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Scattered Mind

Big Picture of the World

By AnnaMarie ScholesPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
There is more than one side of the story

This world is different for everyone; seeing how people came to fight for survival or for personal gain. Our minds thread trying to put a puzzle piece together and sometimes the pieces can't fit perfectly causing unthinkable actions. People are afraid of the reality at times because there is unknown creeping behind them. The nerves in the body turns numb when experiencing the hard times in life. Why does pain take us to the dark hour? No matter what our beliefs are, it will be our safety blanket, our protection, our savior. Why let the shame and guilty scar the people that are intimidated by the big bad wolf. War will never stop happening because of wanting the strength, the power to be greater than mankind, so be careful who to trust, keep a hold on loves ones because it is rare to come by people that care. Become a warrior; have the bravery and the encouragement of fighting through the darkness where something unknown is wanting the souls of the weak, but together as one we could rise above show righteousness of pure light. There is so much more than hiding behind a mask; facing the truth of reality, accepting what lies right in front of people's glass eyes. People are human by feeling lonely, feeling the sharp knife going in their beaten down heart. Breathing heavily to achieve so much. Reach upon the stars grabbing into the opened bitter air, but getting nothing.

Out of the suffering became the one who emerged with the strongest soul from the battle scars. Some people want to let go, but something triggers within them to keep going, but there will always be pain, hatred, love, exception, and etc, in this upside world. There are masks hiding people’s secrets being timorous of their unspeakable mind by losing control. At the end there must be a stop to it all. Take control of the race in the mind that keeps spinning by stepping out reality for a few seconds feeling like floating in thin air-silence- clear the pressured brain. Next, learn how to stop those deep emotions from getting out of wrack. Focus on the most important things like the goals that wants to burst out of great potential. Be your own anchor!

My Struggles vs. My Goals

My mind is untangling the vines of the unknown. My crystal blue eyes are opening more to the reality that surrounds me. I'm a flower, almost about to bloom into a gorgeous creation. Time is the key to everything I see by seeing the good in people with bad habits. People make mistakes, but I'm learning how to be wiser, having the compassion to understand how the upside world goes. One day, I would love to say that I made a difference and be able to look deep into thy glossy eyes of my love and say how much I'm bless to have a chance to express what I hold dear the most. I want that bond that last years before starting a new chapter. Once that bond is created within my heart, I do best to treasure it. When that day comes of starting a new chapter in my life, I will be beyond the universe. To the people I love I will always fight for them and I'll take a bullet for them. My inspiration will rise above the heavens and fulfill the ones who struggle in the life of misery and if I can make a difference in this world and others then my purpose has been served. I dreamt of being free flying high in the sunset. Sometimes risking is a good thing and yes, there could be some negative affect to it, but look at it from exploring something that could actually turn into a memorable memory, taking a chance is better than going backward.


About the Creator

AnnaMarie Scholes

I'm a creative writer! Every week there will be one story posted! Be a part of my journey and enjoy reading my creations.

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