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Music To My Ears

My Playlist is Infinite <3

By Megan MillerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Music To My Ears
Photo by Marius Masalar on Unsplash

Music has always been a big part of my life. I've connected with many people in the world that hear music, but they don't feel it. The songs don't jump up at them as if they were alive. Music, for me, is like a best friend. The kind of friend that will always be there no matter what. Hard days, happy days, and all the other days in between. Music is life. But let's be more specific here. I want to share the perfect playlist. The playlist that has defined my past, and maintain my future. No matter what I am doing, I turn to certain songs and genres when I'm doing something very specific. This is a story and guide of what keeps me calm. Not just with Meditation, but with everything else. Keeping me Zen 365 days a year.

The Long Drive

I'm 13 years old, sitting in the very back of the family van. I can't even tell how long we've been on the road by now. While sitting in the back, I have the pillow to my right side, and a book in my hand. There's nothing I can really do at my age, especially in the 90s, to pass the time of long road trips. Now, let's skip to the music of choice. ENYA.

By Landsil on Unsplash

I know I know Enya is very.... cliché. Every time someone mentions Enya, they are usually referring to someone on the brink of dying and they want to listen to something relaxing before they pass. HOWEVER, Enya's harmonic melodies and soothing vocals depict the exact feeling you have when you are driving through Colorado and all you see is grass and trees for miles. Enya's approach to her music tell you that you can be excited, sad, but also calm all at the same time. Her music tells you there is magic in the road for each mile that passes you by. The next time you take a drive, turn on Enya's compilation album "The Best Of" that came out in 2005. You won't be disappointed.


You're at home on a Friday night, trying to do whatever you can to wind down from a really hard week. When you walk in the door your heart is still pumping, and your brain is still turning. It's a light switch you can't shut off. So, it's time to sit down, and take a few breathes.

By Jared Rice on Unsplash

After changing into your most comfortable clothes, it's important to sit down, and turn something on that helps relieve the stress. THE ALBUM LEAF. The Album Leaf has always been a hidden gem of secrets, soothing tunes, and their album isn't always super soft and relaxing. They are a post rock band so sometimes a track can catch you buy surprise. However, although some songs have a faster tempo, with electric guitars that take the stage and throw off your quiet time, it's still relaxing.. surprisingly. Listen to the music, take a few deep breathes, and the let The Album Leaf steal you away for at least 30 minutes. You'll feel like a new person ready for the weekend. Who says you can't relax before you relax?

The Changing Of Seasons

As Winter turns to Spring, the sudden increase of warmer weather can throw you off. Especially if you live in Las Vegas. My music definitely changes at the weather gets warmer because I'm searching for a memory.... a very specific memory. I met my husband in March of 2008. It was getting warmer, and I was listening to Country. So this is one of those things where you have to find your own preference. Just remember, when the season change, so should your music choice because it's a new season full of new opportunities. I'll always listen to country this time of year to remember all of the "firsts" I've had with my husband. The first hand shake, the first hug, and then the first kiss. It was always warm when we hit a mile stone. When I found out I was pregnant, it was early September, and it was still warm. I love, I embrace, and I am embark in the warmer seasons. So Country it is, to remember my past, and to smile towards my future.

By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Let's Wrap This Up

The best Zen playlist I can recommend is all of this. The country, the post rock, the New Age.... all of it. Don't just keep to one genre and one type. The Zen playlist will keep you calm by compiling all of the things that make you happy. So my list will include all of these types, and so much more. It'll be the music of my past that will center my spirit and keep me grounded. Music has always been a big part of my life, and it defined big turning points in my childhood. From dancing, to singing, to being in love, and to moving forward.

Find your Zen <3


About the Creator

Megan Miller

My name is Megan and I'm looking to connect with the world. I want to share my stories of life, love, and struggles so that maybe other people can be reminded that we all have a story to tell.

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