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Profoundly Pork Chop

Monetizing My Passion

By Renée Douglas Published 3 years ago 7 min read

Profoundly Pork Chop is my Passion! And it has taken me by complete surprise!

I used to be a Special Education teacher. I watched parents of special needs children take their children to doctor’s appointments, then go across town to speech therapy. On another day they might go to occupational therapy or art or music class to enrich their child’s learning. If they had enough time or extra money maybe they would hire a specialist or for fun and benefit get some pet or aquatic therapy. I began to wonder, wouldn’t it be great for parents of special needs children to have all their children’s doctors and therapies all in one place? Parents are already stretched thin from the extra needs a child with handicaps bring. If they could give their child the extra help they need all in one place, wouldn’t that make life easier for them plus bring positive change and peace of mind for their child, them and their family?

Thus, the idea for a wellness center I call the Center for Creative Development was born! My main life’s goal is now to have and develop this center at some point. It will be for the health and well-being of all. There will be a focus on special needs children, but it will encompass help for parents and be open to any one who wants to have multiple wellness opportunities all in one place. I envision it having a homeopathic doctor, a chiropractor, speech and occupational therapy as well as art, music, and pet therapy. It will have a pool for aquatic therapy and family fun. There will be yoga and massage therapy and energy therapy for both children and their parents. There will be meditation rooms, beautiful gardens, and a meeting hall for community sharing and networking and for inspirational guest speakers to motivate and encourage.

But I have had this dream of a wholistic wellness center for a number of years now. I used to get frustrated at not knowing the timing of when it will happen. It seemed like I been holding this dream for too many years without any movement forward except for the idea and a vision. After a time I finally let go and realized that things will align in their right time, and when the time is right it will happen. And then it hit me! Why am I waiting to have the brick and mortar building to inspire. The joy and happiness and positive changes that can come to families and individuals coming to the wellness center can happen now! All it take is one attitude shift to change a life and bring positive change. I decided to start to do what I would do if I had the center up and running.

And then, Tah-Dah! Profoundly Pork Chop was born! Profoundly Pork Chop is my YouTube Channel. I got the idea in the shower - where all grand ideas come, right?! I had been watching and subscribed to multiple inspirational channels. They have helped me personally in tremendous and life changing ways. I love the inspiration and motivation I have found through others sharing what they do through their YouTube channels. I noticed that most of them talk themselves to the camera or use pictures to get across their messages. I love what they share, but thought that if I was to do something similar I had to do it in a different way and not do what was already being done. Then I had an Ah-ha lightbulb moment! What if I did my motivational channel from the perspective of a cat? I know what you’re thinking! However, I didn’t want it to be in a crazy cat lady way! But I did want a way to impart inspiration and personal and positive life change in a more unique way vs. just me talking into the camera. It struck me just how much cats have to teach us. All the best “life nuggets” I want to live from and share and inspire with cats already do. Cats are unconditionally loving, they live in the present moment. Cats don’t worry or stress, they trust that all is well and usually have a calm, meditative sense of peace about them. Cats catch their sunbeams everyday, play when the mood strikes, celebrate their uniqueness and curious spirits, and cozy up everyday in a favorite spot and bask in happiness. Cats live in the joyous expectancy of the best!

Enter my cat, Hank, AKA Pork Chop who was given this nickname by a neighbor and it stuck!

The Covid-19 pandemic had just hit and shutdown was in place. I decided I had plenty of time to try to start my motivational channel so why not give it a shot! I had no technical expertise and started out by following Hank around and talking. I was excited to start and didn’t want to wait to post until everything was “perfect.” I knew I would never get anything out there if I waited for that! So I posted what I had and felt good about it. But my first few videos were pretty bad in the context of the video world! But the more I did videos, the more I learned about editing and adding extras and the better I feel they got.

Making inspirational videos became an amazing creative outlet for me. I didn’t know how much I needed this during lock down and beyond. I am always grateful for how much it helped me. My goal is to share what I know and possibly help others. But I have gotten so much for myself as well while doing these inspirational videos.

Profoundly Pork Chop has 25 videos now and counting. But we’re still stuck on only 9 subscribers so far in the span of a year. Most videos get about 10 or so views with the highest so far reaching 30 views. I do not know how to get the word out beyond positing them on my own social media accounts for friends to see. I know there is advertising out there, but I don’t know best how to go about it. I’m sure there are other great ways to get the word out. But my strength is in creating the message, and now I need someone in the know to help me get the Profoundly Pork Chop message of joy and creating your personal best out there.

If the Pandemic has taught us anything it is to realign our priorities and to take each present moment, find the joy and beauty in that, and to create our best life in our highest happiness. They say, “Do what you love and the money follows.” I do love doing videos to get small bits of information out there. In addition. I have an online shop as well with merchandise with uplifting sayings to go hand in hand with Profoundly Pork Chop. I feel that the visual reminders on merchandise helps people who see it realign and get present and choose what they want again and again in each moment. I’ve sold two thing so far! I’m very happy about that. It was a great feeling to know someone bought something I created and my gain something from it. But I have also had my online store for months without knowing how to get more customers to look at and buy my inspirational items. Getting my merchandise out there along with my videos is something else I am very open to having help with!

I see now that perhaps expanding my ideas in other mediums may be helpful. I never thought of doing a newsletter which could be a very solid way of getting life changing ideas into print for people to refer to again and again. Keeping yourself on a positive trac daily helps when you have a community. That is an avenue I should be considering and perusing. Perhaps a podcast can be very helpful as well so people can listen on the go and jump start their day with a life altering idea or re-align themselves with a midday or evening listen. It is very beneficial that I have now discovered that the Memberful software platform has options I had not even thought of to get the Profoundly Pork Chop inspirational messages out there. More possibilities equals more life changing venues equals more people choosing good and happiness and joy in their lives.

I do strongly believe that monetizing both my videos and online store and future podcast, newsletter, and/or community is highly valuable for me and for those that contribute. If I can get a money steam going from these inspirational ventures then the kind of financial freedom that comes with that will help me to start the Center for Creative Development Wellness center that this all stems from and will be a big part of now. Eventually I want the wellness center to be grand, sparing no expense. It will be state of the art and a beautiful place for all to come to and spend some time in creating health, peace, joy and happiness for themselves there. It is a dream that will come to reality. But it does need a big chunk of money to get the real place started and for the dream to become brick and mortar. The more money I can make from getting my inspirational platforms out there in whatever form I can will be beneficial not just for me, but for all involved! Monetizing will get the motivational ball rolling. It will just keep rolling and rolling benefiting and serving more and more people as word gets out and eventually a building is formed for people to come to the Center For Creative Development.

Monetizing my passion in whatever social platform it needs to take will directly effect others as well helping me to get more avenues of help out there to people who want it and will benefit from it. I believe in paying others for their talent and expertise. I believe in paying when I get something from other’s services. I hope to do the same for myself and my Profoundly Pork Chop “brand” and eventual healing and wellness center. Money is an exchange of good will and when it is done for the purpose of creating more joy, happiness, harmony, love, health, and wealth in one’s life then it always brings Positive Change and Peace of Mind.


About the Creator

Renée Douglas

I’m a creative type who likes many forms of expression; music, art, dance, writing. I’m also into manifesting what I want in my life. I am currently creating a multi-dimensional healing center and a joy driven stress free life!

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