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Motivation V/S Inspiration

I think that sometimes the difference between winning and losing, success and failure, is this gray line between will, passion and self-belief that says, 'I'm going to do this'

By Suresha H RPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Motivation and inspiration are two concepts often used interchangeably, yet they have distinct characteristics and play different roles in our lives. Both are essential for personal growth and achievement, but they come from different sources and have distinct effects. In this exploration, we will delve into the fundamental differences between motivation and inspiration, their impact on our lives, and how to harness their power to achieve our goals.

Defining Motivation:

Motivation is the inner driving force that compels us to take action. It is the urge or desire to accomplish a specific goal or task. Motivation is typically extrinsic or intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors like rewards, punishments, or social pressure, while intrinsic motivation arises from personal desires and interests. For example, a person might be extrinsically motivated to complete a project because they will receive a bonus upon completion, while another might be intrinsically motivated because they genuinely enjoy the work.

Key Aspects of Motivation:

External Triggers: External rewards, deadlines, or consequences often fuel motivation. It's the "carrot and stick" approach, where a reward or punishment drives one's actions.

Short-Term Focus: Motivation is usually associated with short-term goals or tasks. It is effective for achieving immediate results.

Finite: Motivation can be finite and may wane over time. When the external incentive or pressure disappears, motivation can decline.

Prone to Burnout: Over-reliance on extrinsic motivation can lead to burnout, as it may not align with one's true interests and passions.

Defining Inspiration:

Inspiration, on the other hand, is an internal process that sparks creativity, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose. It often arises from witnessing or experiencing something that profoundly moves or touches us. Inspiration doesn't necessarily involve specific goals or tasks; it's more about connecting with a higher purpose or a vision that guides one's actions. It's often described as a deep, emotional drive that transcends external rewards.

Key Aspects of Inspiration:

Intrinsic Spark: Inspiration is an intrinsic, emotional response. It comes from within, triggered by experiences, art, stories, or people that deeply resonate with us.

Long-Term Perspective: Unlike motivation's short-term focus, inspiration tends to guide long-term vision and values. It can shape one's life path.

Enduring: Inspiration has a lasting impact. It doesn't diminish as easily as motivation, as it's connected to core beliefs and values.

Fuel for Creativity: Inspiration often fuels creativity, innovation, and the pursuit of meaningful goals. It encourages thinking outside the box and taking risks.

Distinguishing Motivation and Inspiration:

To understand the differences more clearly, let's consider an example. Imagine two individuals who want to start a fitness routine:

Motivated Individual: This person decides to start exercising because they want to lose weight for an upcoming event. Their motivation stems from the external goal of looking good for the event, and they stick to their routine as long as the event is approaching.

Inspired Individual: Another person is inspired by a friend who overcame a serious health issue through regular exercise. This inspiration leads them to adopt a fitness routine as a long-term lifestyle change. Their commitment is not tied to a specific event but is driven by a deeper connection to health and well-being.

In this scenario, the motivated individual's commitment is tied to a short-term, external goal, while the inspired individual's commitment is driven by a long-term, intrinsic purpose.

Balancing Motivation and Inspiration:

Both motivation and inspiration have their places in our lives, and they are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they can complement each other. Here's how they can be balanced:

Start with Motivation: Use motivation as a kickstart for action. Setting specific goals with rewards or consequences can help you take the initial steps.

Seek Inspiration: Continuously seek inspiration from various sources. Read books, watch inspiring movies, connect with people who share your values, and expose yourself to experiences that resonate with your core beliefs.

Transition to Intrinsic Motivation: As you progress, shift from external motivation to intrinsic motivation. Find joy and fulfillment in the activity itself rather than relying solely on external rewards.

Harness Inspiration for Long-Term Goals: Let inspiration guide your long-term vision and values. This can provide a sense of purpose that goes beyond short-term gains.

The Impact on Achievement:

Motivation and inspiration can lead to different outcomes:

Achievement Through Motivation: Motivation can help you accomplish specific, short-term tasks efficiently. It's effective for meeting deadlines and fulfilling immediate needs.

Achievement Through Inspiration: Inspiration often leads to profound, meaningful achievements with a long-lasting impact. It drives innovation, creativity, and the pursuit of purpose-driven goals.


In summary, motivation and inspiration are distinct yet interrelated concepts that play significant roles in our lives. Motivation is the initial push that comes from external triggers, while inspiration is the inner fire that drives us to create, innovate, and follow a path aligned with our values. Both are valuable, and striking a balance between them can lead to a more fulfilling and successful life. Recognizing when to use each and how they interact can empower us to achieve our goals and aspirations. Whether you're motivated by rewards or inspired by a deeper purpose, these two forces can work together to shape a meaningful and purpose-driven life.

-Written By Suresha H R

successself helphappinessadvice

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Suresha H R

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