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Motivation: The Feel Good Drug

Don't do drugs people. Instead do discipline.

By Mark SmithPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Motivation: The Feel Good Drug
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Often times when an idea comes to mind, that poverbial light bulb awakens your creative juice. That one idea that can transform your business or life for the better, you hold on to that one idea and you start to go over with yourself how you can shift that idea into reality. The idea was what provoked the motivational element to kickstart new momentum into you're life. This new lease of life can get you out of bed excited, pumped and ready to tackle the day and make something badass happen. One thing motivation is good at doing is keeping you present in the moment, the past dosen't matter nor the are simply living in the now. And whatever sparked that motivation initially you are going to do you're best to cling on to it cause we all know whether we want to admit or not, the high that motivation will bring you, will simply not last. It's like catching lightning in a bottle, it doesn't happen frequently and it won't always happen twice. You have to be consciously aware that life will throw curve balls at you, twist and turns that may steer you off your destined path for awhile. When you feel like you've garnered some momentum with finally wanting to lose weight and so you make the trip to the gym as much as you can, you are visioning the type of body you want to have and imagine how healthy you'll feel once you lost all that weight but the facts are your flame will burn out eventually after taking a landslide in your journey. Motivation is a temporary feel good drug.

You wonder why do I feel unmotivated to exercise today? Why do I feel lazy? You wake up knowing you have a productive day you got to get to or you gotta get ready for a early shift at work but you just don't feel like rolling out of bed and then you start having this negative dialog going on in your mind telling you "I don't have it in me today" "I'll just let this day past me by" or "I am really lazy and lack discipline". I can tell you from dreadful experiences we've all been through this rough drought during our day. That's why whenever you become motivated just know its only temporary and just like enduring the struggle of finding that spark again because you will get to a point where you'll just except and embrace the postives and negatives of motivational drive. You'll have your 'suckass' type of days and then you'll have your 'kickass' type of days, the point is to accept both sides of your state of mind but try not to slip into the habit of not getting anything done, you have 24 hours in day...make them count. This story is not an outlet for you to make excuses for yourself and why being lazy is tolerated, even when that motivation dies down, it's important for you to develop your own way of disciplining and holding yourself accountable. At the end of the day nobody can drag you out of bed but you, the facts are it don't matter how many motivational ted talks or key notes you watch, if you're not applying yourself to your own life and not being an action-taker, you are dropping the ball. Do you wanna be the guy or girl that sits back and watch people sell you motivation all day and get excited about making changes to your life or are you gonna just get off your ass and apply those changes now instead of waiting until tommorow or next week when that feel good drug all of sudden wears off, the best way to fix that curse is to write down your daily routines and goals you would like to attain and keep track what needs to be done and set aside some time for positive affirmational rituals that keep you hungry and grounded for progression. The key is to build that disciplinary element because motivation don't last forever.

self help

About the Creator

Mark Smith

Youtuber, Podcaster, Blogger, Freelancer Writer & Putting the Lord 1st

Your attitude towards life is what's going to be life's attitude towards you.

Nature heals the soul.

I don't walk with the crowd, I walk solo dolo.


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