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Quarantine wellness

Loving yourself

By Renea Phillips-BlackPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Quarantine  wellness
Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

Ohhhh my word!! Let's start to breathe together again. This mental and physical lockdown of our personal mind body and spirit has gotten a little out of hand.

Let us start out by taking a few deep breaths. Take off that mask! And let those deep breaths hang out. Give yourself some comfy space from everyone else and focus on you. Let's start with a warm drink, coffee or an herbal tea. There are many beneficial teas for relaxation and rest.

In the morning I have found it best to start my day with some positive and life affirming affirmations. Yes everyone, I mean take a good look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and talk to yourself and let yourself know how important your presence is to the life you live. Yes, you are important, to your family, your dog, your cat, coworkers, your best friend, darn it you are important to you. Forget the unruly customer that turned they nose up at you. You are great at what you do and will do! Put your stamp on it!

Now that we are feeling ourselves get up get dress and let's bless the day with our presence. Leave that negativity at the crib, and on the news. Yes mask up because your eyes will show the sparkle of your smile. Please back all that evil Corona Virus negativity up six feet. We got enough on our plate with our mental health and physical health being under attack.

Ok time to wind down. Let's talk to a friend, positive vibes only unless it's good and juicy funny gossip. Grab you a good book, a snuggle bunny, and a warm bath. Reward yourself for giving the day the best effort you have despite the circumstances. If it wasn't a good day chuck it! There is always tomorrow!

Let's take the time out to process our days negatives and positives it may have seemed to be real bad as it was occurring but as time goes by we move on and take on other tasks that challenge our mental being. Those little moments that challenge our thoughts help mold the valuable decisions that we have to make on a day to day even when our lives are not in the middle of a global pandemic. We can do a daily assessment of the decisions that we have chosen, and go from there. We shouldn't really focus on all the negative that we experience. The outer experiences that the other people are experiencing are the personal responsibilities of that person and it is not to be mentally and physically engulfed into our aura. Yes, a persons negativity can be felt if you have any sort of empathetic spirit. We must learn to experience and not engage. To experience is to recognize that another is not experiencing the best of times. We also need to acknowledge what we know we would possibly feel and acknowledge one another's personal existence, but remember to share a blessing of goodness to smile and a smile no matter how uncomfortable the interaction might have been. These times will never last forever. So bless the times that pass.

You have made it to the end of the day. Be it a bad or good day look at yourself and call it an accomplishment. You might need some epsom salt to ease your aching muscles, baby oil in a bath can be an easy way to work out your kinks in your neck and shoulders. Close your eyes listen to an audio book. Heyy! Turn on those oldies but goodies. Let the start of self pampering come into play. Love the skin you are in appreciate the person that you are growing and loving to be. I know this world seems to be in a hot mess right now but we all entered this world one at a time. Some times being in yourself and with yourself is the appreciation that one might need. We all think, act, smile, walk, live in different times in this space together so we have to appreciate where it all began. Within oneself. We are the alfa and the omega to our own entity. Live in your life that wonders, find escape in your own dreams and realities. Life always live. How we choose to live in it is truly in our control. Be grateful, complain less, follow your path to happiness. Try not be a problem help solve a problem, if not someone else will. Live, Love, Laugh, Stay Blessed and Prosper

self help

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