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Living with BPD: A BatShitCrazy Journey

What is BPD?

By Mr BatShitPublished 3 days ago 4 min read


Hey there, BatShitCrazy family! Welcome to my wild and wonderful world where we explore life with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). My journey has been anything but smooth sailing—filled with highs, lows, and everything in between. Diagnosed at 46, I am living proof that you can build a fulfilling life even with BPD. From moving from England to Australia, to raising two BatShitCrazy kids with my lovely wife Mrs. BatShit, I've had my fair share of challenges and triumphs. Grab a cuppa and join me as we dive into this BatShitCrazy rollercoaster ride!

Understanding BPD

What is BPD?

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition characterized by intense emotional swings, impulsive behaviours, and unstable relationships. Individuals with BPD often experience:

Emotional Turmoil: Rapid mood changes, intense emotions, and feelings of emptiness.

Impulsive Actions: Risky behaviours, including self-harm and reckless spending.

Relationship Issues: Fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, and difficulty trusting others.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The symptoms of BPD can vary widely but often include:

Mood Swings: Intense emotions that can shift rapidly.

Fear of Abandonment: Extreme efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.

Unstable Relationships: Alternating between idealizing and devaluing loved ones.

Impulsive Behaviours: Risky activities such as binge eating or spending sprees.

Self-Harm: Suicidal behaviours or threats, and self-mutilation.

Chronic Feelings of Emptiness: Persistent feelings of void or boredom.

Anger Issues: Intense and inappropriate anger or difficulty controlling anger.

A diagnosis of BPD is typically made by a mental health professional based on a thorough interview and assessment of symptoms. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is often used as a guide.

My Journey to Diagnosis

The Long Road to Understanding

Undiagnosed until I was forty-six, I lived through years of episodic behaviour and emotional instability. Despite these challenges, I built a life in Australia with Mrs BatShit and our two energetic boys, now 14 and 11. It was not until I hit rock bottom that I sought help and received a diagnosis that finally made sense of my experiences.

Growing Up in Keighley

I was born in Keighley, a market town in West Yorkshire. Keighley is known for its rich industrial heritage and beautiful landscapes, nestled between the Aire Valley and Keighley Moors. It’s famous for the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway, a heritage steam line featured in "The Railway Children" film, and the Cliffe Castle Museum, a magnificent Victorian mansion with intricate decorations and fine French furniture​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Welcome to Yorkshire)​​ (Pictures of England)​.

Overcoming Addiction

While I initially turned to smoking cigarettes as a coping mechanism, I have quit the habit twice and remain smoke-free. The support of my family was crucial in overcoming this addiction. It is important to note that I do not support the use of any drugs for managing mental health issues due to the potential for dependency and other negative consequences.

Coping Strategies and Real-world Applications

Finding What Works

Living with BPD means constantly seeking out strategies to manage my symptoms. Here is what I have found helpful:

Professional Help: Therapy provided tools to manage my emotions and improve my relationships. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) have been particularly beneficial.

Support System: My loving family and friends have been my rock. Their unwavering support has kept me grounded.

Self-awareness: Understanding my triggers and learning to navigate them has been crucial.

Professional Help

Seeking professional help was a game-changer. Therapy provided tools to manage my emotions and improve my relationships. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) have been particularly beneficial.

More About BPD

The Science Behind BPD

Borderline Personality Disorder is thought to result from a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. Here are some insights from recent research:

Genetics: Studies suggest that BPD may have a hereditary component, meaning it can run in families.

Brain Structure and Function: Research indicates that people with BPD may have structural and functional changes in brain areas involved in emotion regulation and impulse control.

Environmental Factors: Traumatic life events, such as abuse or neglect during childhood, are often linked to the development of BPD.

Treatment Options

While BPD can be challenging, various treatments have proven effective:

Psychotherapy: The cornerstone of BPD treatment, with Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) being particularly effective.

Medications: While there is no specific medication for BPD, certain drugs can help manage symptoms like mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

Support Groups: Connecting with others who understand the challenges of BPD can provide comfort and practical advice.

Real-World Applications

Building a Happy Home

Despite my challenges, I have built a happy home in Australia. Our family life is vibrant and filled with love and laughter. Here are some practical tips that have worked for us:

Routine and Structure: Establishing a daily routine provides stability for everyone.

Open Communication: Honest conversations with Mrs. BatShit and the kids help us navigate tough times together.

Quality Time: Prioritizing family activities strengthens our bond.

Balancing Mental Health and Social Media

Putting myself out there on social media has been both rewarding and daunting. It opens me up to criticism but also provides a platform to share my journey and help others. Here are some tips for balancing mental health with an online presence:

Set Boundaries: Limit screen time and step back when needed.

Engage Positively: Focus on supportive and constructive interactions.

Share Authentically: Be real about your struggles and triumphs to foster genuine connections.


Living with BPD is an ongoing journey of ups and downs, but with the right support and strategies, it's possible to lead a fulfilling life. My story, from Keighley to Australia, from addiction to recovery, is a testament to resilience and the power of love and support. To anyone out there dealing with similar issues, know that you are not alone. Keep pushing forward, seek help when needed, and cherish the moments of joy amidst the chaos. Stay BatShitCrazy, and let us continue supporting each other on this journey.

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About the Creator

Mr BatShit

Mr. BatShit is the whimsical wizard of wellness, turning complex psychological concepts into engaging, humorous, and unforgettable content. Mr Batshit makes even the toughest mental health topics fun and relatable.

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    Mr BatShitWritten by Mr BatShit

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