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Sex Chocolate: $11 Million Brand

How One Entrepreneur Built an $11 Million Brand with Tabs Chocolate

By Father's JourneyPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

Opportunities for entrepreneurship are abundant. One young entrepreneur, Oliver Brocato, capitalized on a major marketing opportunity and turned it into an $11 million brand within just two years. His success story is a testament to the power of user-generated content and the ability to create a viral marketing strategy. In this blog, we'll delve into Oliver's journey, how he built his brand, and the lessons he learned along the way.

The $11M Business

Oliver's business, Tabs Chocolate, offers a unique product: edible supplements designed for enhancing sexual experiences. He transformed popular natural supplements, typically available in pill or powder format, into a luxurious and high-end chocolate experience.

Within two years, his brand generated a staggering $11 million in revenue.

Remarkably, Oliver achieved this success without any external investments, reinvesting every dollar back into his business for continuous growth.

How he found the idea

The idea for Tabs Chocolate came to Oliver when he stumbled upon a TikTok video of a teenage girl reviewing a similar product. The video had millions of views and likes, yet the brand behind it had no website or social media presence.

Recognizing the potential of this viral concept, Oliver combined his prior experience and expertise to create a multi-million dollar brand. He spent a year meticulously developing the product and focusing on delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Viral psychology

Oliver knew that creating a product that invokes a strong emotional response was key to going viral. By offering a novelty product like sex chocolate, he tapped into people's curiosity and triggered emotional arousal.

Whether the emotion is surprise, excitement, or intrigue, the key is to make viewers feel intensely, leading them to watch the entire video and share it with their friends.

This emotional connection and virality became the foundation of Oliver's marketing strategy.

Creating a product from scratch

Oliver shared insights into the process of manufacturing and working with suppliers. From designing the packaging to developing the chocolate itself, he meticulously sourced and collaborated with manufacturers in both China and the United States. Oliver ensured that each component, including the logo and the breakable chocolate, aligned with his vision for Tabs Chocolate. This attention to detail contributed to the overall success and appeal of the product.

Shipping & Logistics Mistakes

As with any business, Oliver encountered challenges and made mistakes along the way. One significant setback was a shipping and logistics mistake that caused delays in delivering the product to customers. Shipping the next order of boxes by boat seemed cost-effective initially but resulted in prolonged delivery times, leading to a decline in sales.

Inventory management and forecasting demand were also ongoing challenges for Tabs Chocolate. However, Oliver's perseverance and dedication allowed him to overcome these obstacles and maintain steady growth.

Building a Brand vs. Dropshipping

Oliver emphasized the power of building a brand compared to the short-term gains of dropshipping.

While dropshipping may offer quick profits, it lacks the long-term sustainability and brand equity that come with building a strong brand.

By focusing on creating a unique product and cultivating a community of passionate customers, Oliver was able to establish a cult-like following that generated consistent revenue and laid the foundation for future success.

The Early Days

At the age of 21, Oliver achieved massive success with Tabs Chocolate. However, his journey began during a college Christmas break when he realized the perfect opportunity to start something new.

Despite the slow progress and numerous setbacks, he remained committed to turning his idea into a reality. His persistence paid off when, within the first month of launching, Tabs Chocolate generated over $280,000 in revenue, validating his belief in the product.

Startup Costs

Oliver started Tabs Chocolate with a total investment of $30,000, using his savings from previous ventures. While this amount may vary for each entrepreneur, he believes that an e-commerce brand can be launched with as little as $10,000. By prioritizing research and development and finding manufacturers willing to work with small-scale entrepreneurs, it is possible to start a successful business on a modest budget.

The Viral Strategy

Oliver's marketing approach revolves around user-generated content. He has built a content machine consisting of hundreds of creators who produce daily videos across various platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

By making the content relatable and in tune with current trends, Oliver creates a sense of authenticity and engages his target audience. This organic content creation, combined with strategic partnerships and minimal paid advertising, has been the driving force behind Tabs Chocolate's viral success.

Advice for Entrepreneurs

Oliver's advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to take action and make things happen.

Success does not rely on superior intelligence or exclusive knowledge but on the ability to persevere and compound efforts day by day.

By staying committed and focused on long-term goals, entrepreneurs can achieve remarkable results.

Oliver Brocato's journey with Tabs Chocolate demonstrates the immense potential of user-generated content and viral marketing strategies. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, showcasing how a well-executed idea and relentless dedication can lead to extraordinary success. By leveraging the power of user-generated content, building a brand, and prioritizing customer experiences, entrepreneurs can create their path to success in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

Disclaimer: Please note that this article provides insights and observations and should not be considered financial or career advice. Individual circumstances may vary, and it's important to research and evaluate options based on personal goals and aspirations.

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About the Creator

Father's Journey

My daughter's future, well-being, happiness are my driving forces. I've embarked on a mission to equip her for success in a rapidly changing world and to inspire fellow parents to raise digitally fluent children who surpass us in every way.

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