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New Year, New You


By Ada ZubaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

When Vocal opened this challenge I was excited, I started jotting down notes on how to get creative with my answer. A lot of people see the new year as a way to self-improve themselves for a better year others have goals to just make it through another year. I am not one of those people that just want to get by. I consider myself to be a fairly generous person and I tend to get carried away with my generosity. I have a hard time saying no to people and I rarely stand up for myself. Those are my faults that I am fully aware of and it is difficult to change yourself, but before the new year started I started to say no to people more often, I stopped being a push-over at work. I think it could be because of my past relationship I was often taken advantage of regularly and I really got sick and tired of it. Anyway instead of focusing on my relationships and home life I think it is time I start thinking about my future career. The truth is being 27 and still having no idea of what you want to do in life can be intimidating as most of your friends are either married, having children, or have a set career. I honestly do not have a set career despite me having a unit clerk certificate. I thought I was doing the right choice by going to school in 2018, but I was not thinking about a career at that moment I was thinking about how I can pay for my marriage and my wedding. It seemed to be the most logical thing at the time, but now I see that I never liked doing paperwork in the first place. It is time to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life.

I applied to go to school again to become a speech pathologist assistant and I am not even sure if this is something I should pursue because it means doing school again and it is exhausting doing school work and homework constantly. At the same time though, I could see myself doing very well in my classes and in my career. The idea came to me when I was bored at work and decided to try a quiz that would tell me what's the best career choice for me and in every quiz that I did there was one result that never changed and that was to be a speech pathologist. I looked into programs around the country and they all required a four-year degree in either communications, psychology, or something related to those and I was not about to finish another degree and start a master's degree afterward. However, then I came across something similar, a program called speech pathologist assistant. All you needed was a high school diploma with a few grades in Biology and English. Apparently, there are only a few schools in Canada that offer it, which might make it a higher chance of there being a job at the end. Practicum is included in these schools, which is more than what I can say about Bow Valley College where you had to pay the extra money, take extra courses, and not be guaranteed a spot for your practicum. That did not sound very promising to me in any case. I had a few interviews here and there, but no catch because of the lack of is just a never-ending loop.

Some people have goals to lose weight or change their diet to something more balanced, but I think focusing on a career and make a positive change in your life is more effective than anything. I know that staying motivated in school will be difficult, but if I do go back to school I want to be the best student there is and get high marks, get a great practicum placement, and get an amazing job either in British Columbia, Ontario or somewhere in the states. Finding a job can be very difficult, but hopefully, with the practicum, it can work out for the better. A new career can be a new you.


About the Creator

Ada Zuba

Hello fellow interweb explorers! I am Ada Zuba. I binge the Netflix shows and just recently Disney plus has been my happy place. I am a creative person with a big love for Disney movies. I hope to one day write and publish a fantasy novel.

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