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Saint Joseph

One of my reflection

By PeterPublished about a year ago 9 min read

Saint Francis of Sales writes: “It is not necessary to always be attentive to all the virtues to rehearse; can greatly disrupt and confuse your ideas and feelings. Humility and charity are key chains; all other virtues are attached. We just need to hold these two ropes: one at the bottom and one at the top. A building's stability depends on its foundation and roof. As long as we focus our hearts on rehearsing these two virtues, we will not have difficulty with the other virtues. These are the maternal virtues, and the others follow like a chick following a hen." Indeed, the virtues of humility and charity are two virtues that every human being needs to practice every day to achieve. And it's easier for us to have someone we can imitate. Here, the writer wants to introduce a great, outstanding saint, a respectable person that we can imitate, that is Saint Joseph.

But first, what is humility? Humility is a virtue that helps us accept the truth about ourselves and live in accordance with our creature status. It is very basic that humble people are convinced that all they have or are better than others is a gift from God, nothing in themselves and less than others, to thank and believe. trust in God. What about charity? Charity is having a universal love, loving everyone. Those are just two simple concepts. Back to Saint Joseph, then who is Saint Joseph?

According to the Gospel of Matthew, he was betrothed to Mary and a righteous man. Besides, he was also always with the angel of God; especially in the times when God called to welcome Mary: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, for the sake of her son. She conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you must name him Jesus, for it is he who will save his people from their sins." (Mt 1:21). Thereby we see that Saint Joseph was a man who could only believe and follow. That was the first time.

The second time, when the angel warned him in a dream, he got up and took the Child and His mother and fled to Egypt. We know that at that time there was no modern means like now. If you want to go to Egypt, you have to travel long distances, climb passes and wade through streams, full of dangers and possibly robbed in the middle of the road. However, with courage and humility, sensitive to God's Word, He decided to put all his trust in God's providence and was ready to go. Through this, we can also learn from him the courage and humility to trust in God's providence like a child nestled in his mother's womb. Because in life there are many fragrant roses, but in parallel with it, the rose does not lack sharp thorns. Those sharp thorns are the difficulties and challenges that we will encounter countless on the way of life.

In addition, when the child Jesus was twelve years old, his parents took him to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. At the end of the holiday, the grandparents returned, and the boy Jesus stayed in Jerusalem, without his parents knowing. When they could not find the child among their relatives, they were very worried at that time, running around looking everywhere (see Lk 2:41-52). The Gospel recounts when the grandparents found the young Jesus in the Temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions. Indeed, Mother Mary must have been very disappointed at that time to say: “Son, why do you treat us like this? You see, your father and mother had to work hard to find you!” (Luke 2:48). However, Saint Joseph just kept silent. And once again we see the humility of Saint Joseph. We know that in the past, the Jews respected men and despised women. However, after he found the baby Jesus, he did not say anything. He gave that power to Mary. Indeed, Mary is found in all four Gospels; Joseph is only mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Mary also spoke many times such as the wedding at Cana, the childhood of Jesus... As for Saint Joseph, the whole Gospel could not find a single word of him. That is His humility, quiet silence in the work of saving mankind called by God that not everyone has.

In another aspect, the life and career of Saint Joseph is also not outstanding and noble in the eyes of the world. In fact, he was just a poor carpenter, year-round struggling with life to be able to eat, let alone have enough money. His life was more difficult when the baby Jesus was born. Although the Bible does not record it, we all know that there are countless things to prepare and worry about so that a child is born without needing anything. It's milk, clothes, shoes... And most of all, it's the love of a father and mother for their child.

However, Saint Joseph still did not complain a word; wholeheartedly worried, more sacrificed so that Mother Mary and baby Jesus can be happy. Is it worth it for us to learn and imitate?

People also read in the Gospel of Matthew that: "Truly I tell you, there has never been one greater among men born of a mother than John the Baptist. However, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he” (Mt 11:11). Indeed, the smallest person in the kingdom of heaven probably could not be anyone other than Saint Joseph. He is the smallest in humility, love, charity and absolute trust in God's providential hand. In addition, that simplicity was also shown in his fulfillment of his duties as a father and husband in the family, the pillar on which Mary could rely; He fulfilled the precepts of his ancestors, was an exemplary citizen to society, lived in peace and love with everyone… Indeed, we can easily prove it when found in the Gospels. by his adherence to the Mosaic law and the census laws before and after the birth of baby Jesus; moreover, it was even more evident when he went with all the people to the annual Jerusalem temple festival.

Living in a family vocation, we are all grateful for the vocation of celibacy because the kingdom of heaven for religious men and women is very difficult. However, Saint Joseph lived together (in legal terms as husband and wife) with a beautiful village girl, but vowing to remain a virgin for the rest of her life is something that makes many people doubt. Why? Because according to human nature, they consider it impossible. However, we see that with the providential hand of God almighty it is certain. According to research by psychologists, people have two strongest instincts, religion and sex. This shows us that when the religious need is stronger, the sexual instinct can be controlled despite great difficulty. Besides, it also explains why when religion loses respect in society, then the sexual instinct will prevail and therefore sin will run rampant.

Joseph alone is even more extraordinary and wonderful, in the Gospel of Matthew recounts the story of a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years, plucked up the courage to touch the hem of Jesus' garment and immediately healed (cf. Mt 9, 25 – 34). Indeed, according to Judaism, anything that has to do with blood is considered unclean (a woman who gives birth for forty days has to bring an offering to the temple for purification). That woman could only touch Jesus' clothes to be cured, much less Saint Joseph directly carried, cared for, and raised the Almighty.

If we consider that John the Baptist was the last prophet in the Old Testament, and Mary the first believer in the New Testament, then we can also say that the Catholic "priest" The first of the New Testament is Saint Joseph. Why? Because he has all the necessary elements of a priest from morality to personality. Indeed, the Catholic priest is respected and loved because of the dedication of his person and his life to the service of God through keeping his vows and obedience. Indeed, we find that there is anyone more obedient, poor and pure than Saint Joseph; Who is more humble and charitable in the service of God than Saint Joseph? Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was the first Catholic priest in the New Testament.

At this point, I am reminded of the time when Saint Joseph was humble and willing to help the nuns in his most difficult time. It is in the city of Santa Fe, Mexico, USA, a secret that has happened for more than 130 years, attracting about 250,000 visitors every year. That place is the Loretto Chapel. This chapel was built around the 19th century. When it was completed, the nuns discovered that they had forgotten to make the stairs to go up to the chapel's theater floor. So they made a novena to ask Saint Joseph, a carpenter, for help. On the last day of the novena, a stranger knocked on the door and claimed to be a carpenter, wanting to help the nuns build the stairs. He finished the spiral staircase by himself, and it became a carpenter's masterpiece. Everyone was surprised and no one understood how the staircase could stand, because it did not have a central pillar to support the weight of this type of stairs. When he finished, the carpenter quietly left without asking for any compensation. He finished the stairs without using a glue or a nail.

Throughout the city of Santa Fe, it was assumed that the carpenter was Saint Joseph sent by Jesus to answer the prayers of the nuns. From that day on, the staircase was considered a miracle, and became a pilgrimage site. The special feature here is that Saint Joseph completed the stairs and "quietly went away without asking for compensation"; it also shows us how great His charity and sacrifice are and how happy it is for those who run to call on Him.

Finally, we know that the two virtues of humility and charity are the most important virtues for the other virtues. And to achieve these virtues is not easy. It must have taken us a lot of time and effort. We are convinced of one thing that the virtue of chastity is also very difficult, but it is not so difficult to control it, because it tempts us through objective reasons. On the contrary, the virtue of humility is always oppressed by pride, overcoming. It is easy to say but difficult to practice, because each person's personal ego is so high, it is not easy to humble oneself. . Therefore, the virtue of humility is so difficult that we cannot do it ourselves. Therefore, we must humbly appeal to God's love and teaching. And of course, Saint Joseph is always willing to intercede for us in the presence of God the merciful Father.

In short, it is Saint Joseph's simplicity and humility before God and men, moreover, through his hasty and courageous fulfillment of God's call to receive Mary - a and together nourished the Savior, God rewarded him, and through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Church proclaimed him the Great Saint above all saints, making him the patroness of the Church, of each family and each person, especially the patriarchs in the family.

Nowadays, people suffer more because of the vortex of society, ready to sweep people along with it. Therefore, each of us must also learn and practice according to the virtues of the Great. From there, society will gradually be happier and people will be happier.

As a monk in the future, I also need to know how to imitate the virtues of the Great Saint, especially the virtues of humility and charity towards everyone. Since then, I have become a useful person for society and the Church in the future. Convinced that, in Heaven, the Great Saint is looking down and interceding before God for all those who turn to Him with confidence and peace.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.


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