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MYOB in 2022

The REAL Reason No One Needs Your Help

By Meg Thee TigerPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
MYOB in 2022
Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

Clubhouse is the leading social audio app boasting more than ten million combined downloads on Google Play & the Apple App Store. The premise of Clubhouse is to provide a space where users from all over the world can connect with one another, share ideas, discuss varying topics, and even develop or deepen friendships.

I'll add the caveat here that there are sections of the app which can be as toxic as a contaminated zone in the cross-platform RPG Division 2—the hostile NPCs don't even go there—but, also, I've found some success-focused rooms frequented by icons in the business sector like Gary Vee and Grant Cardone where business owners, entrepreneurs, and success-minded folks gather to discuss ideas, show support, and offer advice.

Admittedly, those toxic rooms can sometimes be a downer and are the sole reason many people choose to avoid the app at all costs, believing these rooms to be the only accurate representation of the app. But I'd wager if you took the route myself and so many others have taken to search out rooms that offer the value you desire, you're guaranteed to locate a community of worthwhile rooms with like-minded people who do just that.

By Markus Winkler on Unsplash

While in one such room, with more than 1,800 others, the host unmuted himself to address his audience, "There are over eighteen-hundred people in here and less than twenty black people," he scrutinized, "so, how are we ever going to get this information?"

Reflexively, I blurted out, "they don't want your help!", while quickly checking to ensure my microphone was muted and no one was privy to my involuntary outburst. Digging deeper into the reason why I feel this way, I discovered that not only is it true that not everyone wants help but it's the primary reason so many of my beloved people of color compromise their own success and sense of peace.

This prompted more thoughts & ideas to find their way to me and, ultimately, grew to be quite reminiscent of the four-letter acronym that's been around since before I was a baby. MYOB literally translates into 'mind your own business'! So, here are 3 powerful ways you can protect your energy, peace of mind, and success without compromising your acquisition or sales goals by Minding Your Own Business in 2022.

By Franco Antonio Giovanella on Unsplash

Mind Your Own Business

Minding your own business in 2022 can be achieved first through an unerring focus on the value your particular business (products, services, etc.) offers your target audience. What does a prospect, client, or potential customer stand to gain by doing business with you?

Highlight these proposed benefits to your listenership and always follow with a strong call to action, inciting them to take positive action with your brand. An example would be a nail technician (because this is also a huge component within my wheelhouse). Nail health, naturally-derived products, no lifting, high-quality custom work, these are topics an audience interested in nails would find valuable.

If, however, I deviate from the value my business offers my audience to savor the fleeting satisfaction of expressing frustration that more black women aren't reading my blogs or booking me for their nail services... okay. You see my point. The only purpose that behavior serves is to drive potential clients away from me and funnel them into my competitor's downline.

By Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Leaders are called to a higher standard of self-control, professionalism, and elevated levels of customer service. Others look to many of us in leadership positions as a source of inspiration and although it's clear we're far from the American Standard of Perfection, giving in to urges that threaten our business, reputation, and character—especially if it consists of scolding a group of individuals who are outside of our target market—we only end up looking bad in the end.

It's imperative that, as leaders, we remain positive, calm, and controlled under all circumstances. The minute we feel an impulse to fall back into those unsavory habits, it's up to us to remember who we are. Take a step back, breathe, and re-center ourselves until we can bring our focus back to offering the value we've committed to.

Mind Your Own Audience

Identifying your target audience is key to ensuring the value you share is received well and has the impact you envision. Your target audience is comprised of those individuals who are interested in the information, services, or products you offer and find value in the relevant content you share.

Continuing with the example from above, as someone who offers nail enhancement services, it would be inefficient to offer nail health information to someone who doesn't get their nails done or has no interest in anything to do with nails. That energy and information is more appealing to someone who finds nail enhancements valuable, attractive, and interesting. This is your target audience.

When you've pinpointed exactly who your target audience is—age range, gender, social class, tax bracket, and the like—it will be easier to tailor your information so it's relevant and meaningful to this audience. Any others who, for whatever reason, do not find the information, products, or services you offer as useful are outside the scope of your target audience and are, therefore, unimportant in this regard.

By Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Mind Your Manners

These days, it's nearly impossible to find someone who is unfamiliar with the "mind your manners" concept of proper etiquette. As a child, I was taught to say 'please', 'thank you', 'excuse me', 'yes/no sir', 'yes/no ma'am', and 'may I'.

Good etiquette is largely defined by these pleasant mannerisms. Using them regularly is a quick way to encourage others to define you as kind, friendly, and courteous. As a business owner or entrepreneur who seeks to draw customers and clients to your business, it's wise to holster these tools in your toolbelt and dole them out generously.

When presenting, hosting, or speaking in a Clubhouse room—in particular if that room is packed with 1,800 pairs of listening ears—(or if you're speaking anywhere else for that matter) be "hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise" as Dale Carnegie so eloquently put it.

This essentially means show kindness to others, use your manners, exercise self-control, and step confidently into the Leadership role you were called to. Bear in mind that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Whether that abundance is positive or negative, enriching or destructive, it behooves you to be selective about what you allow to leave your mouth. After all, once you say it, you can never take it back.

By Ilyass SEDDOUG on Unsplash

MYOB in 2022 includes focusing on the value your business offers others, identifying your target audience and tailoring your information so it eases their pain points or solves their problems, as well as cultivating the necessary cognizance to remain professional under any circumstance.

One way to ensure you remain on task during a lengthy speech, even if the conversation shifts due to questions or feedback from your audience, is to always keep a written script or speech on deck. A well-written script has been the go-to option for public speaking for centuries.

TED Talks, Grammy acceptance speeches, and even the presidential address are all written or edited by top tier writers. A written speech eliminates the reliance on filler words (like um or uh) and keeps you focused on delivering the value your audience expects while remaining composed and professional, as a leader should.

Expert writers of this caliber—privy to industry-relevant language, create compelling calls to action, and worth their salt—are in high-demand by those executives, entrepreneurs, and businesses in the market for a professional writer capable of delivering executive-level compositions for public speaking events, a variety of speeches, and the like.

Visit us on the web for additional details on how you can leverage our executive ghostwriting services to deliver award-winning speeches worth remembering.

By Super Snapper on Unsplash

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About the Creator

Meg Thee Tiger

Self-published erotica short story author, blogger, and professional writer proficient in technical, creative, transcription, content, copywriting, and more.

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