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New Year Who Dis?

Here's to a new year! Who says we can't set our goals in April? It's never to late!

By Megan MillerPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
New Year Who Dis?
Photo by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash

Let's start off by stating the obvious..... 2021 felt a little like 2020 in the beginning. We can all agree that nothing changed. We were still "social distancing," working from home, schooling from home, and missing out on concerts and local events. Just because we flipped our calendars to a new year did not mean 2020 never existed and everything would go back to normal. However, it's been a few months, and I'm starting to see a real change. Work places are opening back up, people are eating out, and school grounds are back in session. I think it's time to really buckle down and set my goals.

The New House

Late last year my husband and I moved into a new home. For the first time in our lives, we are living and renting a house, which is amazing. I wonder if people that have been living in houses for years realizes how lucky they are. My husband and I had been apartment hopping since 2011 and we were ready to do it again until we were offered this opportunity of a lifetime. We are renting this beautiful home and I want to do so much with it. Not because it needs it, but I feel like if I replace and upgrade some stuff in the house it would be like a "gift" to the homeowner to know that I not only love living there, but willing to invest real time and money into it. There are so many things I want to do! Re-surface the pool, replace the door knobs and toilets, replace the living room carpet, and so much more. I just want to show that I deserve to live in this house. So that's my goal! I want to give it a few upgrades, show it off, and just be happy where I am.

Losing the Weight

Every year we say this... "I'm going to lose the weight this year!" And sometimes we can even say that we did it. 5 points here, 10 pounds there; but then the winter holidays come and it's all back. Well, I woke up and decided I was not having it anymore, and if you want to do the same thing, start now! With restricting my calories and carbs, I've lost 7 pounds in 6 days, while still enjoying my life. We can all reach our potential if we are mentally ready to commit. I just keep my goals in mind, which is to dance (and look good in a bathing suit of course). Start little! Take a walk, change your beverages from soda to water, cook up some chicken instead of ordering take out. Every choice matters and I'm feeling better already.

Family Time

By the time my day ends, all I want to do is lay down and watch my favorite shows to relax after a hard day. But I started to notice I was missing out on hanging out with my family. They are in different rooms, glued to their games, and here I am, doing the same thing but instead I'm watching re-runs of a show I've already watched 5 times. I want make dinner, sit down at the table, and enjoy their company. I want to go out late on Saturday nights with them and play the lawn darts at a nearby park. I want to play that "Sharkopoly" game I kept promising my son we'd play but never did. I want to take my son to archery, play basketball, take pictures....ect ect.

Do you do that too? Do you think about these things but never act on them? Well stop! Put down or turn off whatever you are doing, and do what you want to do with your family. Hang out, watch movies, play games.... just spend time with them. I've missed a lot of opportunities and my son is 11 and losing more and more interest in hanging out with the family. It's important now more than ever to use our time wisely, and I won't waste it any longer.

Friends and More Family

Are you the type of friend that says you'll text them next week about hanging out and then don't call for another month? Yeah, me too. We are all guilty of this. Hanging out always sounds better out loud, until you realize you have to put effort into it. Then it's "I'll text them next week" or "I'll just make something up so we can reschedule." Look, I know it's hard to get out of the house sometimes. I know you don't want to do it, but remember that these people that you make plans with are people that you love, and you won't always get the chance.

Recently, I made plans to have my sister come over to drop off my son's birthday gift, and just visit for a bit. I was so busy and distracted, I didn't even know it was time for her to come over, and I was clear across town. Even worse, she couldn't hang out inside until I got home because the house was dark and people were sleeping. How could I have done so poorly on this one small visit? I didn't even look at the clock all day until then. It was heartbreaking to know that she had to go home and I missed my chance to see her. Maybe I'll see her next month I guess....but that's my point! Next month?! Don't do that. Don't do what I just did. Make plans, keep plans, and pay attention for god's sake! I almost cried when I realized I screwed up the day so much.

In Closing...

The moral of the story is to share my goals, but also encourage you to reach yours. We can't waste our time anymore. So many things can happen to us and the people that we love. When I go home today I'm going to do what I've been doing a lot of recently...….. hugging the heck out of my husband and son and just being there with them. My goals, when I put them all together, is just for me to be happy and for the people that I love to be happy too. Isn't that the only thing that really matters?


About the Creator

Megan Miller

My name is Megan and I'm looking to connect with the world. I want to share my stories of life, love, and struggles so that maybe other people can be reminded that we all have a story to tell.

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