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A lot of people rush into the new year with so much gusto, with a determination that is almost frightening in its intensity. They are set on making sure that this year would be better than last year in one way or the other. I have never claimed to be special. I too shall be trying my best to one-up last year.

By Nneka AniezePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Kieran White on Unsplash

Now, it is true that smoking and drinking go hand-in-hand but I beg to differ. you would expect someone that was a heavy smoker to be an equally heavy drinker and if they should embark on quitting, to stop the two habits together right? Wrong. Not me, I am a realist. I will quit drinking next year. I am not a terrible drinker. Come to think of it, I have been told that I am a cool drunk. Like I get this aura of coolness wrapped around me like a cloak when I’m drunk so why would I give that up? I don’t have an answer to that yet and when I think of the bravery it took to decide to promise to give up smoking, it is totally worth it to deffer quitting something else.


They say don’t bite more than you can chew and I try not to do that except on a really good hotdog but promising to find a life partner this year wouldn’t be considered biting off more than I can chew, would it? Then that's what I am going to do, I'm going to throw myself into the dating world like a fleshy bait and see if I don't pull in something. I shall be taking all the risks involved, doing the proverbial blind leap but I shall have a little bit of my eye showing because I’m not stupid but leap I have decided. Jump off that romantic cliff and see who will catch me. The idea makes me giddy. Onto the next resolutions of this year.

I have always felt like my apartment needed a little more life, that's why this year, I have decided to also add something huge to my life. A dog. I am going to buy a dog. I’m not buying a dog because I love animals or because I am lonely, well not completely. I want a dog because I have seen how people interact with them on social media and how friends of mine that have dogs seem to be extra full of themselves and I must admit that I am very jealous of that. I, too want to be so sure in my immunity to germs that I would let a dog kiss me in the mouth and feed of my plate. (i might not do the kissing part) As much as I am devoted to finding a life partner, a meaningful relationship, I have also decided to find something that’s going to keep me rooted to the ground into reality, to emotionally distract me when I feel like I’m drowning and to probably detect when I have cancer, hopefully in the early stages. I don’t know what kind of dog I’m gonna buy but it has to be cute. I can't stand ugly things.

So as you can see, I don’t have a lot of goals set this year. Unlike last year, I shall be dedicating this year to emotionally and habitually growing myself. Last year has been a huge emotional setback for me because I was laser-focused on advancing my career and growing myself financially that I forgot to pay attention to my emotions. This led to me expanding on my bad habits as a coping mechanism. When I am tired and exhausted from work and from worrying, I would turn to smoke and drink just like every middle-aged person, well, the average middle-aged person because not everybody smokes and drinks during hard times. My emotional strength was weakened, almost became nonexistent and I apologize to myself for that. That’s why this year has to be different. It just has to be.


About the Creator

Nneka Anieze

Hello there,

Nice to meet you. My name is Nneka, mom of one living in Windsor, Ontario. I enjoy reading a lot and have decided to try my hand at writing. Hoping to better my skills and perfect my writing skills. I hope you enjoy my writing

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