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Looking Positive For The Future

Trying to looking positive for the future despite the Pandemic, By Richard

By Richard MabePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Looking Positive For The Future

During this Covid-19 Pandemic it's been very tough times for most of us and nothing has been easy about what's going on. Unfortunately, I'm one of them in the statistics that is unemployed in the UK because of Covid-19 and not only that I'm in the high risk category as well, so been shielding so I don't catch this awful disease.

Thought to write a story about how I have been feeling recently during this pandemic and learnt how to cope. Because like me and whole load of other people nothing has been easy, and the reality is that were heading into a brand new world.

What’s to come who knows?

Despite of what’s been going on, we all need to try and keep positive and focused with life. With what’s been going on, it's given me a chance to have a think about the future and what I want to do with my career. By trade I'm a Mechanical Engineer and did an Apprenticeship in Mechanical Engineering and worked at the same company since 2010 up to when I was made redundant.

My hobbies are Photography, Music both listening and writing, Writing Poetry (which you can see with my Vocal posts), Cooking, Travelling and Computers. Whilst been off work it has made me think, on what I want to do in the future and how to potentially reach them goals. This moment and time when writing this post, things are difficult with finding a job, but not impossible and need to keep believing that there is, light end of the tunnel.

This Pandemic has caused mental exhaustion, it's been a real strain and for the past few weeks and maybe months it was getting to the point where I don't want to do anything and asking myself "what’s the point?” Sometimes I would be feeling down and even cry and there was no reason to feel this way. But sometimes you go to bed and you’re not feeling to great, but then you wake up and it's a new day and each day is a different day. That different day was a good day, realised I have got a great opportunity to keep going and spend time thinking about what to do next. Would love a change in career, whether it's something to do with Music, Writing, Digital Marketing, Graphics or Photography. Even it's a small Apprenticeship, and yea probably set me back a little, getting back into education but the long term could be great.

Time and patience is the key to everything to achieving your steps and gaining your goals. Things can go wrong and is always good to make a plan if something does go wrong and then put the wrong into the right direction. As you make three steps forward but you have a lapse and go one step back with each three steps you make, that’s O.K. because you still made two steps forward and achieving your goals and the more you believe those two steps will become three steps forward to achieving great things for the future. Having a re-lapse is the problem, when you go one step forward but taking three steps back, for whatever reason. Don't treat it as an end of the World, step back, take a deep breath and focus and take your time to get back on track.

End of the day, I'm not the only one in this situation and nothing is easy in life and especially when there is a Pandemic. Sometimes you need to try and keep positive and keep optimistic for the future because there is light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how small that light is, keep focused and believe in reaching for that light.

Thank You

Richard Mabe


About the Creator

Richard Mabe

Hi everyone, I'm Richard from Milton Keynes in England and I've been writing poetry for many years. Also I play Guitar and Bass and even add music to my Poetry Podcasts. I usually write poems about all sort of things.

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