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Practical Guide Spiritual Healing: The Art of Letting Go

Letting go is a way of life that allows you to protect your peace, grow in your spiritual greatness, and most importantly heal.

By Daily Dose of AbundancePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Practical Guide Spiritual Healing: The Art of Letting Go
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Spiritual Healing: The Art of Letting Go

First I want to give gratitude to you for reading this article and telling you, good job. Taking any step towards health is always innovation in one's life path. Innovation, increase, elevation, and more are what we are here for. The ebb of life has created a contrast to which you have now set forth your thoughts of desire into the field of the “ether” in response too. You now know that this is your time for advancement to a higher plane of supreme vitality. Your destiny is health, your new reality is health, and your past is health...all you now know is health. As you take this beautiful moment to further your consciousness into the spaces of self-healing go forth with the knowledge that you are already healed you just have to access the doorway, connect the neuron, and find your flow.


The sooner you access the art of letting it go the sooner you will access flow. What is flow? Think of a tree being planted near a beautiful calm river and the river brings all of the nutrients the tree needs. You are the tree. To live through flow is to get everything you desire and to know that on the other side of what you don’t want is....guess what? What you want. What we want today is healing. The increase of life force creates more zest and energy. We want our cells to work correctly. We want our spiritual and spiritual aligned to the frequency of health so that our subconscious is only programmed to that. One aspect of wealth is health. Mental health slowly changes the tissues of our bodies allowing the rewriting of memories that cause us trauma and shame...release the shame and blame for the gain. You can not hold the old and expect to have room for the new.

Your body holds your anxiety and stress far longer than you releasing and letting go daily is essential as not to manifest it through your body. This shows you when your mind changes and you free yourself of the judgment that you unknowingly have placed on your conditional experience that is can heal...anything. On a nutritional level one detoxes, on a mental level one detoxes, and a spiritual level one...detoxes. Your inner represents your outer so a cleared inner that is nourished with great food and pleasant thoughts will create a reality of splendor. You are worthy of love, you are worthy of joy, and you are worthy of health. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of wealth. All of the universe’s abundance is yours and you only have to dream it.

One of the easiest ways to let go is through gratitude. Gratitude shifts your consciousness and reminds you of the abundance you truly have around you. Could you imagine that everything is working to help you live your best life ever? All you have to do is allow. Another thing that helps is being the bigger person and moving on protecting your peace and living in love. Once you have bliss…true bliss...that bliss will be all that you want because from this vibration you truly can have, do, and be anything that you desire.

Question: When was the last time you told yourself I love you? Do it now.

Do this with root chakra music as we work to heal the foundation and stabilize your emotional guidance system gifted to you by source. 

I am healed.

I am healed.

I am healed.

I am healed.

I am worthy of love.

I am worthy of love.

I am worthy of love

I am worthy of love.

I am in the source's healing embrace.

I am in the source's healing embrace.

I am in the source's healing embrace.

I am in the source's healing embrace.

The universe always provides me with everything I want.

The universe always provides me with everything I want.

The universe always provides me with everything I want.

The universe always provides me with everything I want.

I am confident in my journey.

I am confident in my journey.

I am confident in my journey.

I am confident in my journey.

I am enough.

I am enough.

I am enough.

I am enough

I am thankful for my amazing health.

I am thankful for love.

I am thankful for abundance.

I am thankful for inner peace.

It is done.

Now quiet your mind and allow the universe, source, god, matter what word you use to describe it...just understand it is there and allow it to help guide you to inner joy. Because you are worthy of it.

Angel Number of the Day



Don’t chase...attract. To chase entails desperation and that is providing attention to lack. To have abundance one must put their attention on it. Where attention goes...whatever it focuses on focus on what you truly desire...freedom...which is ultimately the true abundance.

Say this Affirmation: 12 times.

I am Abundant.

Written By and Channeled Through

King Shia


About the Creator

Daily Dose of Abundance

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