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Okay, Now What?

The Struggles of Seeing Progress

By Jewels Foster RogersPublished 5 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Maria Tyutina via Pexels

In the beginning, you have a vision. It’s exciting. You work on the details, you have all the hopes and dreams of what could happen. You create the theme, logo, designs, people you want to work with, the ideas are bouncing back and forth, and you have the plans all laid out. Then you go out and do it. You made it happen. You’re amped, telling everyone, you’re working a crazy amount of hours and you’re producing so much work, things are happening then suddenly… things simmer down and you find yourself asking, “Alright, now what?”

Just like that… the excitement from the dream wears out and the reality kicks in. The discouraging details that you didn't think of are happening. You’re not getting the outcome you hoped for or it’s not coming fast enough. You are sometimes hearing negative comments and criticism, being turned down for things or ignored. You’re taking out more money than money coming in. You spend sleepless nights juggling daytime work and working on your business. Your social life and friendships start to fade. Then you’re fighting off the feelings of stress, defeat, self-doubt, and criticisms. Then the questions kick in, “Is this worth it? How can I be successful in this? How can I make a sustainable living?”

The answer is for you to decide, but I will tell you: “YES! To all of that!” Here are some things that may help you get through it.

Be proud you made it here.

So many people don’t pursue their dreams for many reasons, but not you. YOU DID IT! Congratulations! You dug deep to take a risk. It took strength, courage, determination, integrity, commitment, skills, vulnerability, and passion. Pat yourself on the back, you badass.

Don't give up.

I know it’s tempting when you don’t see the results that you were hoping for and things are a struggle right now, but DO NOT GIVE UP! Don’t let thoughts of regrets, negativity, and doubt cloud your mind. I like to visualize a shredder and I place those thoughts in them. Then I see them, slowly shredding into oblivion. Do whatever visualization that works for you. It is so important to remain focused on your goals, your vision, and your passion. Know and support your “WHY.” Look back at the beginning and where you are at now, and recognize how far are you have come.

There will always be people who don't like you or what you do.

Yes, we all hope people love us and love what we are doing, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. This doesn’t mean that you’re a horrible person, what you’re doing sucks, and you should give up. It just means not enough people know of you and your work. There are a lot of people in this world and everyone has different tastes. Just stay true to you, your vision, and you will draw the right support.

Keep learning.

Study the business you are pursuing, study ways to make your work better, see the learning opportunities with rejections, create different things, find new tools, and stay inspired.

Make goals that lead you to your end goal.

We already know the big goal in your dream, but it's important to take some time to make goals that lead you there. Having this gives you direction, keeps you focused, and you can visually see your accomplishments. There’s plenty of good resources out there to help you with this.

Be your own cheerleader.

It’s wonderful to have support from family and friends, but really you need yourself. Find ways to cope through the stress, criticisms, and lonely times in a positive, healthy, and productive manner. Remember, you are a badass for making it this far. Look in the mirror and say things to yourself like, “You are so strong for all you went through, I’m so proud of you, you have a good heart, you make great work,” etc. I know it sounds silly, but it works.

Try to have fun.

Your dream can easily become a job and feel less desirable. Business is the foundation to make your dreams into a reality. There has to be a balance. If the business side is taking over and you're feeling less inspired with what you’re making… take a step back and have a fun, creative day. Shut off your phone, don’t go on social media, don’t think about finances, people, and the business. Just take some time off and have fun. You are the boss and you can have a day off whenever you like.


Yes, yes, and yes. You need your mental and physical health when you are pursuing your dreams. What you are doing is incredibly hard work and it takes a toll on you. You can easily burn out. Make sure you eat right, sleep when you can, take supplements, exercise, listen to positive podcasts and YouTube channels, find a mentor in your field, meditate, go to an event, volunteer at an event for a cause you believe in, do something that you’ve never done before, and spend time with supportive, positive people. Taking good care of yourself will keep your business alive. Without you, there is no business.

Be grateful.

When you're feeling stuck, it's hard to think about the things you are feeling grateful for. Think of all the support you are receiving and the people who like what you are doing. Take a moment and feel just how wonderful that is. An exercise I like to practice daily is writing about 10 things I am grateful for. This can be about your business or anything that comes to mind. It may feel silly and you may find yourself repeating things. That's okay. You'll eventually come up with more things and your mindset changes. Do this especially if you're feeling sad. It's a mood booster.

I hope you found this helpful. None of this is easy and it’s what I’m constantly having to work on.

I’m going to go now and get back to work, but I just wanted to say, again, congratulations for making this far. Love what you are doing, be proud, continue to manifest, be encouraging to others, and stay true to yourself.

And if you are hesitating in pursuing your dreams, why not take the leap? Life is too short. Create the life you want to live.

Thank you for taking a moment to read this. Love you all so much and have a wonderful day.


About the Creator

Jewels Foster Rogers

Jewels is an artist/musician in Seattle. She plays in a band called 2 Libras.

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