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One Decision Away

How Tiny Steps Lead to Big Changes

By Nurudeen JimohPublished 5 days ago 3 min read
One Decision Away
Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

The answer you’re looking for is right there in the room. That might sound like a bold statement, and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to avoid speaking in absolutes. Nothing in life is 100% guaranteed, after all. So why am I so confident about this? Because I truly believe that everything you need is right there with you, always.

I believe you’re always one decision away from a completely different life. When we’re stuck or lost, we don’t need some grand, miraculous answer. We need a small action, a tiny step that starts the journey. Think of it as finding one snowflake that eventually becomes a snowball and then an avalanche. Life often comes down to outsmarting our own biology, pushing past the panic or defensive mechanisms that kick in when we’re feeling down or unsure. It’s a superpower to realize that in those moments, what we need is just an arm’s length away, just a perspective shift away.

Take my keynote speaking, for example. There was a time when it just wasn’t clicking. I tried different things, experimented, felt overwhelmed. Then, I sent one email to the person who is now my speaking coach, and everything started to change. Or look at my YouTube channel. It has had its ups and downs, but sometimes, simply changing a thumbnail has made a video explode, taking the channel with it. These weren’t grand gestures; they were small, impactful actions that were always within my reach.

On a more personal note, there have been times when I felt I needed to neglect relationships to focus on my creativity and business. But when that didn’t feel right, a simple phone call, a group chat, or planning a dinner with friends would refill my emotional cup. You don’t need to have it all figured out. The great news is, you never will. You just need to start creating momentum. There’s nothing more powerful than going to bed at night feeling like you are moving toward something meaningful. Progress, even small progress, leads to happiness.

I often think of my friend’s son, Wyatt. He’s become a metaphor for that childlike instinct that solves so many problems. He reuses everything around him as he sees fit. A TV remote becomes a microphone, a blanket becomes the roof of a fort. Everything is a solution to what he needs. That’s the mindset we need: to see the potential in what’s around us.

The next step is always in the room. It might be a phone call, an email, a walk outside, a trip to the gym, cleaning your room, a social media post, reading a book, watching a how-to video, signing up for a class, or meeting someone to talk. We often overlook these simple actions that can lead us to our goals. Don’t think you need a miracle; think about creating momentum. Once you’re moving, it’s hard to stop.

Stop beating yourself up for not having all the answers. Keep moving forward. Be proud that you’re walking toward your goals. Remember, everything you need is in the room.

Life is largely about how you react to it. There’s an old story that illustrates this: A father and daughter were in the kitchen. The father put a potato, an egg, and coffee beans in three pots of boiling water. After some time, he showed his daughter the results. The potato became soft, the egg became hard, and the coffee transformed the water into something new. He explained that challenges can soften you, harden you, or allow you to create something new.

When faced with adversity, it’s about how you transform yourself and the world around you. Challenges shape us, but they also provide tools to create something meaningful from nothing.

Reflecting on my life, I see times when I was like the potato, thinking success would be easy, only to be humbled. I’ve been the egg, timid and worried about others’ opinions. But I’ve also been the coffee, shaping circumstances rather than being shaped by them. These experiences build resilience.

You have more control over your life than you think. Challenges are opportunities for growth. Don’t seek permission from others to live your life. Trust yourself to navigate through chaos and create your own path. Overcoming fear and pursuing your goals with intention makes all the difference.

Remember, you have the power to transform your life. You are stronger and more resilient than you realize. Life’s challenges are there to help you grow. Embrace them and move forward with courage and determination. Your life is yours to shape and live fully.

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    NJWritten by Nurudeen Jimoh

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