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Schedule Your Pleasure

Pain Will Schedule Itself

By KingPhiloPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
 Schedule Your Pleasure
Photo by Nastya Dulhiier on Unsplash

Human life is a complex amalgamation of experiences, encompassing both the bliss of pleasure and the harsh reality of pain. In the pursuit of happiness and well-being, we often neglect the fundamental aspect of consciously scheduling time for pleasure. Many of us have adopted a survivalist mindset, finding ourselves incessantly grappling with problems, stresses, and pains that life unpredictably schedules for us. The concept, however, that 'Pain will schedule itself, so we must schedule our pleasure' is an antidote to this lifestyle, reminding us to prioritize joy and satisfaction in our daily routines.

Why is scheduling pleasure important? Isn't pleasure supposed to be spontaneous, an unexpected burst of happiness that sweetens the bitterness of life? Indeed, unplanned moments of pleasure are beautiful and invigorating. However, intentionally creating space for activities that bring us joy is equally vital. It ensures a certain degree of equilibrium, acting as a buffer against the onslaught of pain and stress that may spontaneously occur.

A large body of research supports the idea of planning for pleasure. Studies have shown that anticipation of a positive experience often contributes to the overall satisfaction derived from it. Knowing that there's a planned activity to look forward to can alleviate the impact of stressors and increase our resilience to cope with life's challenges.

Scheduling pleasure doesn't mean indulging in extravagant or expensive activities. It's about identifying the simple things that ignite your soul with happiness and allocating time for them. It could be spending a quiet morning with a cup of coffee and a good book, taking a nature walk, pursuing a hobby, or spending quality time with loved ones. What matters is consciously making room for these activities and giving them the importance they deserve.

Despite the clear advantages, many people hesitate to plan for pleasure due to societal conditioning. We're often taught that work comes before play, and pleasure is a reward for hard work. This belief can lead to a relentless cycle of overwork and burnout, leaving no room for enjoyment. By scheduling pleasure, we break this cycle, allowing ourselves to experience joy without the prerequisite of toil and hardship.

However, it's also important to maintain balance and not let the quest for pleasure overshadow our responsibilities or become an escape mechanism. Pleasure is an aspect of life, not its entirety. It's about incorporating joy into our daily routine, not evading reality.

Remember, pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin - life. It's unrealistic and, indeed, impossible to aim for a life devoid of pain. But while we don't have control over the timing and occurrence of painful events, we do have control over when and how we experience pleasure.

Scheduling pleasure means accepting that pain is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn't need to consume us. By deliberately scheduling moments of joy, we provide ourselves with the tools to handle pain more effectively. It brings an optimistic perspective to our worldview, and it's this positivity that helps us navigate through painful moments.

Now, let's address the reality that pain schedules itself. Life is unpredictable. Unexpected circumstances like illness, loss, or failure can inflict pain without warning. These are experiences we can't schedule or control. However, by ensuring a regular dose of happiness through scheduled pleasure, we can create an emotional cushion to soften the blow of such painful events.

In conclusion, while we may not have control over the scheduling of pain, we can certainly take charge of when and how we experience pleasure. Scheduling pleasure isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. It strengthens our emotional resilience, nourishes our mental health, and most importantly, reminds us of the beauty of life amidst the chaos. So, let's take the reins of our happiness and consciously schedule pleasure, because the pain

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