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Oh, You’re Unhappy?

What Are You Going To Do About It?

By HinoPublished 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago 8 min read

Life seems to have a mysterious way of doing things. Some may claim that everything life has dealt them has been a great misfortune. They don't have the job they want, they're not making enough money, and they're unlucky. I've always wondered why so many people go through life with unfulfilled dreams. Why are so many people in the world unhappy? Why do people work in jobs they absolutely loathe? Why are people that want to be rich so poor?

People will ask themselves at some point in their lives, "What am I going to do with my life? Which profession should I pursue? How can I make my life more enjoyable?". We all go through periods in our lives when we question our decisions and wonder if we made the right ones.

We begin to ask these questions and wonder, "What is my goal? What am I supposed to be doing with my life?" For some, the answers to these questions may never come. There are many people who are depressed because they don't know what their life's purpose is. They are dissatisfied.

You are not alone if you feel this way. Millions of people are still unsure of their purpose. People are unsure about what they want to do with their lives. It's okay to not know as long as you're trying to change your current reality rather than just sitting at home doing nothing. You'll never figure it out that way, and whining about your life will only bring you more adversity.

People are becoming increasingly unhappy as they age because they never got the chance to do what they wanted to do, or they believe they never got the chance. For many of us, opportunities have knocked multiple times but we have failed to see them, or we have seen them but have failed to take advantage of them. Fear of failure is one of the most common reasons why people do not take risks in life. And, for many people, the biggest problem is that they have been stuck in a job they despise for over 20 years and have simply accepted it as their life. Do not adopt this way of life.

You should be living a stress-free life where you can spend time with your family without having to worry about not having enough money to pay your bills on the first of the month.

So, what are we to do? What can people do to begin living their best lives and being content with their life choices? The answer to that question is within each of you. Isn't that a corny response? However, it is the truth. Who better to respond to that question than you?

How do we figure out what we're here for? Because it's not something that most of us get answered right away. Unfortunately, for many, it may never be answered. Why? Because they settle. They accept the mediocre job and the pitiful pay. They extend their hands and are handcuffed and imprisoned to a way of life that leads to misery. They become just another soulless person walking around, WISHING for something better to happen. Wishing does nothing but keeps you in your current state of boredom, dissatisfaction, and defeat.

Remember that if you don't have anything that you DESIRE in life, you have no motivation. If you lack motivation, you will spend your life doing the bare minimum to get by. What does doing the bare minimum get you, people?


Is the minimum wage sufficient to get you where you want to go in life? No.

Is it possible to become CEO of a company by putting in the bare minimum of effort? No.

So, does putting in the bare minimum get you where you want to go in life? No.

So, why would you settle for the bare minimum?

You'll be stuck working at a job you despise every day, wondering if there's something better out there. Or perhaps you don't. Maybe you'll just accept it as your life.

The more you tell yourself, "As long as I can provide for my family, that's all that matters," or "I'm fine with this," the faster you'll accept a life of disappointment after disappointment. This is heartbreaking to hear, but millions of people around the world have these exact thoughts every day. I'm also guilty of having those thoughts. People are trapped in a job that barely pays the bills. People become victims of a depressing reality, and by the time they realize what their lives have become, they believe it is too late to change them.

The more you tell yourself something, whether it's true or not, the more you begin to believe it is. If you keep telling yourself that you can't do something because of this or that, you'll believe it more, try less, and it'll become more REAL. People frequently become prisoners of their own minds. Your mind has been hardwired to believe that your current life cannot be changed or improved by telling yourself that it's too late or that you can't do it. It isn't possible. You can change this simply by changing your way of thinking. Repeating to yourself that you can do something at all hours of the day and night, and if you add a little faith to those words, the more you'll believe it and get it done. Of course, you'll have to put in some effort because it won't happen on its own. Take the word "impossible" out of your vocabulary.

Most people, by the time they realize they should've done more, are telling their children or even grandchildren not to make the same mistakes they did. Some accept it because they believe it is too late to change their lives in their forties. That is absurd! I consider men and women to be in their prime around the age of forty.

Why do people believe that once you reach the age of 40, everything goes downhill? Even people in their twenties are worried because they believe they should have their lives figured out by now. They believe they should have a nice house, a nice car, and be married by the age of 25.

Tell me if you didn't have a similar thought process to this:

High School Diploma

Attend college and earn a degree

Get a well-paying job

Get married/have kids

And be a homeowner

All of this BEFORE the age of 30. Some people may have succeeded, but the vast majority did not. The real question is, why do so many of us think the same way? Instead of doing what we WANT to do in life, we strive to live a mediocre life. We work so hard to get a job that we have no interest in, and the only thing that matters to us is the money. The reason for this is that we are taught from a young age that we must attend school in order to obtain an education and obtain a high-paying job in order to provide for our families. We are all victims of the devastating RAT RACE. If you don't know what the rat race is, it's an endless race to get ahead financially in life, with no time to enjoy yourself. You never get what you really want.

The goal of this writing is not to make you feel depressed or as if you've accomplished nothing. The goal of this writing is to inspire you to take the first step toward becoming the person you truly want to be.

The time has come to make a change in your life.

So, how do we determine what our mission is? How do we decide which profession to pursue?

Begin with the following two questions:

"What is it that I truly enjoy doing?"

"What do I excel at?"

Life is about being happy, and nothing beats getting paid to do something you enjoy. What is the single most motivating factor in your life? Something you're passionate about. Perhaps you enjoy writing or making videos. Perhaps you enjoy dancing or singing. Only you are aware of what you truly enjoy doing.

I've met a lot of people who have amazing talents but don't use them because they don't think they're good enough. They are unmotivated and lack the proper mindset. We live in a society where people believe they have already been beaten. That they have no chance of accomplishing their goals. With that mindset, you've already lost. I believe that in order to be successful in life, you must have gratitude, the right attitude, and the right mindset.

Gratitude: Be grateful for what you have each and every day. Even the smallest details. You feel happy when you are grateful.

Attitude: This is your approach to things. What your feelings are about something or someone.

Mindset: The collection of your thoughts and beliefs.

These are all important, but the mindset is huge. If you have the right mindset, you can have the right attitude. If you have the right attitude, you will feel grateful.

Stop wasting time and begin right away, regardless of your age. Make a firm decision about what you want to do with your life and make a plan to achieve it. Take the first step toward your goal and keep going. If you're at a loss for where to begin, use Google and YouTube. On the internet, you can find almost anything. There's no excuse because I'm sure you have a smartphone and only use it to scroll through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, or TikTok. Instead of doing that, use it to benefit you.

Decide what you want to do, make a plan, and get started. It may appear that the time isn't right, but when is? What about in a month? A  year? T ten years? No. Whether you are ready or not, the time has come. Set your goals and don't give up. Be persistent and optimistic, even if you fail! Analyze and learn from your mistakes.

Remember to have gratitude, the right attitude, and mindset!


About the Creator


Delve into chilling tales and true crime mysteries with me. Unraveling the eerie and the real, I beckon you to the darkest corners of storytelling.

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