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Self Lve

Balanced in Beauty

By Butterfly Nation Published 3 years ago 3 min read
The Beauty

Self love is very important. It’s what makes you feel like you. It’s loving all of you, flaws n all.

Take a moment to FEEL you.

Take a moment to LOOK at you.

Take a moment to SELF REFLECT.

Take a moment to LEARN you.

Take a lifetime and LOVEYOU.

On my journey of self love .... I take moments and reflect on myself, life, and situations. All starting in my mind for my mental. (Clarity)(cleansing).

Then I focus on my body. When I’m focusing on my body I keep sure to stay fit to my liking. Keyword MY ; I make sure I am clean because a clean body and smelling good makes you feel good. It helps to boost your self esteem in other words. Which is a good thing because that is how love starts to creep up. It may sound crazy but about 99% of people are self conscious of their looks whether we say so or not.


Spending time with yourself.

Make it a habit. Not only is it refreshing but it is also enlightening. It’s enlightening because you get to learn and know yourself. It can also be good or bad because of how you perceive yourself. Like what do your eyes see when you look at yourself.

My eyes see beauty and strength when I look at me. When I look at me I smile because I’ve worked hard on myself and loving myself has and still is not an easy journey.

“I concentrate,

I meditate,

I don’t hesitate,

I’m never late,

Send them to where heaven hates

There, they wait.

I surrender,

I slay,

Make way for the new,

It’s not all about the blue,

It’s about me too,

Waiting to see what I am going to do,

I’m the puzzle to the clue,

Got them stuck like glue,

Who would of knew,

It’s me and you

The late nights

Just waking up and yawning,

It’s the start of the morning ✨. “

Self love is not obtained only through self. Nope. Self love takes the notion to love others as well. As people, we have to get along.

Balanced in Beauty is all about self love. Self love comes off as balance to me because without others there would be no self. The beauty is being able to do both. It’s where the inspiration for my brand name came about. I thought it to be different and unique. Unique to me and different to everyone else hearings of it.

Balanced in Beauty is the my brand name. The things I make are homemade and one of a kind.

I just worked on a pillow project yesterday for my home.

Pillow Project.

I am planning to expand my business with much more homemade items. This of one of my first homemade home decor one of set pillow.

I sat home on my day off and took some time to myself. During my free time I like to be productive as much as possible. Getting things done also makes you feel lighter and good as well. Try it.

Like most people with children time seems shortened but that’s because we work so much.

There have been so many ways to make money by being home in the comfort of your own home. I never thought about working from home until I got pregnant and when I thought about having kids.

Working from home should be the new thing to do for people with children. Because I know I want to spend as much time with my son as I can while he is still young and a baby. They grow so fast and time if often missed because we are working.

My point is it’s breaking my heart that I can’t be with my son everyday like I would like it to be. I am steadfast on working on having him back home with me and his dad. I finally have a daily of my own and it’s a wonderful feeling. It seemed like it took years but now that it’s here it seems so unreal.

Everything I do is for my son and our family now. I am decorating our place and making it a home that I never had. I am going to make sure my son will be loved and cared for so he can grow up to love himself. Self love is important.

Self love gets us through anything and helps us move foward. Staying balanced and being beautiful as you love others too.

Stay Beautiful 😻

Xoxo 💋


About the Creator

Butterfly Nation

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