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Motivation Means Giving Yourself Permission to Succeed

Why we so often fall short of turning big dreams into realities.

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Are you afraid of failure? Don’t take that question as an assault to your character. You might be the most driven individual. You want very badly to succeed at everything you do. The dreams you have are fueled by motivation to see them become realities.

You’ve probably worked hard to achieve those dreams. No one can say that you haven’t given 100% in the pursuit of some goal or dream. You’re proud of how hard you’ve worked. You’ve worked through hardships and setbacks to stay motivated.

Yet for whatever reason, you haven’t gotten over that final hump. Your dream has not yet become a reality.

If you’ve been working hard for a long time, why haven’t you seen success? Why has the eventual transformation from dream to reality escaped you? Believe it or not, it might have something to do with your subconscious. As driven as you are, as hard as you work and as much as you think about achieving some big goal, you might be fighting against an impossible opponent.

That opponent is a deep-seated fear of failure.

More people are scared of failure than they are of ghosts and the paranormal! More people have a fear of failing than they do of spiders. This is the finding of a survey conducted by social network Linkagoal.

The CEO of that company is Mohsin Shafique. He says the results of the survey were very clear-cut. “Fear of failure is the number one reason people don’t set goals or try new things.” A full 31% of the people that responded to the survey expressed a profound fear of failure.

You might not think you’re one of those people. The problem is, our subconscious often works in the opposite direction of what our conscious mind decides to do. This explains why we so often fall short of turning big dreams into realities.

Are you giving yourself permission to succeed? Deep down inside, are you so afraid of failure that you stop just short of achieving the big goals in your life? This can happen without you even knowing it.

You may have experienced a heartbreaking failure at some point in your life. Often times, this is a childhood event. It wasn’t even that big of a deal in reality. But your perception of the situation was such that it had a long-lasting impact on your psyche.

The power of the negative feelings you had at that time were immense. They scarred your impressionable subconscious. This is a rather common occurrence, by the way. It keeps people from staying motivated to take action when they’re trying to create a dream reality later in life.

Use Affirmations to Reprogram Your Subconscious

Affirmations are positive statements made in the present tense. They have proven effective for programming your brain to think a specific way. Repeating them regularly tells your subconscious that this is something that’s important. It slowly begins moving away from an alternate viewpoint to this new and positive belief.

· “I deserve success.”

· “I have succeeded before. I am succeeding again.”

· “I am turning my biggest dream into reality.”

· “I embrace success and have no fear of failure.”

· “My failures are excellent teachers. I learn from them so I move closer and closer to success.”

Self-talk is incredibly powerful. It can reprogram your subconscious. This is why you must always be careful about what you say to yourself.

When you catch yourself making negative statements about who you are or the choices you make, stop. Physically stop whatever you’re doing. Speak to yourself, out loud if possible. Make a positive statement about the situation you just commented on. Tell yourself that negative thought was incorrect, and flip it. Make it positive in nature.

You really can subconsciously keep yourself from succeeding. You can unknowingly create all the hurdles and problems that keep you from turning a dream into reality. When this constant self-sabotage happens, it’s difficult to stay motivated. You see yourself continually falling short of the goal line. This can really kick your motivation in the you know what!

To stay properly motivated you need to see forward progress. For forward progress to exist, you have to get rid of your fear of failure, even if it’s subconsciously hidden from view. You can do that by using positive affirmations that keep you motivated and on the path to success.

self help

About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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