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Shine Bright

Don't let the people talking affect you.

By Shauna CampbellPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Don’t allow what people have to say about you affect you.

Not everyone is going to like you. Once you realize that then it will be much easier to float on through life.

Whether you do good in this world or if you do bad, people will always have something to say.

People label you and pass judgement on you before they even know you. Once they meet you, that is where the chatter starts.

“Do you see that guy, why is he even dressed like that, does he think he is better than us?”

Then an impression is made on you before you even open your mouth and say anything. Now wherever you go, people will think that you think that you are better than them; just by the way you dress. It happens to everyone in life, from young to old and people of all races and nationalities. It is something that you just can’t run from or prevent. People will always have something to say about YOU!

It is sad, but true. It happens at school or in the workplace. When you are walking down the street or shopping in the mall. Someone somewhere will pass judgement on you. Whether you are at the lowest stage in your life or you are very successful, they will always have something to say about you.

No matter what, you can’t let this stop you from being you. You can’t make what they say about you affect you so much that it affects your actions and the way you think about yourself. You must stay FOCUSED on whatever you want to accomplish in life and don’t stop being who you are.

Don’t try to change to make people like you.

Don’t try to blend in with the crowd.

You can’t be so concerned with what people have to say that you allow it to affect you in anyway. There is no one else like you and there will never be another person exactly like you. It is better to be different and EMBRACE WHO YOU ARE instead of being like someone else: A COPY!

Remember there is something so special about you that threatens the very people around you. If you embrace that, and continue to grow, you would be surprised by how wonderful you would become.

Your life could inspire some else.

Don’t dim your light for no one. DARE TO STAND OUT.

Don’t let anything anyone says to you bring you down and stop you from awakening what is buried deep down within you.

There must be something that others see in you that you don’t see in yourself. They wouldn’t be talking about you if there wasn’t something special in you that they are threatened by. Nobody would take time out of their day to talk about anybody who they weren’t threatened by. They talk bad about you in hopes that you won’t shine, and people won’t see how great you truly are.

So, stop letting the negative things they say about you break you and make you feel down. Hold your head up high and be who you were born to be.

If you dress different and people are talking about you, it’s because they wish that they could be as bold as you are.

You affected their lives so don’t let them affect yours.


Feel comfortable in your own skin. Don’t think about the rest; instead just be focused on who you are and allow yourself to grow.

If you make a mistake in life. Just get back up again and dust yourself off; walk with that head up high, never lower it.

People will talk. Let them talk.

Don’t focus on that. Focus on you.


About the Creator

Shauna Campbell

I am a writer and I love to inspire others with my work. We were all born with something to impact the world and that is what I want my work to do.

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