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Shed Pounds, Not Hope.

Losing some weight does not have to be so difficult.

By JHPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Shed Pounds, Not Hope.
Photo by Fernando Andrade on Unsplash
Weight loss is possible.

Losing some body fat, slimming down a bit (or a lot), and looking and feeling healthier are some things that are on the minds of a whole lot of people. There are so many remedies recommended and suggested by professionals and laypeople to their patients and fellow men and women and some work while others don’t. There are special diets and medicine, herbs and drinks, and a lot more that people try to lose some pounds with and get further depressed feeling hopeless if the suggested and tried remedies do not work.

In this article, I will mention 4 basic principles which if applied will help shed pounds and make people look and feel healthier with more energy.

1- Food is not my priority.

Take your mind off food and keep it busy with work, family, sports, and whatever keeps you away from thinking about food. Food of course is vital need of the body but you will be shocked to learn that it is not the food that keeps us going, but the purpose of/in our lives. Therefore eat when hungry but do not keep your mind occupied with thoughts of eating.

2- Eating out is not for me.

No matter what is advertised by the restaurants, takeaway points and eateries, their food is always richer in fat and oil than your homemade stuff. Refrain from eating out and take homemade sandwiches to work or school. If you go out with friends at lunch time, take your lunch before or after the outing and just have some fresh salad with no dressing with your company of friends and colleagues.

3- I love vegetables and fruits.

Eat natural fresh stuff like fruits and vegetables and consume poultry and meat in small quantities once a week (unless advised by a doctor). Eat simple, eat little and you will feel energized and healthier but remember that your mind should be productive and busy with positive and purposeful things and goals.

Vegetables and fruits can fill you up without adding too many calories.

4- I stop eating when there is some hunger still left.

Lastly don’t fill up and stop eating while there is still some hunger left. This works amazingly well to make you lose fat without feeling any weakness.

Factors to Consider when Choosing Fruits and Veggies (extracted from

Before you begin picking through your favorite golden delicious apples or sorting through leafy bundles of lettuce, there are a few key things to keep in mind. It is important to know that most commercial farms pick fruit and vegetables well before ripeness so that they are delivered to the grocery store at the peak of freshness. However, your senses play the biggest role in identifying the best fruits and vegetables, and you’ll have to use your hands, eyes, and nose.

How Can You Tell When a Fruit is Ripe?

As you browse the produce department for fresh fruit, there are a few key things to look for that remain consistent from fruit to fruit: firmness to the touch, vibrant colors, and a slightly sweet (though not overpowering) scent. While these are all standard indicators of ripeness, there are a few other factors to consider:

Apples, Pears, and Stone Fruit—Inspect the surface and avoid those that show bruising or dents, as these types of damage lead to quicker rotting.

Bananas—Ripe bananas are yellow with brown speckles—too much brown indicates the fruit being overripe. Green bananas are fine to purchase, as long as you don’t plan on eating them right away.

Berries—When shopping for blueberries, strawberries, or blackberries, open the carton and check for any signs of leaking or mold. Strawberries should still have the leafy cap attached and be free of any seedless spots.

Melons—Whole watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydew should feel slightly heavier than they appear, indicating juiciness. Don’t be afraid if a small area of the skin has scarring—this simply means that was the resting place of the fruit when on the vine.

Citrus Fruits—Like melons, citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons, and oranges should feel heavier than they appear. The skin should be even in color and void of any excess streaking of yellow or white.

Pineapple—Whole pineapples should feel heavy for their size and have crisp leaves. Pineapples have one of the strongest aromas of all fruit—turn them over and give the bottom a whiff. It should smell fragrantly sweet.

Cherries—Cherries should be plump with a rich vibrant color, void of bruising or dents. Avoid buying any that are missing stems, unless you’ll be eating them right away.

Tips for Buying Fresh Vegetables

When shopping for vegetables, key factors are firmness and color. Choose those that are as firm or crisp as possible and consistent in coloring. Unlike fruit, smell doesn’t play a big factor in a vegetable’s freshness, although anything that smells overly sweet or sour is likely passed its prime. As you browse your produce aisle, consider the following:

Bell Peppers—Bell peppers should be firm and void of any soft spots. No matter which color pepper you are purchasing, look for consistency along the entire surface and avoid any with split or broken stems.

Cauliflower and Broccoli—Color is a key indicator of the freshness of these vegetables. Broccoli should be a pale green and cauliflower should be an off-white, void of any yellowing or browning. The heads should be heavy and compact.

Corn—The husk of corn should be pale green and moist looking, free of any browning or drying. Whether purchased with or without the husk, the kernels should be plump and firm to the touch.

Root Vegetables—Carrots, beets, potatoes, and onions should be hard to the touch and free of any cracking or soft spots. If roots are still attached, they should be sturdy and crisp, void of any wilting.

Leafy Greens—Use your fingers to assess as many layers of the greens as possible. Both the leaves and stalk of kale, lettuce, and cabbage should be crisp, void of wilting or browning. Check for any tears in the leaves. While a few are expected to occur during delivery, avoid any with tears that are beginning to brown. (end of extract)

Set up some higher goals for your life (if this is not done yet) and decrease the priority level of food consumption. Follow the above points and start feeling good again.

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