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Making Time for Life

How I'm Focusing on Routine, Goals, and Making Time for What's Important This New Year

By Samantha StGPublished 5 years ago 6 min read

New year, new me.

This is one of those basic sayings that everyone says, but few really mean. I am very guilty of this. Every year I have these grand goals that never seem to pan out.

I remember sitting through college orientation, and one of the speakers was taking about wellness and keeping yourself on your path, making small shifts in your head to keep on track. She used a great analogy: if you don't do the small things along the way to keep your life in order, eventually you'll be hit by the '2" x 4" of life'. And boy, was that true this year.

This year was absolute insanity between work, being in my junior/senior year of college, and some personal issues. Luckily, things have settled down a bit, giving me some time to reflect on the year. While there were a lot of things I couldn't control, I certainly could have done more and been more proactive about my mental, emotional, and physical health.

This has inspired me to really try and get my life together. This year is going to be another crazy one, between graduation, looking for a full time job, hopefully moving, and other things that will inevitably be thrown my way. So how do I plan on not being reactive in my life, but proactive as well? It all really comes down to one thing: Making time.

Here is my plan to keep me on track:

  1. The Big Picture: List of 12 Big Goals
  2. Smaller Monthly Goals and Plans
  3. Daily Routines to Keep Myself On-Track

The Big Things - 12 Goals

One thing I am guilty of is saying, "Right now is so busy with (insert excuses here), I'll be able to focus on things I enjoy or want to do later when things calm down." But do they ever really calm down? There is always something going on. I always push things into the future, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

To be more proactive, I made a list of twelve big things I want to do, ideally one for every month. The goal is that every month, you make time for one of these things.

Some of the goals are basic life things, like moving into a new apartment. Others are very practical things I've just really wanted to do and never got around to, like participating in a "no spend" month. And some are really fun, like take a weekend adventure, or finally make a blanket. Everyone has a bucket list of things they want to do, so set a goal that every month you will do at least one of those things.

Thinking Smaller - Monthly Checklist and Check In

Now that we have the big things out of the way, what about the small goals? The things that may not take a ton of planning, but maybe are smaller steps towards something larger, or just things you want to do. That is where the monthly checklist comes in.

First, write down a few things you want to constantly do every month. They may fall in line with your New Year's Resolution. I know one of my goals is to read more books, so one of my monthly goals is to finish a book. My other goals for the month include staying on budget, having at least one night dedicated to relaxation, and to write a monthly review at the end of the month (we'll go over that one later).

At the end of every month, make a checklist of goals for the next month. The first few are easy: they come right from the list of what you want to do every month. Then you can add other things. For example, I'm moving back to school this month after winter break, so I want to really focus on intentionally pack my bag instead of just throwing stuff in last minute. I also want to watch at least one movie on my watch list, which for some reason I always put off doing even though I know I'll enjoy it. You can also add one of your big goals your check list for the month.

At the end of the month, before you make next month's checklist, sit down and journal about what worked and what didn't. Did you accomplish your goals? How did it feel? Did you miss some, and why? Is there anything you can improve on next month or anything you want to add or remove from your list? Really take the time to review your month so that you can be more effective for the next month.

I can never remember to do things, especially things that happen infrequently like once a month. To remind yourself about your monthly reviews, schedule a day/time to work on it and set a reminder in your phone. This is another way not only to remind yourself to get it done, but also make time to accomplish this task.

The Routine - Daily Plan

Routine is something I have always had a hard time with. Sometimes I can successfully follow one for a few weeks, they my crazy schedule catches up to me and I fall out of it.

Routine can be hard, especially when you don't have a set schedule for work or school, or that schedule changes a lot. My personal plan is to start small: a three step morning and evening routine and relatively early bedtime so that I can wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to go. Hopefully keeping it simple and flexible will help me to stick to the routine, but I know the key to success with any routine is actively making time to do it constantly.

Morning Routine: Short stretch routine to help me get physically ready for the day (and when I say short, I mean less than five minutes), set a short daily goal list (three to five things so I really focus on them instead of picking a ton and procrastinating all of them), then read or study so I can get my brain working for the day.

Evening Routine: Pick out an outfit for the next day so I don't have to worry about it in the morning, then shower and other personal care, and lastly relax by either reading or working on my knitting crochet, or needlepoint. If I'm really restless, maybe do some guided meditation before I go to sleep.

As I get more into it, the routine may change. I may add things or find that some steps really don't work for me. The monthly review will be a good place to record what works and what doesn't work.

Making It Work

These goals will take a lot of discipline and hard work to keep. I think the key will be staying focused to actively make time. I considered adding a weekly task list, but I thought that may be overkill. I don't want to add too much on my plate at once, especially with this new system.

Think about what you want to accomplish this year. How are you going to accomplish these goals? Is there anything you've always wanted to do that you just haven't felt like you've had the time?

Here is my challenge to you for this new year: Make a list of some things you have always wanted to do: be it learning a new skill or taking a trip. Maybe you make a list of 12 things like I am. Maybe you choose to focus on one or two. Maybe it's a long term goal that you can set into a routine. Maybe it's a one-and-done type thing. Write down what you want to do and take the first step. Make the time to do it.

If I have to summarize my plans into one goal or resolution, it would be this: Make time for the things I've always wanted to do. Life will always move forward, we can't stop that. The trick is taking control of it and not just going along for the ride.

self help

About the Creator

Samantha StG

College Senior, Finance Student, Writer, Blogger, Nerd

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