

Alfian Permana PutraWritten by Alfian Permana Putra

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