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Life Lessons from my Dog

Capturing the Simple

By Gary RathbunPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Photos by Nancy

For most of my life I have had one or two German Shepherd Dogs as pets and companions. Because of that, I am highly bias to this breed and wouldn’t want any other type as a pet. That being said, I am sure most breeds of dogs will offer the same enjoyable experiences and life lessons that I have had and continue to have.

As I have gotten older I have looked back at my life and tried to solidify some of the wisdom I have gained so that I can possibly pass it on to the younger members of the pack. In doing so I have been able to see where my family dog members have confirmed some of what I have learned.

Protect the Pack

It is important that one’s priorities remain in place at all times especially when it comes to the family. Parents sacrifice for their children but never should sacrifice any aspects with regards to the family for someone else. In other works, never sacrifice a greater value for a lesser value and what is of greater value than your family.

Sometimes protecting the pack requires one to be aggressive and possibly physical if the situation calls for it. A pack member can and will give sufficient warning before the situation escalates but is prepared to do whatever it takes in the best interest of the pack.

Exercise is Fun

Nothing like a good walk and time spent sniffing the roses, and everything else within nose distance. Chasing a ball or throwing a frisbee until you are to tired to do it anymore is great exercise but also simple mindless fun. It clears the mind and creates the endorphins needed to mitigate a hectic stressful life. It keeps us in shape to deal with any situation be it fight or flight.

Live in the Moment

History cannot be changed and the future isn’t here yet, there is only the now. We need to live in the moment. My dogs never think about the future, not their next meal, not their next nap, not the next day, only right now. The current moment is all we have control over. What is important to us…right now.

Now being human we naturally give some thought to the future. We will need to make a car payment this month and will need some food in the house etc., but we can only live and make decisions in the now. A tremendous amount of time and energy is spent thinking about the past and having regrets and wishing we would have done something different.

You cannot go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. C.S. Lewis

Naps are Good

We as adults tend to think of naps as something children do and we outgrow them or we have the attitude that naps are a waste of time and that we should be doing something productive instead. Many of the great thinkers and inventors in history were in the habit of taking naps. Naps are refreshing once you get used to them and you make sure they don’t turn into a multi-hour alternative to sleeping at night.

Take a 20 minute nap and see what happens.

Do be Shy About Giving or Asking for Affection

Nothing will melt your heart more than a fuzzy chin with puppy dog eyes resting on your arm until you scratch it for a while. Dogs are not shy about wanting to be petted and they are equally not shy in giving affection. No matter how you feel they are always prepared to give you a nuzzle and a lick on the cheek.

Likewise, they always give strangers the benefit of the doubt with their trust and attention. They are colorblind both literally and figuratively. A lesson we all should always practice. We should engage and give everyone the courtesy we would like to receive in every situation.

Always be Ready and Willing to Play

No one has ever said on their death bed, “I wish I would have worked more and played less.” All of us need to play more and I am not talking about some app on our phones or some system hooked up to our TV’s. I am talking about a stick or a ball or simply joking around with friends and family. We have lost the concept of simple and the fact that we should enjoy the simple.


Everyday I interact with my dogs and everyday I learn and/or realize something about myself. It may be the same with cats but I have never had a family member that was a cat so I have no experience. Look around you and see the simple, recapture the simple and enjoy the simple. See you next time.

self help

About the Creator

Gary Rathbun

Retired financial consultant and former syndicated talk radio host. Former public speaker and author of several books no longer in print. Amateur philosopher and avid reader.

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    Gary RathbunWritten by Gary Rathbun

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